Glenn Beck loses ‘raped and murdered’ arbitration – — Having proved his point, Eiland-Hall handed the domain back to Beck. The WIPO decision here.

Fox News’ Glenn Beck has lost a claim that a website called was registered in bad faith and in violation of his trademark rights.

The website was founded by Isaac Eiland-Hall earlier this year in response to a joke on odd-news site Fark about Beck’s lack of denial for a non-existent murder/rape. Eiland-Hall argued to WIPO that he registered the website as a satirical critique of Beck’s conspiratorial politics.

WIPO’s arbitration panel agreed that the website appeared “to be engaged in a parody of the style or methodology that (Eiland-Hall) appears genuinely to believe is employed by (Beck) in the provision of political commentary, and for that reason (Eiland-Hall) can be said to be making a political statement.”

The domain name dispute resolution body added Eiland-Hall’s speech was “strongly protected” under the First Amendment.

  1. qb says:

    You know who else launched a WIPO and lost? Hitler, that’s who.

  2. Phydeau says:

    You know who else lost lawsuits? Hitler, that’s who.

  3. Phydeau says:

    You know who else was a pathetic little demogogue getting people riled up with lies and hate? Hitler, that’s who.

  4. Phydeau says:

    And you know, I heard he raped and murdered a little girl in 1990. That’s so awful. I mean, I don’t necessarily believe it… but why hasn’t he denied it?

  5. sargasso says:

    You guys.

  6. Improbus says:

    Would you guys stop giving this guy press. Jeez.

  7. Dick Dawkins says:

    You know who is an attention seeking whore?
    That douche with the hyphenated last name that’s who (…and Hitler).


  8. Phydeau says:

    We just kill ourselve sometimes, we’re so funny. 🙂

  9. Rick Cain says:

    Beck still hasn’t been up front with the public on this rape and murder. He needs to come clean. America deserves an answer.

  10. jescott418 says:

    I would think coming clean is the best thing beck could do. I cannot imagine their is much too it or the Liberal’s would be having a field day with it already.

  11. Troublemaker says:
  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    All Beck has to do is produce the police report so everyone can see it for themself. Why does he refuse to produce the police report? Would it be because he raped a Muslim and killed a Jew?

  13. StoopidFlanders says:

    I heard Barack Hussein Obama was a natural born American citizen. Of course, I have no proof whatsoever to back up my claim, but if I keep repeating it and belittle the naysayers, maybe it’ll come true.

  14. StoopidFlanders says:

    13. All Barack Hussein Obama has to do is show us the proper paperwork. Why does he refuse to produce the birth certificate? Would it be because he isn’t an American?

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Glen’s birth certificate.

  16. amodedoma says:

    Pathetic little man, now he’ll use FUX news to cry out against internet anarchy. Might be entertaining to see him frothing at the mouth again. I hate to see the net getting more bad press, politicians are just itching to legislate away our virtual freedoms.

  17. brm says:

    How is this protected speech? It appears to be libel.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – brm

    And the rants about Obama’s birth certificate was protected speech or libel?

  19. The0ne says:

    He’s not coming clean on this issue because y’know he thinks we all have a deep hatred of the country and we should be purge…rape or murder *shruf*, either way it’s his idea.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    Who was the girl Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1990, as many people are claiming?

    … I’m just asking!!! I’m not accusing him of anything. Glenn Beck is only an alleged rapist and murderer. All rapists and murderers deserve their day in court.

    (Fox News has taught us that as long as you pose it as a question, no one will hold you accountable for spreading a rumor. 😉

  21. brm says:


    Accusing Obama of not being a citizen isn’t even close to the same thing as accusing someone of committing rape and murder. One is a heinous crime, and the other isn’t.

    If the sitch were reversed with Obama being accused of rape and murder, I’d consider that libel.

    And I like Glenn and hate Obama.

  22. Greg Allen says:


    I agree. The two are not the same at all.

    “Accusing” Beck of rape and murder is a clear parody of Beck’s reckless, horrible commentary.

    The “birthers” accusing Obama of not being American, is a an un-patriotic attempt to de-legetimize a war time president based on sameless lies and race baiting.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    Mr. Fusion,

    I agree. If Beck is innocent, why won’t he produce the court documents acquitting him of murder and rape?

    I mean, why won’t Beck just produce the documents?

    I’m not accusing him of anything but, you have to admit, he does seem guilty.

    I think Fox should hire one of those body language experts to tell us what Beck may be hiding about these very serious charges.

  24. Chris Mac says:

    It’s official.. I need to buy me a good quality GB mask and start committing some crimes against the right to.. uhm.

  25. mr. show says:

    OK so he’s yet another blowhard…since when is rape and murder FUNNY? I guess this level of humor is too “sophisticated” for me.

  26. amodedoma says:

    #26 Mr.S

    WPIO get’s it and you don’t?

    “to be engaged in a parody of the style or methodology that (Eiland-Hall) appears genuinely to believe is employed by (Beck) in the provision of political commentary, and for that reason (Eiland-Hall) can be said to be making a political statement.”

    What they’re saying is they’re making fun of Mr. Beck’s methods by imitating his method of making unsubstantiated accusations. That means it’s not really a false accusation, but a parody.
    The difference between the two is Mr. Beck is truly trying to convince people of his unsubstantiated accusations, while the content of this web page is quite obviously distorted, and makes no effort whatsoever to convince the reader.
    Problem is this is just the kind of trap that get’s worse the more you struggle. It appears that Mr. Beck lacks the intelligence to realize this. Not surprisingly, nobody at FUX has enough humility to admit when they’re wrong, and

  27. amodedoma says:

    blah, blah, blah, ….


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