Telegraph UK – 11 Nov 2009:

Fewer than one in eight British men (12 per cent) and just three in 20 women (15 per cent) who have applied to have been accepted as members.

Existing members of the website rate how attractive potential members are over a 48 hour provisional period, when applicants upload a recent photograph and a short personal profile.

They are rated by members of the opposite sex, who have four options to describe how attractive they think the hopeful is – ‘Yes definitely’, ‘Hmmm yes, OK’, ‘Hmmm no, not really’ and ‘NO definitely NOT’.

Swedish men have proved the most successful applicants, with two-thirds (65 per cent) of those putting themselves forward being accepted.

Norwegian women are considered the most beautiful with more than three-quarters (76 per cent) making the grade.

Since the website was opened to UK members 295,000 people have applied, with only 35,000 being approved.

The website was founded in 2002 in Denmark and since then it has spread to other countries – becoming available in the UK in April 2005.

The ‘elite dating site for beautiful people only’, went live across the globe on 26 October this year. Over the past two weeks, the site has rejected nearly 1.8 million people from 190 countries.

Yeah, I realize Mike Myers is Canadian. But Austin Powers is a British character, so he stays.

  1. bobbo, a cunning linguist says:

    Elizabeth Hurley

  2. bobbo, a cunning linguist says:

    I went to website. After signing up for a membership application, you are sent a form/link that I cannot get to open. THEN I was allowed in as a guest.

    Most folks there are under 30. Computer and Internet group was composed of 8 guys.

    Looks like the babes are into tatoo’s and raves.

  3. Fat_Anarchy says:

    I’m a British man, and I am pretty sure I would not be accepted in this website. The ironic thing is, when I went to Sweden last, I hooked up with quite a few of the good looking Swedish women, and fared better than the native men there. When I asked a couple of the women why this was, they said that because I was different (i.e, foreign) it made me more unique. Also they complained that the native Swedish men were boring, whereas I didn’t care how I looked and showed them a good time. When it comes to attracting women, looks arent that important.

    The only other thing to consider is that since this website was originally in Denmark, the majority of people on it will be from that area, where their criteria for beauty is different. In Scandnavian countries, good looking is seen as quite fair skin, with usually blonde hair, blue eyes, etc. In Britain, slightly more rugged men are found appealing. Guys with shaven heads, and darker skin, tattoos, etc.

    Also, look at the number of Hollywood “hunks” who are British. Christian Bale, Clive Owen, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, all the James Bonds, etc.

    That being said. Some of the British women over here are atrocious. I will hands down admit that. Its why I tend to hook up with foreigners more. There are a few “english roses” though.

  4. sargasso says:


  5. Rick says:

    While Austin Powers may be British, it isn’t as if there aren’t plenty of alternatives. I think this photoshop of “Mrs. Bean” would be more appropriate from a comedy standpoint.

  6. Austere Powers says:

    I was in the Netherregions and had an Amsterdam good time. We played army, and she blew the hell out of me. You gotta have mojo babe, yeah.

  7. LibertyLover says:

    Fiona McDougall

    I went to Scotland once. She complimented me on my sporran.

  8. catfud says:

    All I think this proves is that the British are more optimistic (ie. in denial) about their looks.
    Anyway, the uglies (eg. me) will be 2010’s big thing, mark my word! Beautiful is boring (I’m British btw :p)

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I recognize Myers but who’s the guy in the wig?

  10. chuck says:

    And it gets worse when they start talking!!
    Bloody ‘ell.

  11. Special Ed says:

    The drag queen at the bottom is really hideous. That thing would scare a hungry bulldog off the back of a meat truck.

  12. Ralph says:

    On a related note; Americans are the biggest assholes in the world.

  13. Rebuttalman says:

    #14 But not as big as you!!

  14. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #14 – Ralph, I can only assume by your response that you are a British woman?

  15. PeterR says:

    #4: In Scandnavian countries, good looking is seen as quite fair skin, with usually blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.

    My blue-eyed natural blonde Spanish gf was told by a hairdresser in Amsterdam that the fashion among Dutch women was to dye their blonde hair dark. And it seemed to be true — there were very few blondes about. Go figure.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Peter,

    I noticed here in the Mid-West most of the blonds like to dye their roots dark. Go figure.

  17. Jess Hurchist says:

    I’m a Brit and I’ve often thought the same thing when I’m abroad. I think the problem is compounded by poor dress-sense when compared with the French/Italians/Germans – don’t get to see large numbers of other nationalities.
    We are a mongrel race and proud of it.

  18. LDA says:

    Naomi Campbell, Jude Law. David Beckham, Diana, Cate Moss etc.

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “I wish everyone was pretty like me.” ~ JCD

  20. soundwash says:

    I was over there in the 80’s.

    -i would have to concur.


  21. Katrinaaa says:

    I am only 18 and i went out with a ‘tubby’ guy my age, i found him very attractive because he was funny, and he didnt care what he looked like. after him i was attracted to a guy who was skinny with curly hair and glasses, who was definatly no oil painting, and i liked him because he has a personality of gold. Beautiful people are boring in my eyes, and alot of the time this is because they want to stay beautiful, it becomes almost like an obsession. why be with a beautiful boring person that you cant have a proper conversation with when you could have someone who is intresting and real.

  22. Animby says:

    Lived in Britain for a few years, early this century. I’d say the average Brit woman is less attractive because they are generally overweight, have terrible teeth, smoke ‘roll your owns’ and drink to vomit. They curse with every breath, and think a night of fun is incomplete with out a visit to the tattoo parlor.

    Oh, yeah. Full disclosure: I was there because I was married to one. I will say that what Brit women lack in looks they tend to make up for in bed. If they’re not passed out in a puddle of their own puke.

    I remember reading an article (don’t remember where) that made the claim British people are BETTER looking because of their bad teeth. Why would anyone want to be just another pretty smile? Bad teeth give you individuality!

  23. Have you ever heard an Englishman have an organism: “Oh, oh, terribly sorry”. (sorry, couldn’t resist)

  24. zorkor says:

    “Yeah, I realize Mike Myers is Canadian. But Austin Powers is a British character, so he stays.”

    Thanks SN, I laughed so hard when i read that. Pure Genius. LOL.


  25. Dallas says:

    Not everyone looks like Prince Charles. Even so, he managed to produce two very attractive guys – Prince William and Harry.

    But then there’s Mick Jagger 🙁

  26. Animby says:

    Dallas? Did I miss something somewhere? Is Prince Chuck Jagger’s daddy?

    I knew it.

    And, is it Harry that must never have a DNA test done?

  27. holly says:

    the beatles were british and they were so sexy
    so i don’t know what those fucking americans talking about

  28. co0kies says:

    well everyone has their own oppinion .. like i know most americans think us brits are posh talking tea drinking snobs…or buck teathed chavs.. but thats just stereotyping us … imean .. i thought all americans where obease burger eating over dramatic weird talking faggots with bad attitudes and bad fashion sence … so you guys musnt be right about us otherwise that means that im right about americans… oh and by the way british women arnt all fat and ugly infact most of the british poulation are attractive … the only reason there are more people from america on this beautiful site is because america is huge compared to britain.
    and because most americans are obsesed with cosmetic surgery and i dont think they belive in natural beauty 🙂 … thats all 🙂


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