
Denmark is offering immigrants from “non-Western” countries 100,000 Danish kroners (US$20,000) if they volunteer to give up their legal residency and move “home”. This is just one of many creative initiatives spearheaded by the anti-immigrant Danish People’s Party to make foreigners – and especially Muslims – feel unwelcome in this small European country of 5.5 million inhabitants.

According to the Danish People’s Party, a coalition partner of the two ruling right-wing parties of the Danish government, paying immigrants to leave Denmark will save the state money on social services and “problems” [da] in the long run. “It costs quite a lot to have maladjusted immigrants in Danish society,” said financial spokesperson of the party, Kristian Thulesen Dahl. Funds have also been set aside for campaigns by local authorities who wish to encourage immigrants to leave the country. The government have not yet calculated how many people can be expected to accept the offer.

Around 10% of the population in Denmark are immigrants or descendants of immigrants including from neighboring countries, as well as the rest of the world. The primary issue in politics and the media for the past many years has been the “integration” of Muslim and other non-western immigrants and the tension arising from a perceived clash of cultures. Danish politicians have created some of the most stringent immigration laws in all of Europe, and continue to score high for it in polls.

I guess that is one method.

  1. sam says:

    5.5 million people? Thats smaller than Israel! I say give peace a chance!

  2. Allan says:

    It would been more acceptable if they offered the deal to everyone. I’d love to get some Danish women immigrating into the US…

    Google “BlockAlfie”

  3. RTaylor says:

    They bought them in for cheap labor. Most of Europe now wants the see the backside of them. They don’t want the pay the moral and economic overhead for forced deportation. They have a history of such action, as well as the good old USA, Trail of Tears, for example.

  4. Brian says:

    Why would they want to miss out on the smell of car bombs?

  5. Boupierre says:

    This is something that a lot of countries do, either directly or indirectly through other policies. Essentially allows Western European countries to export part of their employment problem.

  6. pfkad says:

    Okay, I have a new neighbor from Applalachia. He has five hounds, three clapped out non-running trucks in the front yard that double as chicken coops and lets his toddlers run around naked and unsupervised. I talked to him, but he doesn’t see that he has a problem. So, I’m wrong to bribe him to go somewhere else?

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Finally the Danes realized that where muslims go, sharia law soon follows.

    Once you get used to topless bathing and weed in weed stores, you really don’t want to be told what to do by a hooded mullah who still lives in the 11th century.

  8. ± says:

    #2, I think you were joking but I am not.

    We should make the same offer to EVERYONE (citizens, not illegal aliens) in this country. The offer is, opt to permanently leave the USA and get $400,000. You aren’t ever allowed back in, even for a visit. Never. DNA test enforced. You must take your underage dependents. They would be allowed in subject to due process of immigration.

    This offer would get rid of so much scum it is almost unimaginable the positive change that would occur. I would happily pay thousands of dollars extra annual taxes for this guaranteed improvement to our country.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    wow ! now if i only i had enough money to get to denmark, so they would pay me to leave… 🙂

  10. MikeN says:

    They’ll just let them back in when they need workers to pay for their retirement.

    They should do what Britain did and deport themselves.

  11. MikeN says:

    Liberals in Mass used to buy their homeless one-way bus tickets to Texas.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Thanks to Larry Craig and Mark Foley, the anti immigrant right wing nutjobs are now catering to the gay community.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Allan – Google “BlockAlfie”


  14. Lou says:

    The message was Lou Dobbs approved.

  15. Lou says:

    It’s a better deal than Adolf offered the Jews.

  16. Mooking says:

    Wow such a great idea!

  17. Cursor_ says:

    Well I can see why the Danes do this.

    The rest of Europe had to pay them to leave in the 10th to 12th centuries.

    Word of caution though, the Danes came back for more and so will these people.


  18. ggore says:

    If that’s what it costs, it’s worth it to send those people back to the sandpit where they belong. Bringing those people in for cheap labor is the greatest mistake of this age. They want no part of a “melting pot” society and will force the host country to their “way of life” and religion by any means possible, or else.

    The vast majority of immigrants to this country are Hispanics, who don’t act this way and are glad to do any kind of work to support their families, which is perfectly acceptable in a melting pot society such as ours. The one problem it is causing is in areas of this country with large unemployed black populations, who are seeing these Hispanics come in and take jobs willingly, while the blacks continue to bitch & moan about not having a job and wanting handouts. The jobs are there but they won’t take them, and the Hispanics will.

  19. Toxic Asshead says:

    #19 – You’re right. On problem with the Hispanics though is many refuse to learn the English language and assimilate into American culture. If you want to speak foreign gibberish instead of language, please leave.

  20. Cursor_ says:

    #19 ggore

    “If that’s what it costs, it’s worth it to send those people back to the sandpit where they belong. Bringing those people in for cheap labor is the greatest mistake of this age. They want no part of a “melting pot” society and will force the host country to their “way of life” and religion by any means possible, or else.”

    Set the way back machine to 1630 and replace Muslim fundamentalist with Precisian. And you have the exact same situation.

    I am glad that we have a totally Precisian society here in the US with no other forms of religion.


  21. Greg Allen says:

    Another paradox in the conservative movement is how much they want us to be like Europe.

