
A new virus is infecting iPhones – the Ikee – forcing users to look at a picture of Rick Astley as their wallpaper. It’s only affecting jailbroken phones – those modified to run non-Apple approved software – but can jump from iPhone to iPhone with no input.

The hacker that developed the worm has been identifies as Ashley Towns (who goes by the handle ikeeex), who has stated that he initially infected 100 units with the worm. “Due to the nature of it, it’s kind of hard to tell, I know my phone hit about 100 alone but from there I have no idea,” he said.

He said that the virus hit the first wave of people at 4am on 6 November, and has quickly proliferated around the globe. There are reports of it changing the picture it sends as well, so if your background suddenly appears to have another picture, then you’re probably a victim. While some are labelling this attack as ‘mobile vandalism’, others are stating that it shows how unprotected jailbroken iPhones are, especially as mobile virus attacks are on the rise.

Now that is just plain sick!

  1. AdmFubar says:

    hhmmm something stinks about this a bit…

    and it aint just the picture…

    i wander what app was installed….
    i wonder if it is an app from apple?? :O

    jail broken phone? lets infect it to show the world how dangerous it is to apple’s bottom line.. uhm we mean the user…

  2. The0ne says:

    I like the song 🙂 corny as it is hehe This is just too funny!

  3. sargasso says:

    An east european corporate network security stooge informed me that this virus is a toy. He ought to know, he writes them himself.

  4. The0ne says:

    Many viruses are hobbies until someone uses them for ill. I use to write and collect such programs because I was mainly interested in AI. But as with most things, someone will always find new evil ways to use them.

  5. sargasso says:

    #4. you sound like a mycologist that I once dated. her refrigerator housed hundreds of bottled fungus specimens. the cheese evolved.

  6. gquaglia says:

    Good reason not to jailbreak your iphone. The iphone is locked down for a reason, a quality experience without having to worry like the Windows world does.

  7. The0ne says:

    Hmm, maybe because one does collect and dissect how these programs work. Creating an intelligent worm would be awesome. Again, others will always find ways to misuse it >_<!?*?!

    I've once made a custom DOS program that you could select what the worm was programmed to do. Each of the tasks could be timed to go off but not necessary. It was my first forray into trying to see if I could somehow make the program learned.

    I was actually pretty proud I got it working so good until a few years later there were timed-bombed viruses and such :/ not a pretty sight at all.

  8. Rick Cain says:

    I like Rick Astley. He’s a good singer. Heck, thats my ringtone!

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Cal me Mr Conspiracy, but I think some fruit named large corporation paid for this little bugger.

  10. Luc says:

    People jailbreak the iPhone to get around Apple’s greedy crapola. So this virus is a direct result of yet another magnificent screw-up job by one of the most overrated cults on the planet. I don’t see anyone “jailbreak” any mobile platform except this infamous piece of shit that so many bloggers, podcasters and pundits have hailed as the next best thing after the cure of cancer. Why does John only attack print newspapers? We put up with a formidable amount of crap from the online media, too.

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    What’s next? Camera viruses? Printer worms? Scanner trojans? Automobile computer malware?

  12. Solo says:

    So, the infamous Apple corporation, the computer that is known as “virus free” finally encounters a fallacy. Droid > I Phone. all day.


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