Among the 100,000-plus applications for the iPhone is one that allows users to “kill” bankers.

The TARP-inspired Bailout Wars app lets iPhone users “take revenge on bankers” by “throwing them into the air, blowing them up, shooting them down and shaking them so hard their clothes fall off, writes American Banker. The point of the game, made by Gameloft and selling for $.99 on iTunes, is to destroy bankers in order to save both the White House (and US taxpayers’ money) from greedy day traders, high risk investors, and finance CEOs.

The game’s description on iTunes reads:

Defend the White House and save the US taxpayers’ money before it gets stolen! It’s time for you to give them what they deserve! […] It’s your only chance to really take revenge on bankers for the recession they caused […] Explore many different ways to beat bankers: tap, grab, or shake them in the air. Bailout Wars current has a three-and-a-half star rating on iTunes, with 219 users out of 492 giving the app a five-star rating.

I just hope it works on the iPod Touch.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    The bankers aren’t so much the problem as the Fed.

    If you give a teenager a sports car and credit card with an unlimited ceiling, what do you think is going to happen?

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Bought it. Fun game!

  3. jimmy james says:

    #1, what do you think the Fed is?

    Federal Reserve Bank.

    They are the bankers of bankers. Excuse me, banksters.

    I guess they have all forgotten about the bankers hanging from lamp posts in the 1870’s.

    Hopefully all of our chinese made pitchforks will do the job when they are called into service.

  4. AdmFubar says:

    hhmmm i’d rather see the bankers go to Afghanistan on the front lines..
    we are short troops, these banker failures would make great ied fodder.

  5. The0ne says:

    I second that!

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #3, what do you think the Fed is?

    A counterfeiting racket.

    I like the “bankster” term.

  7. The Haunted Sheep says:

    I think this is the first compelling reason I have seen to get that stupid iphone.

  8. FRAGaLOT says:

    #7 Get an iPod Touch, same thing as an iPhone w/o the annoying phone bit.

    This game is exactly like the game called “Defend Your Castle”

  9. bill says:

    Got it!

    So many bankers!

    So little time!

  10. iMess says:

    THIS is what people spend their time doing? No wonder the economy is messed up.

  11. Red says:

    They’ve already stolen everything, what’s less to take, the silverware? They own Obama and Co., the own the congress, and they control the military. Nothing’s left to take.

  12. JimR says:

    I am as disgusted with the banksters as anyone…

    …but answer me this… if you could be inconspicuously transposed to one of those insanely secure jobs, and were a recipient of one of those ridiculous bonuses…. wouldn’t you keep the job and take the money?

    …..I thought so.

  13. Buffet says:

    Now if we could only do it for real! All these criminals that fleeced the public to feather their own nests should be executed, if not cricified. Where’s Vlad the impaler when you need him? Any of you banking swine who care to come forward, to get beat up, take a number.

  14. Awesome and sad. All we can do is play a game while the banksters are buying islands with their $M’s! The Banksters robbed America blind but nobody but a game vendor is standing up to them!

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people!


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