This story is getting fishier by the minute (as John and Adam predicted on the last No Agenda). First, the Texas governor was saying (Youtube clip) that there were 3 shooters, and now this:

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.

CIA director Leon Panetta and the Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, have been asked by Congress “to preserve” all documents and intelligence files that relate to Hasan, according to the lawmaker.

  1. LibertyLover says:


  2. NAcrackpot-PRTLNDME says:

    Code Pink pulls the wool over protesters eyes with anti drone propaganda. I had to bring up the crackpot truth.

  3. Faxon says:

    He is a Muslim, and he is a murderer. Do you think we will ever see an execution? I don’t.
    That would be “insensitive” to the Religion of Peace and all of it’s wonderful practitioners.

  4. nicktherat says:

    wow, patriot act fail. the knew for months he was attempting to call alqueda and did nothing? so the bloods on americas hands than.

    omg, i saw capitalism a love story last night… ive never been as scared/angry in my entire life… hold me john!

  5. Troublemaker says:

    Yeah right. A member of the US military tries to contact Al Qaeda (a group that doesn’t even exist) and CIA knew about it yet did nothing?


    Fishy to say the least.

  6. Tim says:

    Review the twitter feeds from @startelegram as the event was unfolding. They were always reporting 2 or 3 shooters. The following are tweets from last Friday.

    military says #fthood shooter killed in incident 2 other possible suspects. all soliders.less than 5 seconds ago

    RT #forthood @HUSAK3993 Its on the other side of the base so we good. Just cant leave the building until the 3rd suspect is caught..

    KCEN in Waco reported that a second #fthood suspect may be holed up in a building on the post.

    Suspects were in military fatigues but unknown if military personnel

    1 gunman reportedly in custody, another may have been cornered. It’s unknown whether the victims were soldiers or civilians

    shooting involved 2 men with M-16 rifles and began about 1:30 p.m. CT at Howze Theater on the base, then moved to the sports complex

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    The fact that this person held the military position he did for so long speaks volumes of how serious the Army (all military) take the mental health of their soldiers. Which ain’t much. If this had been a quack medical doctor, he wouldn’t have lasted to this point.

  8. Carcarius says:

    Is the Gov’t trying to quell a morale dive by reporting it as being a terrorist act?

    Is this an attempt to distract us from the health care issues?

    Is this event really all that out of the ordinary?

    Was it preventable?

    Is it preventable without taking more rights away from the American populace?

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    If Obama and the media are not going to call this terrorism, can we assume that mass murder at least falls into the hate crime category?

  10. Personality says:

    Tried to contact Al Qaeda. Ya, sure he did.

  11. Tim says:

    Dumbest headline courtesy of ABC News “What Turned Major Into Alleged Killer? ”

    Yes, what “turns” somebody into something they “allegedly” may not be?

  12. spsffan says:

    Hummm. They won’t let gays into the military, but towelheads, are just fine.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, sps,


    Gee, they even let assholes like you post here too.

  14. MikeN says:

    >Yeah right. A member of the US military tries to contact Al Qaeda (a group that doesn’t even exist) and CIA knew about it yet did nothing?

    Well some people don’t want the government monitoring phone calls.

  15. Gore-acle says:

    Why do we allow sand niggers in the military? I thought we killed Sand Niggers?

  16. MikeN says:

    Two liberals are walking down the road and they come to a person in the ditch. He has been beaten, and lies moaning, broken, bleeding. One liberal says to the other, “Quick, we have to find the people who did this: They need help.”

  17. MikeN says:

    From Mark Steyn:

    So who’s nuttier?

    The guy who gives a lecture to other military doctors in which he says non-Muslims should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats?

    Or the guys who say “Hey, let’s have this fellow counsel our traumatized veterans and then promote him to major and put him on a Homeland Security panel?

    Or the Army Chief of Staff who thinks the priority should be to celebrate diversity, even unto death?

    Or the Secretary of Homeland Security who warns that the principal threat we face now is an outbreak of Islamophobia?

    Or the president who says we cannot “fully know” why Major Hasan did what he did, so why trouble ourselves any further?

    Or the columnist who, when a man hands out copies of the Koran before gunning down his victims while yelling “Allahu akbar,” says you’re racist if you bring up his religion?

    Or his media colleagues who put Americans in the same position as East Germans twenty years ago of having to get hold of a foreign newspaper to find out what’s going on?

  18. Guyver says:

    16, Too funny! 🙂

  19. jim says:

    Ya, right he tried to contact Al CIAda. The BS isn’t working as well as it did back in 2001. They’re going to have to do better.

