Catchy tune, if a little disturbing.

You can also listen to this: Billy Joel – Goodnight Saigon

  1. interglacialman says:

    That video is so bad on so many levels I couldn’t make it to the end. I did like the picture of the A1 crushing some poor Arab’s car though.

  2. Team America says:


  3. Toxic Asshead says:

    What’s disturbing about it?

    [Ed. – A song that talks about rivers of blood and greasing the wheels of tanks with the guts of the enemy is not disturbing enough for you?]

  4. Jason says:

    I think one thing that we have all become a little forgetful of is that an army is for fighting and that means killing. You do not send your army in with any other intention but to win.

    There are certain rules of combat that should never be broken but overall, war is war. People fight, people die. I, for one, would like to know that my army is trained to the teeth such that it is as scary to release it as it would be to unleash a fight dog trained pit bull.

    War would be a lot shorter or a lot more decisive if this were the case a little more often.

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    Actually the guts/grease line is from the movie Patton. The song itself pretty much sums up the intent of a standing military, which is to kill people and break their stuff. Its also not as crude or explicit as some I have head. Every job in the military is to either kill or provide support to those who do. During the late 70,s through the 80’s and 90’s many people joined the military to “get money for college.” The military pushed the idea for better or worse. During desert storm the media interviewed a number of personnel who were now suddenly surprised they had to go to war. Did they not read the fine print. If you cannot wrap your head around the fact that you will be responsible for killing another human being either directly or indirectly do not join the military.

  6. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    Yep, take a know nothing high school drop out with no options, put him in this environment for a few years, put him overseas, then bring him back/discharge with little to no emotional/health support and wonder why a too large number go postal/suicide.

    “But we love and respect them.” ((To paraphrase that great man.))

  7. AdmFubar says:

    #6 you have to love the ignorant and the duped, patriotisaim is the one hell of a con game

  8. RTaylor says:

    The vast majority of people want neat answers in black and white. This has always been true. There are few questions than can be answered simply, and those are usually not worth asking.

    You’re sending kids off to combat, of course indoctrination is necessary. They have to believe in themselves and their fellow warriors. War is a direct result of human civilization and limited resources, and always will be. Of all people a European should understand this. The human specie has not evolved in 70 years.

  9. Alf says:

    Is the “God” in “God and country” referring to the prince of peace?

    The video should have been a bit more fair and balanced by including soldiers on the ground with their guts next to them.

    This song was made by either someone like KBR who wants to profit more than they have already or by someone who is naive enough to believe war is good.

    This was not a warrior’s song.

  10. SparkyOne says:

    My government had best recall that they taught these men and women to kill and that supporting them is the best method to keep them from turning on their corrupt government.

  11. chuck says:

    Needs more Britney.

  12. soundwash says:

    This is a [stealth?] recruiting video, plain and simple.

    not to mention Mr. O’s “million man civilian army -“trained/equipped as good as the military” that needs to be built up in a hurry to enforce his new and improved “government intrusion” empire. -and ofc, to help all the hapless souls that live on the coastlines survive “pole-flippyness syndrome” (should be called “planetitus rotatus againius” syndrome) -or simply, “it’s that time again..get a helmet”

    -anyway…the vid…perfect timing to go viral as a few million more people will need to go “somewhere” after the x-mas layoffs..and hey, why not get them to help pay their own way while they are at it..


  13. bubblegoose says:

    I have seen the picture of the C-130 firing flares (1:55 in) used as proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists and that he is a vengeful god.

  14. Mr Anderson says:

    War is Hell.

    If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

  15. gumchewr says:

    My first reaction was that I was stirred. The macho in me began to rise. Then I noticed the pictures were all positive — smiling GI’s, big guns, fast planes, etc. Where were the battlefield casualties? I thought the professional warriors’ job was to end war. This video and song glorifies war. War is great fun to watch in the movies or on TV. It’s interesting to study from a book or almanac of war. Ask a casualty of war if it was fun or glorious….

  16. Jägermeister says:


  17. the Grim Peeper says:

    I thought having Armed Forces was about being able to defend your country. Having the biggest stick means not having to use it, unless someone else goes looking for a big stick, then you better hit them before they hit you, wait a minute, they had no sticks.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #9-Alf-The video should have been a bit more fair and balanced…

    They could have added a Barry Manilow track, would that be fair and balanced enough for you?

    The idea is to build morale not Obamafy it.

  19. Lou says:

    Tune needs work.

  20. DJ says:

    #6 oooooo Bobo, you’re such an ornery little bitch! You’ve gone and made all of us stoopid military guys all upset! We hope you like this video even better…


  21. Jewls says:

    Where can I find this download….Love the song

  22. Dear soundwash:

    you said: “This is a [stealth?] recruiting video, plain and simple.”

    I just wanted to tell you that you’re wrong.

    First, it isn’t “stealth”, it’s posted on YouTube.

    Second, it isn’t recruiting video, its a morale-booster-for-the-military-and-scare-the-shit-out-of-our-adversaries video.

    Its a pretty simple equation:

    High Military Morale + Frightened/Deflated Adversaries = FEWER OVERALL CASUALTIES.

    Take away your enemy’s will to fight and less men will die.


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