Happened on the South Side of Chicago, this morning.

No one in the house was hurt. Four people on the bus were injured including the driver.

  1. igeek says:

    Rapid Transit District starts door to door service this morning.

  2. dannythedog says:

    Why is it, that when cars hit houses and make major damage, no one is home or injured. This is fortunate, but seems to most often, be the case

  3. andygriebel says:

    No doubt driven by Leroy Brown – baddest bus driver in the whole damn town…

  4. chuck says:

    Driver’s last text message:

  5. Faxon says:

    This is boring, irrelevant, and stupid.

  6. neworleans says:

    When this happens in New Orleans the bus has extra passengers that jump onboard and start grabbing their necks. Lawyers show up and everyone is happy.

  7. The Warden says:

    Funny that it happened in Chicago. Looks like it’s foreshadowing the Obama Presidency.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #4,#5 – I second that FTW!

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, faxon,

    This is boring, irrelevant, and stupid.

    Hey, another one posted just for you. Lucky fella !!!


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