  20. spsffan says:

    Yesterdsay, I find out that this asshole is still alive. (Early reports said he had been killed.)

    This morning, he’s able to speak.

    Why in the hell doesn’t somebody (Obama, personally?!!?) plug him??? Are they waiting for him to strangle someone with an IV tube??

    Nuts, I tell ya!

  21. Phydeau says:

    Two libertarians are walking down the road and they come to a person in the ditch. He has been beaten, and lies moaning, broken, bleeding. One libertarian says to the other, “You know, if enough people get beaten up and thrown in ditches, the free market will provide people who will give assistance to them, for a reasonable fee.” The other libertarian says, “Yep.” They go on their way, happy that the free market is working.

  22. honeyman says:

    Then there were all his calls to al qaeda’s 1800 number and all those emails to

  23. Benjamin says:

    The news media was covering up the fact that the man was Islamic. They covered up his name. They don’t want us to know how poor a job Obama is doing as commander-in-chief. Obama’s homeland security people said the biggest threat was Americans who believe in reducing taxes and having a small government. No, the biggest threat is Islamic terrorists.

    The man is a terrorist even if he is a lone wolf. He shot unarmed people while shouting, “Allah Akbar.” How depraved can people be if they think that killing people in the name of this Allah character will get them anything but universal hatred. In fact Allah isn’t even a god. He is just the delusion of some barbaric 6th Century Warlord.

    Islam is not a religion of peace, like we were taught. It is a death cult started by a ruthless warlord named Mohammad. It should be an outlaw religion since it is too dangerous to have crazies that could go on a jihadist killing spree at a moments notice.

    Even the way they treat there own people is abhorrent. Woman can be raped and then stoned for adultery. Their testimony doesn’t count for anything in a Sharia court. Muslims want sharia for the rest of us.

    I used to think that it was just a small group of Islamics that were terrorists and that their were some moderates who didn’t operated like a bunch of 5th century neobarbs, but the Fort Hood shooting changed my mind.

    If I ever hear the words, “Allah Akbar,” I am diving for cover. I now demote Islam below the Church of Scientology.

  24. Phydeau says:

    #23 Uh, Benjamin, unless terrorists kill at least 3000 people in an attack we had prior warning of, he won’t be doing worse than the last president. So far Dubya has the most Americans killed on his watch record. FYI.

  25. Phydeau says:

    And BTW Benjamin, I agree with you somewhat on the Islam thing. But Dubya’s ham-handed blundering in the Middle East made things much worse. So if you’re looking for someone to blame for the mess we’re in, it’s not the guy who’s been in office less than a year. But I suspect you’re looking for someone to blame with a “D” after his name.

  26. goodlordpeoplethinkforasecond says:

    If this was a govt conspiracy, then why is he alive? Think they would have let him survive if he was a stooge or a patsy? No way.

    As far as you guys predicting that this was fishy, you say that about everything including sudden rainstorms…you’re bound to get a hit occasionally. But in this case you’re using the usual confusion to add gunmen and make it something it’s not…incidentally(?) removing the fact that this guy was probably a home-grown jihadi although we have been assured that the threat is from the Teapartiers.

    I’ve been a cop for 30 years and I’ve yet to see a major incident where there were not tons of wild-ass stories going around. Every shooting has multiple gunmen until the investigation shows it doesn’t. I’ve had gangland shootings where people claimed to have seen helicopters dropping people on roofs…but somehow only seen and heard by one guy and not on the security cam videos. But for some people like Adam, the lack of evidence is evidence that the conspiracy is working and larger than we can possibly imagine.

    The Ft Hood witnesses probably saw either responders form base and assumed they were shooters, or people escaping who they thought were perps. They DID have two guys in custody but released them very quickly…someone grabbed them on suspicioun until they were vouched for.
    As for the “he was dead but now he’s alive” thing, you’re now taking unconfirmed media reports and elevating them to some sort of official status…people saw him shot, and assumed he was dead and the useless media picked it up without checking and aired it…and it now feeds into the conspiracy stories.

    Happens all the time regardless of whether Adam says “That stuff just doesn’t happen”.

    Note that I’m not saying that there are no conspiracies…I just think that if “They” are doing all this stuff, they aren’t going to make stupid mistakes like letting the shooter survive.

  27. Dumb Blonde says:

    Isn’t Al in the phone book?

  28. Rick Cain says:

    Muslims don’t need permission to murder.

  29. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Holy shit #15! Let’s be PC here, it’s Sand Knee Grows.

  30. DaddyD says:

    —-Isn’t Al in the phone book?—-

    No, but these guys can probably put you in touch:


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