    Conservatives CLAIM they despise Europe (and love to give them sophomoric insults) but their vision for America is culturally European — not the diverse multi-cultural country of immigrants which has always been our strength.

  22. stagenine says:

    Do you really want the Spanish Culture to be the dominate force in the USA? Aside from the politically correct crap. You can not name a city in the USA where they have become a force to be reckoned with where the quality of life has improved, none.
    Los Angeles The Valley in particular has been destroyed with crime, drugs, gangs, and graffitti.
    Miami is yet another. 20 percent of illegal immigrants are full blown 24 hour a day criminals, rape, murder, drug running, cayoteing, and theft all part of their suffocating presence. Supported by the whole Spanish community because they share the same skin color language and that is what they lived so thats the way it is unwilling to change bull.

    Wether you are on the left that doesn’t want anything done because of your fear of rascism or weather your on the right that feeds on the illegal slave class, its totally screwing up the USA.
    We are not talking just farm labor they are undercutting what used to be good paying jobs.
    Spend time in Juarez and Tijuana and tell me thats what you want for this country.We have the highest rates of legal and illegal immigration of all time in the USA and it has to stop.

  23. stagenine says:

    Do you really want the Spanish Culture to be the dominate force in the USA? Aside from the politically correct crap. You can not name a city in the USA where they have become a force to be reckoned with where the quality of life has improved, none.
    Los Angeles The Valley in particular has been destroyed with crime, drugs, gangs, and graffitti.
    Miami is yet another. 20 percent of illegal immigrants are full blown 24 hour a day criminals, rape, murder, drug running, cayoteing, and theft all part of their suffocating presence. Supported by the whole Spanish community because they share the same skin color language and that is what they lived so thats the way it is unwilling to change bull.

    Wether you are on the left that doesn’t want anything done because of your fear of racism or weather your on the right that feeds on the illegal slave class, its totally screwing up the USA.
    We are not talking just farm labor they are undercutting what used to be good paying jobs.
    Butchers carpenters electrician helpers car repair etc etc etc.
    Spend time in Juarez and Tijuana and tell me thats what you want for this country.We have the highest rates of legal and illegal immigration of all time in the USA and it has to stop.

  24. Alex says:

    #24 stagenine: you lgnorant, ‘spanish culture’ is the culture of the people of a country called Spain (in Europe, you know). It is like saying that the US-american citizens are ‘English’ people because you speak english. Maybe you are referring to the fine ‘hispanic’ or ‘latinoamerican’ people descendants of those who founded ‘Los Angeles’ in the first place. Go back to school because right know a smart hispanic could steal your job and your wife tomorrow.

  25. ECA says:

    1. CORPS think they can run the world.
    Can they?? they cant even get everyone in the WORLD a job.
    2. the USA and EUROPE are shipping out the HARSHEST jobs to other countries. Refinery work and many others. EVEN IF you hired every person POSSIBLE. 1 person feeds 1000, 1 person caters to 1000, 1 person drills enough oil for 100,000,000..
    3. CORPORATE CIRCLE.. If everyone is employed, there is a LIMIT, of what can be sold of ANY good. Do you think CORPS understand the meaning of PLATEAU?? not any more.
    4. where do you go to get BETTER JOBS?? NOT the middle east. Corps are paying PENNIES compared to what they would in the USA, EUROPE, CANADA, MEXICO, S. America, ALASKA..
    And its not PENNIES I worry about, its a LIVING WAGE.

    WE’VE inflated our OWN MONEY. WE are willing to PAY anything for a product, so we can HAVE IT the corps raise the price, until it SLOWS.. Do you REALLy think that the SAMe product in the western communities COSTS THE SAME?? you are a fool. Generally its about 10-25% of the PRICE..NOT COST. PRICE.

    Think about people LEAVING industrialized MEDDLE eastern nations..WHY? yes there are a few reasons. WORK is a major one. another is PERSECUTION.
    how many of you could live with $20,000 for more then 1 year? 2 years?? THAT is more then they will make in 5 years, in their OWN countries.

  26. ArabmuslimlivinginDenmark says:

    I want to go back to my country and leave this shit hole, but let’s think about.. My country is Palestine hmmm that what you( the US and European )gave to the Jews and called it Israel, so there is no place for me to go back to, if you Fuck off my countries (Palestine, Iraq, and all the Muslims countries) and take aways your garbage, we will never hear from us at all, peace out.

  27. hello my name is border patrol says:

    here’s a way to get more donations, take that offensive picture off your blog!!! i also believe that this is quite racsist and has too many risks, i mean what will happen when the immigrants don’t want to leave? what are you going to do then? what if they rebel and try to kill all of they non-immigrants there? this is exactlly what hitler did sweetened. Danes aren’t better than any other race it that country. if you approve this, you aren’t better than any of the idiots that worked with hitler!!!!!!!

  28. says:

    l;ol marika deja de decir huevadas

  29. big o pimp says:

    wats up all ya lil bitches talkin shit bout Mexican or others immigrat people kum gt sum bitch azz nikka i bet ya all bunch of redneck and skin heads motherfukers. kum get sum nikka im at chicago illinois the north side bitch look 4 ME. AMERICA IS OUR COUNTRY

  30. Brandon says:

    Racist bad words! It’s a free country, people like you are what stop the world from preogressing. BTW I’M WHITE, AND SUPPORT. WORD.


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