And what’s the point of this horsecrap?

Another Media Black Eye: Second Cop — Not Kimberly Munley — Brought Down Fort Hood Killer — Gee, who would have thunk it. If you have been listening to No Agenda we were skeptical about the original accounts from the beginning including the story about this woman. How much BS is the public supposed to take?

With the publication of an interview with Sgt. Mark Todd, the actual cop who gunned down the killer at Fort Hood — following its account of an unnamed eyewitness last night–The New York Times this afternoon finally underlined what some of us noticed from nearly the start: the media fell hook, line and sinker once again for a military account of what happened during the tragedy.First, it was the “death” of the apparent mass murderer, Major Hasan, not corrected for hours. Then, for days, the story of how a white female cop brought down the shooter, even as she was receiving serious wounds.Yet I noticed–without great searching–just hours after the attack that scattered eyewitnesses, via the Web and Twitter, were saying that the killer re-loaded after Kimberly Munley went down.How could he have done that if she had just plugged him four times, supposedly ending the rampage? Some of those witnesses said they yelled at the unnamed second cop to shoot Hasan–which he did, and then went up and kicked his gun away.

Found by Heinrich Moltke.

  1. Personality says:

    You mean the little American WHITE girl didn’t take down the big bad TAN terrorist?? WTF? This is America!

  2. Stinker says:

    🙂 Poor girl, now all the attention will go away. Though I’m sure she new it, but wisely didn’t say anything.

  3. SparkyOne says:

    Government, press, financial institutions, none of them.

  4. Improbus says:

    Does she get a reality show as a parting gift?

  5. Mojo Yugen says:

    So even after being lied to about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman the media still gobbles up whatever the military feeds them?

  6. gal416 says:

    Yeh, I read this on Huffpo yesterday. In defense of the “MSM” (with the exception of Fox), I thought they did the best they could with what they had to work with at the time that the story was breaking. If the guy who wrote this blog had the correct story early on, why didn’t he come forward or anybody else foe that matter. I just find bloggers with 20-20 hindsight annoying.

  7. chuck says:

    News report this morning says that Hasan is paralyzed. Assuming this report is as accurate as the other reports, I think it means Hasan went jogging this morning.

    On a lighter note, I suggest that Hasan be more permanently paralyzed, then stuck in a box and put underground for an indefinite period. I don’t mind if he’s not dead yet.

  8. RBG says:

    I recall reading about a second officer actually shooting & stopping Hasan shortly after it happened. It was buried in the story but still managed to get my attention. I’m guessing it was an NBC online story because I thought they were producing the best coverage at the time. Wish I had saved the reference but I’ll go have a look in the archives.


  9. RBG says:

    Here’s a source I dug up; a November 8 story by a US military mouthpiece, The Stars & Stripes:

    “Munley moved around the corner and saw a wounded soldier running toward her — away from Hasan, whose gun was trained on him again. Munley fired two shots.

    Hasan wasn’t hit.

    He spun and turned his attention to Munley. He shot her in the wrist and arm and she fell backward.

    “Then it became a close-quarters battle,” Medley said.

    Hasan charged, firing all the way, and Munley returned fire from the ground. Mark Todd, another civilian officer, rushed up the hill and began firing at Hasan. Both he and Munley connected.”


  10. RBG says:

    LA Times 7 Nov.

    “Todd, who had become separated from Munley, saw that she had been shot. Hasan was 15 yards from him, Todd told CNN, “standing there hiding behind a telephone pole waving his weapon, firing it at people.” Todd said Hasan saw him, calmly pointed and shot. Todd couldn’t see a weapon — only a muzzle flash — and fired back. Hasan, who by then had allegedly shot 100 rounds, fell.”

  11. gal416 says:

    Instead of having breaking news, the media should wait six months before it’s released so that it can be properly fact checked or manipulated.

  12. RBG says:

    NBC Nov 7, 2 days after.

    “There has been confusion since Thursday’s rampage about whose bullets actually brought down Hasan, who was shot four times. At first, Munley’s supervisor said it was her shot to Hasan’s torso that leveled him, but Army officials would only say that an investigation was under way.

    Munley was down by the time he engaged Hasan, Todd said. He wasn’t sure if Munley had wounded the suspect, because “once he started firing at me, I lost track of her.”

    Todd said he fired his Beretta at Hasan. Hasan flinched, Todd said, then slid down against a telephone pole and fell on his back. Todd says he then heard bystanders say “two more, two more.”

    At first he thought they meant there were two more suspects, but realized they were urging him to fire two more rounds at Hasan, thinking he was still posing a threat.”

  13. Dr Dodd says:

    Hasan paralyzed from the waste down. Guess he won’t be needing another lap dance or 72 virgins.

    Sometimes justice does have a sense of humor.

  14. Dallas says:

    President Obama brought down that killer. Thank you Mr President.

  15. The Watcher says:

    bHo probably SENT that killer…. Notice that the “grassroots” anti-Nobamacare demonstration in DC that day was nearly unreported….

  16. brm says:

    Why wasn’t she like, “hey it wasn’t me.”

