Glenn Beck loses ‘raped and murdered’ arbitration – — Having proved his point, Eiland-Hall handed the domain back to Beck. The WIPO decision here.

Fox News’ Glenn Beck has lost a claim that a website called was registered in bad faith and in violation of his trademark rights.

The website was founded by Isaac Eiland-Hall earlier this year in response to a joke on odd-news site Fark about Beck’s lack of denial for a non-existent murder/rape. Eiland-Hall argued to WIPO that he registered the website as a satirical critique of Beck’s conspiratorial politics.

WIPO’s arbitration panel agreed that the website appeared “to be engaged in a parody of the style or methodology that (Eiland-Hall) appears genuinely to believe is employed by (Beck) in the provision of political commentary, and for that reason (Eiland-Hall) can be said to be making a political statement.”

The domain name dispute resolution body added Eiland-Hall’s speech was “strongly protected” under the First Amendment.

  1. Chris Mac says:

    The unwriten battle..

    Yes Folks. I’m afrain that the internet is a morally inept free zone. for liars

  2. Chris Mac says:

    Darn good thing, that what I think, has no bearing on anything..

    Jon Bon Jovi thinks that every morning when he wakes up

  3. brm says:


    “an un-patriotic attempt to de-legetimize a war time president”

    Oh, brother. Are you serious?

  4. Chris Mac says:

    Clearly the use of the term “birthers” is an direct attempt to do away the the term

  5. Chris Mac says:

    you god damn unpatriotic prick

  6. Chris Mac says:

    prince charles is here.. hell if I know what to do

  7. Politi-Crap says:

    I will be impressed with certain parties when those going after their political enemies register 10,000,000,000,000 domain name variations of everyone they hate.

    For example, let’s say they register 100,000 variations of Beck and “hand them back to him”, that will cost him $1,000,000.00 a year to keep them from “getting back into the wrong hands”.

    That would be an effective way to keep the money out of the hands of the poor, and then they could then point to Beck and say how uncaring he is for spending a million bucks a year for domain names when it could be used to help people.

  8. Phydeau says:

    #33 Those are the same words the wingnuts used during Dubya’s reign of error, whenever someone tried to criticize him: DON’T CRITICIZE HIM HE’S A WARTIME PRESIDENT AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMY BLAH BLAH BLAH.

    Works both ways, don’t you think?

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Beck hates black people. I’m not saying he’s a racist. I’m just saying he hates black people.

  10. smartalix says:

    Please, the GOP are so myopic and ignorant of reality they don’t even realize how disingenuous and hypocritical they are.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Well since precedence has been set, I am free to open my web site with out fear of government retribution or being sued.

  12. Phydeau says:

    #42 This is why right-wingers don’t make good comedians. They don’t understand humor, satire in particular.


    Yes, Benjamin, you could do that, but you’re missing the point. Glenn Beck is the one who’s making outrageous accusations, and then when the person he accuses doesn’t deny his obviously outrageous accusations, he claims they’re guilty. When you use a person’s dishonest tactic against them, that’s satire. Since Obama doesn’t use that tactic, using it against him wouldn’t be satire, it would be dumb. And it would expose you as a clueless wingnut. Capice?

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #43 Fido – Nicely put.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #43, Phydeau,

    Very well put, sir. Unfortunately I am afraid it is wasted on people too stooopid to realize Beck just may be wrong.

  15. Bob says:

    #45 Mr Fusion,
    Is “stooopid” a real word to you, or are you just too stupid to spell “stupid” correctly?

  16. deowll says:

    Some things are funny and some things are so sick that even if it was meant to be funny it still means you are one sick puke. The website passes my puke test.

    I would feel the same way if it was going the other way. If it isn’t wrong if your friends do to someone you don’t like it isn’t wrong if it is done to you. Wrong is just wrong no matter who does it.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Bob,

    Your very question is stooopid.

    First, say the word, as I wrote it, out loud. Now think of yourself as you say it. The longer it takes to understand the more this applies to you. If you fail to get it, then there never was any discussion.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Art still lives!

    (And yes, satire is Art.)


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