Defense contractor KBR may have exposed as many as 100,000 people, including US soldiers, to cancer-causing toxins by burning waste in open-air pits in Iraq, says a series of class-action lawsuits filed against the company.

At least 22 separate lawsuits claiming KBR poisoned American soldiers in Iraq have been combined into a single massive lawsuit that says KBR, which until not long ago was a subsidiary of Halliburton, sought to save money by disposing of toxic waste and incinerating numerous potentially harmful substances in open-air “burn pits.”

Text of one of the lawsuits: [PDF]

  1. sargasso says:

    A contractor, contracted by the contractor. “Kellogg, Brown, and Root”, contracted by KBR, an ex-subsidiary of Halliburton LLC., late of Dallas (now listed in the tax and jurisdiction shelter of Dubai).

  2. tcc3 says:

    I’m sure they all signed a waiver against poisoning and sexual assault.

  3. StoopidFlanders says:

    If the terrorists weren’t in Iraq, our troops wouldn’t need to be there. It’s that simple. Perhaps the complainers should file a lawsuit against the islamofacists, rather than trying to extort money from the people trying to keep us safe.

  4. roastedpeanuts says:

    “If the terrorists weren’t in Iraq, our troops wouldn’t need to be there. It’s that simple. Perhaps the complainers should file a lawsuit against the islamofacists, rather than trying to extort money from the people trying to keep us safe.”

    How does burning toxic materials inappropriately help keep us safe?

    You’re a troll right?

  5. This sounds like another example, similar to Union Carbide in Bhopal India, where corporations provide far too much protection to those who hide behind them in order to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

    Did anyone notice that human beings employed by a corporation actually burned the toxic crap rather than disposing of it properly?

    Did anyone notice that this action was taken by human beings, not a corporation, and it poisoned people?

    Does anyone think that this might just be considered an actual crime?

    Would anyone else like to see people prosecuted rather than simply having a corporation sued for dollars?

    This is one of the major reasons I hate what corporations have become. No longer are they simple protection from personal bankruptcy. No longer are they a simple vehicle for keeping a business separate from one’s personal finances. Now they are also a way to hide from one’s crimes.

  6. StoopidFlanders says:

    5. You’ve failed to consider the damages done to the local extremists by releasing the toxic fumes. Hell, this burning may have caused enough health problems among terrorists to save us the cost of dropping a bomb on them. Bombs are expensive and budgets are tight.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    The real crime is the burn pits themselves, where they burned up perfectly good equipment so they could claim a loss and charge the government for replacements.

    The Bush Regime of course had no problem with this, no investigations were ever made, because Cheney was making money.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    The conservatives convinced America that private companies like KBR are ALWAYS better than the government. ALWAYS.

    Hows that working out for us?

  9. Winston says:

    Amazing. The country is littered with depleted uranium dust, countless _huge_ fires of toxic substances must have been started by a war based entirely upon lies, many hundreds of thousands killed and wounded and millions displaced and they get bent out of shape not by that but by some contractor burning nasty trash.

    Amerika, we luv ya’.

  10. Santa Maria says:

    So what? Its a war.. get on with it. People die.. Boohoo.


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