  17. RTaylor says:

    Just how many of you would have stepped into this rampage with a pistol making you the primary target? It’s not her fault the press got the damn facts wrong. God dammed easy to make comments when the close you’re come to death is a damn video game.

  18. Jetfire says:

    John, It’s not just the media’s fault it’s also our fault the public. We want to know everything now and think it’s a NCIS show. If you watch the press conference right after the shooting. It was the media leading most of the questions. The base commander would confirm some of it by saying that’s what I was told but please wait for the investigation to be completed. Most of the info is from leaked sources, so they may not know the whole story.

  19. soundwash says:

    I originally posted in DU’s first report of this that military press releases never reveal the truth.

    -it is a time honored tradition that history proves more and more each day..

    Obviously this story is stuck on “spin-cycle” given the wild iterations of it that have bubbled up via the MSM propaganda machine

    -and of course, the main Info-Disinfo Subcontractor, -The Net itself.

    This was spun in part, to “re-intsall” the [waning] hate for Muslims back into the minds of Americans.

    Given that news recently broke that we are going ship Guantanamo Bay 9/11 suspects to NYC for trial, -AND, the big push for the new “domestic terrorism” threats, i think the timing and story is impeccable.

    -you know, gotta make sure we remember the correct race/ethnicity to be angry at when the real fireworks begin stateside.

    ie: “never” -forget.

    -classic mind game.


    That thought aside, i ran across so many iterations of the story in the MSM news and on the net, it made my head spin.

    Then i started running across this steadily growing version, -which comes very close to making sense of [and substantiating] the very first MSM reports of “Three Gunmen” Or “Multiple Gunman” causing the carnage.

    You do all remember those, yes?

    Anyway, this version matches up with a lot of recent memering of many soldiers in opposition to what is going on in the pipeline, esp stateside operations and/or the constitutionality of orders etc.

    Take a gander at this version:

    Two US privates John Smith and John Henry had been seeing a military psychiatrist major Hasan at Fort Hood for a few weeks. Both privates said they were completely against the war of oppression in the middle east and would refuse to report for active duty if ordered to do so. So the army put them both in therapy with Dr. Hasan. After more than five weeks of therapy both Christian privates were called to go to Afghanistan. Both privates warned they would not go and they would defend themselves with force if the army tried to force them to fight in a war they believed was morally wrong.

    Yesterday fellow soldiers tried to surprise the two conscientious objectors but the privates were prepared and killed 12 soldiers who tried to force their way into the privates’ barracks at Fort Hood.

    During the mêlée their psychiatrist major Hasan, tried to talk the two privates into surrendering but he was shot twice.

    Finally both privates were overcome and killed. Their psychiatrist major Hasan is in hospital recovering.’

    To me, that is a version in need of desperate spin, for which the now official story, is the perfect patzi. [and match]

    (Note: there is a longer version of that story in many cases that adds speculation, but that part is a constant)

    To find most all websites with that [growing] story located somewhere in it, type the following in a search engine, and be sure to put in “quotes”

    “Two US privates John Smith and John Henry had been seeing a military psychiatrist”

    Google yielded: 159 hits, Yahoo, 81 hits, as of November 13, 2009 11:11pm EDT

    I found a blog by Michael Hoffman that does a timeline on the changing MSM news reports that on the surface is somewhat accurate (at least from the accounts that i know of that changed) -he provides links as well.

    Linked here.

    Make what you will of all this.

    Final: My heart goes out to all those at Ft Hood.

    That this event and story is being spun for profit six ways to Sunday by the Mainstream Media and their handlers, is in my opinion, the real tragedy in all of this.


  20. mr. show says:

    At least SOMEONE shot the terrorist bastard…too bad they were not a better shot or he’d be in the morgue.

    Anyway, I’m thankful that someone took him out or they’d be more dead.

  21. RBG says:

    #20 Soundwash.
    Just a wild guess: You also believe multiple gunmen shot JFK; the moon-landings were a hoax; 911 was orchestrated by the Jews & Bush; we are being monitored by aliens from another planet.


  22. chris says:

    She was just like Jessica Lynch, guns ablazin’ and all.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    Managed news. Or what I call, “News Theater”. A pretense at covering the news. Mostly, they’re just reading prepared scripts, the gov’t has provided. And nobody is actually investigating anything. So they go all ape crap over this story and “balloon boy”, before the full facts are even known. But don’t dare speculate on what’s wrong with the war in Afghanistan, until they’re told they can. And what they’re allowed to say. Meanwhile, it’s probably become another sink hole of taxpayer money.

  24. mark says:


  25. Uncle Patso says:

    Who is that guy in the photo? Is that a SENATOR? (Sessions, R-Alabama?)

  26. Uncle Patso says:

    I find it neither surprising, nor overly disturbing, that there is much confusion surrounding such a chaotic event, or even that some amount of confusion is ongoing.

  27. Uncle Patso says:

    # 26 Uncle Patso said:

    “Who is that guy in the photo? Is that a SENATOR? (Sessions, R-Alabama?)”

    I answer my own question: no, it’s Defense Secretary Gates.


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