Lauren Johnson is a typical 12-year-old girl – except that she can’t stop sneezing. It is so bad that she sneezes up to 20 times a minute, or 12,000 times a day. The non-stop sneezing began two weeks ago when Lauren from Virginia in the U.S. caught a cold.

Lauren can’t go to school and is even struggling to eat. The only relief she gets is when she falls asleep each night. Her condition has left doctors baffled.

  1. Bob says:

    Poor girl. I have allergies, and before I started taking medication, I would sneeze 12-15 times in a row, every 20 minutes or so. To say the least, it was hell. Not only did the sneezing, but the headaches caused by the constant sneezing as well.

    Hope they can find whats wrong with her and fix it.

  2. Personality says:

    Simply way to fix that…

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    The answer is simple: Botox inside her nose.

  4. mcteapot says:

    give her some bud, I bet that shit is mental…

  5. soundwash says:

    Military Test procedure #287-31A in a series.. “the sneeze ray”


  6. Fat_Anarchy says:

    The sneezing doesn’t appear to be physiological, as in, it doesnt seem to be a reflex from nasal irritation.

    It seems to be psychological if you ask me. I would say she has developed tourettes syndrome, as that is about the age it develops in people, and making this sneezing noise is her tick. I have tourettes and would go through phases of throat clearing constantly, or making a simular sneeze sort of noise.

    Its not as bad anymore, but was quite bad when I was younger.

  7. eaze says:

    shes faking it!

  8. Sancho Panza says:

    Heard about this girl during my commute this morning. They said the sneezing stops when she falls asleep. Poor kid.

  9. The DON says:

    Obviously faked – they explain that on the interview. Most likely not intentional on the girls part.

    The elephant in the room is “What on earth happened at the sleep-over?”. This all started following that.

    I am surprised however that no-one has suggested that if she had taken the swine flu vaccine, this most likely wouldn’t have developed. LOL

  10. chuck says:

    sneeze. sneeze. kill me. sneeze. kill me. sneeze. sneeze. kill me now. sneeze. somebody please sneeze kill me.

  11. FRAGaLOT says:

    It seems very fake… unless she’s so tired of doing it she doesn’t try to stifle the sneeze like most people do when they feel one coming on.

    It still seems she’s forcing an awkward noes blow, she doesn’t close her eyes, the “sneezing” stops when she’s a sleep, so it’s not an involuntary sneeze.

    Real sneezes would eventually become painful after a day or so; if it’s been two weeks I’d want some pain killers.

  12. McCullough says:

    Wow, that would suck.

  13. algore says:

    just put her to sleep

  14. Bob says:

    #11, to be fair, how times do you bother to stifle the sneeze? The first 100 times? What about the next 1000 times? Would you consider to stifle your sneezes after 10,000 times every couple of seconds?

    No, considering its not effecting her when she sleeps, its probably is psychological related, but really I don’t believe she is faking it. I don’t want to back seat doctor her, but the doctors should probably be looking towards the mental aspect, perhaps their are some treatments that may work in her case.

  15. Dallas says:

    Poor girl. She would be a candidate for Palin’s Death panel if Health care passes.

  16. Raff says:

    That sounds like no real sneeze I’ve ever heard.

  17. Hmeyers says:

    This will be discovered to be fake and a ploy for attention.

    Just wait …

  18. Father says:

    I learned to stop myself from having hickups when I was very young. I can bring on seasickness, but have a difficult time stopping it. These skills are wierd, in that I have to concentrate is a specific way, sort of like moving the location of where in my brain I’m having thoughts, to make these tricks work.

    She needs to do something similar.

    I haven’t had too much success controling my sneezing
    attacks. The simulus is too powerful.

  19. hhopper says:

    Cripes! With the force that I sneeze with, my head would have exploded if I sneezed that much.

  20. Jägermeister says:


  21. Faxon says:

    Can’t somebody get the kid a damn box of Kleenex? Her sleeve must be sopping with goo.

  22. lion-o says:

    have her do a couple lines of coke and she will be fine. I think this is a scam. Some girl who wants publicity or her own reality show those sneezes seem very fake to me.

  23. Faxon says:

    Er, in her case, a pallet load of Kleenex.

  24. bobbo, words have meaning AND a context says:

    WD-40 works on everything that sticks. Just give it a quick spray and wait 5 minutes.

  25. eaze says:

    #2 LOL, they need to do a JCD remake of that

  26. Glenn E. says:

    You have to wonder if this wasn’t her way of getting out of school for a while? Or if the family wanted media attention so badly, they resorted to this? First “balloon boy”, now “sneeze girl”. What’s next, the kid who can’t stop hopping on one leg? Does the news media just drop everything else of any import, to find these minor interest pieces involving young kids? There are young people dying in wars, car wrecks, and famines, all over the world. And this is what they’ll cover. Little Miss Sneeze a lot. She can’t even make the Guinness book record, because she quits at night.

  27. Boogerred says:

    ..Nothing to Sneeze at..

  28. Barack McCain says:

    I have this same thing, except I can’t stop farting. It’s not so bad, I get the back of the bus all to myself, I don’t worry about company dropping by unexpectedly, and I don’t need to get the jacuzzi repaired. Only problem is that once every 100 or so times, I shit my pants.

  29. amodedoma says:

    Had this happen to me with hiccups once. Fortunately it happened just before a visit to the proctologist for a prostate exam. I found having a finger up my ass was uncomfortable yet therapeutic. Perhaps the kid should … oh, nevermind!

  30. Daniel says:

    I say she’s faking… look at her “sneeze”.. she’s making a sound with her mouth.. like you would make a farting sound.. it’s not really a sneeze!


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