The House barely passed a bill that the Senate doesn’t like in it’s current form. Lots of people on all sides want it to either do more or do less or do it completely differently.

Since our current system doesn’t work what with continually rising costs that are unsustainable, millions uninsured, the country’s financial health in bad shape and on and on, what should we do? With so many aspects and facets to the problem to consider, which ones are most important?

From minor tweaks to scrapping it all and starting over, where do you stand?

Look at the question from two perspectives. First, what would you do if you could wave a magic wand and start over without politicians being involved? In other words, the health care system of your dreams.

Second, given where we are and the idiotic political realities of the US these days, what are the politically and monetarily feasible changes to what we now have that you would like to see?

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #91, Thomas,

    Do you not see that your argument against Jefferson has been thoroughly trounced?

    Please tell us what kind of health insurance and retirement package Jefferson provided his slaves and then maybe we can start looking at him to work out our 21 Century problems.

    Continuing to use Jefferson’s words to make an argument over 200 years later is a nonstarter. Times changed.

  2. Thomas says:

    > Jefferson was a slaver, rapist, murderer.

    You have evidence that Jefferson was a rapist and murderer of course. You can prove that his love with a slave wasn’t consensual right? Of course, you can. Otherwise, you’d just be talking out your tokhes. You do realize that most slavers were not rapists and murderers right?

    > That you would continue
    > to lionize a man whose
    > moral equivalents are
    > Hitler and Stalin,
    > says more about you
    > than it does about me.

    Now I understand. You are a crazy person. In this one sentence, you have destroyed any semblance that you might be a reasonable person with a reasoned argument and instead show yourself to be a fanatic. Simply put, you wouldn’t have the ability to make such a ridiculous statement were it not for men like Jefferson.

  3. Thomas says:

    Jefferson’s comment quoted by LibertyLover was to show that Jefferson believed that equality of rights did not imply equality of prosperity. On that statement, Jefferson was absolutely correct then and now. At no time, did anyone imply that Jefferson said anything about health insurance. The quote was applied to a discussion about fundamental liberty.

    Now, that said, the very concept of licensed doctors did not happen until the middle of the 19th century. Thus, the supply of doctors was substantially higher and the costs were substantially lower (even in real terms). If anything, slaves did not pay anything for health insurance as any care was covered by the owner. Of course, it also means they had no choice in the quality of their care or their physician. With respect to a retirement plan for slaves, for slaves that were kept most of their lives in *some* ways, they probably had a better retirement plan that most of us as they had housing, food and care all their lives.

    Some things do change, however, supply and demand principles do not. If we restrict the supply, price will go up. If we cap the price, supply will go down. If we restrict the supply and the price, then we have to tell a large portion of the demand to go f- themselves (i.e. rationing).

  4. Postman says:


    Jefferson raped his slaves and had offspring. qed.

    Murdering slaves was a normal part of slave handling, just like farmers kill livestock. Qed.

    Jefferson had slaves.

    Please contact your local university if you have different information.

    Lol retard.

  5. Thomas says:

    There is absolutely ZERO evidence to show that Jefferson had sex with anyone against their will. Rather, there is evidence to suggest that Jefferson’s relation with Hemings was actually rather intimate. Regardless, just because one of his slaves bore him a child in no way establishes that force himself upon her.

    You need to stop studying at the Alfred1 school of logic and learn how logic works. Your argument fall into the category of syllogisms:

    A. All slaves bearing children from their owner were raped.
    B. Jefferson had a child from one of his slaves
    C. Jefferson must be a rapist.

    Since the first statement is patently false (and unprovable), the entire line of logic is nonsense.

    Similarly, with your later line of thinking:

    A. All slave owners killed slaves
    B. Jefferson owned slaves.
    C. Jefferson must have killed slaves.

    Again, because the first statement is false (and again, unprovable), the entire link of thinking is rubbish.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and any proof that Jefferson raped his slaves (by today’s definition) or murdered them would definitely be extraordinary. No one will take you seriously if you throw out ridiculous statements without proof.

    Like I said, you’re a crazy person.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #103, Loser,

    #96, If you do not want to pay taxes to for the betterment of the community

    And where do you get that idea? Listening to other people?

    From you. Remember? The armpit that doesn’t want to pay taxes? Ya, that’s right, YOU.

    …and are you telling me it’s ok to take away someones life because they lack insurance or a means to pay for treatment?

    Are you going to take away my happiness because I want a free mansion through your INACTION when you have the means and technology to give it to me? Where’s your compassion for your fellow man?

    So now you are in favor of EVERYONE getting a free mansion? Sorry, as nice as it sounds, that is a bit radical for my tastes.

    A mansion is not required for “life” or even survival. Medical treatment is for most people. The difference is plain to anyone with a minimum of two brain cells.

    Of all the crap that our Gov subsidizes, why not health care?

    So, because they got away with one wrong, another must be ok?

    What wrong? It seems to me that most people appreciate the current government “subsidies” we currently have. Except for those who don’t currently benefit so they don’t want their taxes to pay for that stuff.

    ruling bodies.

    We had a ruling body at one time. We had a revolution to throw it off.

    We did? Perhaps you can tell us about that sometime. My history book said something else, such as ‘man has the right to chose his own government’. So today we elect our “ruling bodies” instead of having them imposed upon us. This also allows us to change the government if collectively we disapprove of their performance.

    Why didn’t the people sue the big companies for property rights violations?

    Simply because the laws didn’t allow lawsuits at the time for environmental damage. Which is why no one was ever charged with anything for the Love Canal problem even though the perpetrators were largely known.

    You want a hybrid system? Look at the current welfare systems provided by the US government. It is over half the US budget and STILL you scream for more.

    You still trot out that tired old excuse. It is wrong. The largest portions of the Federal Budget are Medicare and Social Security, both of which are paid for by their recipients. They are not welfare.

    Now the Defense budget, much of that could be classed as welfare.

    You want a hybrid system? Look at FEMA/Katrina.

    Government failure ruined a community AND many lives. How you figure this has anything to do with a “hybrid” government action is beyond me.


    Why you continue to trot out the same tired, repeatedly refuted crap all the time amazes me. Can’t you think of anything else to do in mommy’s basement?

  7. Health Care says:

    both of which are paid for by their recipients. They are not welfare.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    #105, Were you talking to me?

  9. Mr. Fusion says:


    Are the loser that posted #103?

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #108, Well, I didn’t see your answer in there and I know you know you aren’t allowed to talk to me until you answer why you would let others die to save your wife.

    I guess you got conFused again.

  11. LibertyLover says:


    “We the People […] do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    You request is touching but the U.S. Constitution forbids the creation of such a system.

    “We the People” is not a democratic license to do what the majority wants on a whim, ignoring the rights of the minority.

    However, if you feel that strongly about it, please donate your time and money to this cause. Or even better, talk to your State reps and see if you can get something like that implemented there.

    FYI . . .


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