Lord Smith of Finsbury believes that implementing individual carbon allowances for every person will be the most effective way of meeting the targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
It would involve people being issued with a unique number which they would hand over when purchasing products that contribute to their carbon footprint, such as fuel, airline tickets and electricity.
Like with a bank account, a statement would be sent out each month to help people keep track of what they are using. If their “carbon account” hits zero, they would have to pay to get more credits.
So this is where this crap is going… A microchip imbedded with a lethal drug. When you use up your lifetime allowance of Obama carbon credits, the chip interacts with the life-credit card and ends your polluting life.
Simple and fair.
“We’ve got to spread the carbon around….”
But like the Middle Ages Popes, you will be able to buy “indulgences”. If you have the cash.
How much do you want to bet Lord Smith of Finsbury has ties to the company will manage and maintain this carbon credit scam?
Oh and I’m sure he’s friends with Al Gore too.
And, what are the odds that MPs will have a much higher allowance or none at all?!?!
Who would get the money? Follow the frakking money.
This isn’t just the idea of one nutcase. A German official (I don’t remember his title, but he was Minister of something or other) said the same thing to members of our state legislature last year during a dinner. Two of the state reps conveyed the story to a group of us (industry reps) during a meeting on the Western Climate Initial (a cap and trade brainchild of Governor Arnold). This minister said that within two or three years, all Europeans would be issued their carbon credit card.
Let’s just take this to it’s logical conclusion: at birth, everyone gets issued a “life allowance” of 40 years. If you die or get killed before you’re 40, you can leave the remaining allowance as part of your estate.
If you want to continue living past 40, you must purchase “life credits”, which can be purchased from Al Gore, or on a “life credit” exchange. You can also sell or use your life credits as collateral. But if you run out of life credits, you have to go to the Death Panel, run by Sarah Palin.
Now this might seem like a ridiculous plan, but can someone explain how it is any more ridiculous that carbon trading?
So I’ll have to father 20-30 children just to collect enough carbon credits to buy fuel for my Gulfstream G5 bizjet? (editor: feel like posting a pic?)
Sounds like a plan. Of course the mothers of these children will come from the third world so that I can collect double credits on each child they produce for me.
While we are at it, why don’t we institute evil eye credits for the number of times you are allowed to give the evil eye to someone? We could institute credits that would cap the number of times you can walk under a ladder. I’m sure we can think of all kinds of better credits for the superstitious.
He’s an idea the liberals would love. We can simply force everyone to work for free and claim that their entire life’s earnings are carbon credits for their existence.
#2, bet on it! #3, to be sure. The only people this will hurt is the poor and it will do absolutely nothing for the environment.
This ‘lord’ seems like the a joker that comes out of a P.G. Wodehouse novel.
Really, I mean…Does this guy just need something to do? Have the Queen make him lord High of the Privey (Closet)
Cool, a new way to tax. Just what the world needs about now, too. That’ll fix ‘er right up.
And I say that planting the world’s politicians 6 feet deep would do the same, dead or alive.
Another regressive tax called something else.
Why don’t governments just tax waste producing industries and give that money to cleaner industries? This would create a balanced carrot and stick; it would also cost the government nothing.
Getting investment banks involved in this is lunacy. Just think, maybe Enron can be resurrected too. They would be perfect to help run the exchange. What could go wrong?
The price of pencils just went up.
From Wikipedia “.. in April 2004 he was elected as the Ramblers’ Association President.” http://bit.ly/mNeOC
Sounds fine to me, so long as people who don’t use up much carbon are free to sell their carbon allowance. I don’t have a car (never needed one) and I should be allowed to make a profit out of that.
However its still a freaking stupid idea.
This is why certain people believe in global warming to begin with, the quest for power.
It’s a great idea.
For instance, excessively polluting the environment by hauling your fat ass to the mall on a Hummer should not be free.
Dallas noted: “For instance, excessively polluting the environment by hauling your fat ass to the mall on a Hummer should not be free.”
It isn’t free. The fat ass must pay more for larger clothing, more groceries, and higher health care bills. The Hummer requires fill-ups every 3 miles or so.
That individual does pay more, in every way, already.
I don’t think you mean that, though. I think you want to see the fat ass be punished in some manner for co-existing with you. Is that it?
#20 – why not? It’s called freedom to actually live a good life.
What the ecotards are really saying is “we think X is going to ruin you life, so to prevent that, we will go ahead and ruin your life ourselves.”
If you look at any “carbon footprint calculator” with an unbiased eye, you will realize it’s really a quality of live calculator.
#20 Asshead, I have nothing against “good life” living. In fact, I enjoy lots of ‘toys’ that our society says we need to live the good life and I like your calculator example.
The point is (which you discount)is shitting inside our little shared air bubble we call earth is also worth considering.
I’m sure we can both shit in here for decades until we are dead, but somehow I have a moral obligation to future generations. I say, we put limits as to what passes for reason. Note we can’t dump toxic pollutants into our rivers even though that IPOD you have makes you look hip. It’s a good tradeoff, no?
#23 – I agree there are things you have to pay attention to, however without urban sprawl and SUVs there is no life. Cities are no place to live and mass transit is for cattle.
(No iPod here, I despise Apple for many reasons. 😉 )
Britain never really got past rationing. This is just another extension of that weak mindset that continues to have the best and brightest leave, and get backfilled with entitlement junkies and Jihadists.
It’s basically a theme park now, and as they crank up the carbon tax penalties they’ll kill tourism which was their last external revenue source.
Why don’t wasteful government entities start WITH CONTROLLING their OWN carbon emissions?
You know … lead by example, accountability, etc.
I bet the governments of most countries waste on par with their entire citizenry.