- Yahoo, Microsoft and Google going to put out free Wi-Fi hotspots for Christmas. Google’s doing it right.
- New Snow Leopard screws over some users.
- Kindle for the PC released by Amazon.
- LinkedIn to Tweet.
- Facebook groups hijacked.
- New OS from Samsung called Bada.
- Yahoo banned. Welcome to the club.
- Droid phones not that hot.
Show brought to you by Squarespace.
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using the code TECH for a fat discount.
Check it out at www.squarespace.com
using the code TECH for a fat discount.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
Ouch! That gives bad a whole new definition.
A PC “app” for reading e-books is an interesting idea. Glad I thought of it years ago.
I want 1.4 line spacing. I want two spaces between sentences, not one. I want a 15 point Verdana font.
That’s all it needs to do for me. Goodbye paper.
Oh, and the most important part of a reader: Move my text down four lines when I hit the bracket button. “Page turning” is so 15th century.
A PDF file is also useless (to me) unless it allows its text to be ripped out. The format they have chosen to put it in is probably not what I want for “e-reading.”
Free wifi by SeaTac Continental lounge near gate B9.
BTW, this interesting. Some Google language geeks (like Robert Griesemer) and some guys from Plan 9/AT&T Unix (Ken Thompson and Rob Pike) have released a new open source programming language called Go. (Fast, typesafe, concurrency, gc, etc). Designed for “systems programming” and very, very fast compile times.