Even if Oswald was the shooter, doesn’t mean there wasn’t a conspiracy.

Kennedy conspiracy theorists appear to have one less bullet in their arsenal. Hany Farid, a computer science professor and expert in digital forensics at Dartmouth College, spent two months evaluating a photograph of John F. Kennedy shooter Lee Harvey Oswald.

“You can’t really authenticate a photo in all honesty,” Farid said of the image, which shows Oswald holding a Marxist newspaper and a rifle. “But I can say pretty definitively that the things that people thought made the photo a fake, well, those people are wrong. And it doesn’t make them stupid. I was wrong too. But that photo is not the proof they think it is.”

It’s long been the contention of conspiracy theorists that photos of Oswald were doctored as part of an elaborate cover-up after the President’s Nov. 22, 1963, assassination.
He used a computer program Facegen, to build a virtual 3D model of Oswald’s head. Once that was completed, he added in the background features of the photo. Through a series of computations, he figured out where the camera had to be, the trajectory of the sun and where Oswald was in relation to the camera.
Farid said given the technology available 46 years ago, there is no way someone would have been able to get the internal and external elements of the photo just right in order to fabricate not only the one photo, but two others in the series.

  1. RBG says:

    I’ve always loved the way people supporting conspiracy theory have no problem with the “plan” to fire bullets from “the other shooters” in such a way that the evidence points to their patsy Oswald.


  2. Silence B. Roken says:

    Lee was the “Patsy.”
    Read on


  3. Dr Dodd says:

    Looking back it seems most all of the Kennedy tragedies were results of poor Kennedy judgment.

    Had John Kennedy not been so corrupt and in bed with questionable associates there would never have been an Oswald.

  4. Rufus says:

    Who cares if the photo is real or faked? Obviously Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy, it’s physically impossible for one shooter to hit a person from 2 or 3 directions. It was the CIA that killed Kennedy, probably on LBJ’s orders.

  5. Joe says:

    WGAS! Stuff like this diverts people’s attention from real issues.

  6. Faxon says:

    What’s he holding besides the rifle? A NY Times?

  7. MikeN says:

    George Bush doesn’t remember where he was when Kennedy was shot. He was head of the CIA.

  8. amodedoma says:

    Curious coincidences. Never has there been such a decade as the 60’s for assassination. Could it be that they had much poorer security back then, or were they crazier, maybe it’s because they had better drugs. JFK had Oswald, King had James Earl Ray, RFK had Sirhan Sirhan, all very mysterious characters with very mysterious circumstances – compared with other assassinations and attempts at. Of course the burden of proof might incline one to accept the coincidence explanation, but there was a lot of strange shit going on. It was a time when cultural icons were dying of drug overdoses like never before or since, but it’s all just coincidence. We’ll never know the whole truth, so there will always be conspiracy theorists, for the indoctrinated to scoff at.

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    Just read one of the wackier theories from a link in a comment to the item #5 mentions — Jackie Kennedy shot her husband!

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: So, you never read or watch anything except hard news since everything except that is a distraction. Why are you wasting time commenting since it takes you away from real, important news?

  11. Joe says:

    #11 No not just hard news, I read entertainment items which is what I classify JFK conspiracy theories. It’s quite often entertaining to see what the loons are up to or thinking.

  12. LHO says:

    Since the deathbed confession of E Howard Hunt…this is not conspircy theory anymore.

  13. ethanol says:

    I never considered the photos relevant. What matters is that the Carcano rifle used by Oswald, as pictured above, has a maximum rate of fire of 12 rounds per minute with an average of 6 rounds per minute. Verify here

    The three or four shots which were fired during the assassination all occurred in 4.8 – 7.9 seconds. Verify here

    Therefore it is mathematically impossible for Oswald to have fired all of the shots. Keep in mind this is a bolt-action single shot rifle. Using the maximum 12 shots per minute (one per 6 seconds), how could Oswald squeeze off even 3 shots in 7.9 seconds? He couldn’t. There are competitions every year here in the USA using Carcano rifles to see if anyone can do it, and they can’t…

  14. RBG says:

    13 LHO. Sorry, missed that one. What can you say on your deathbed that must always be taken as truth?


  15. LDA says:

    Look up “Agent Henry J. Rybka”. Not proof of anything but very curious.

  16. amodedoma says:

    It’s just like with UFO’s, there are things THEY don’t want you to know.

  17. Lee Stevens says:

    In the National Archives when you look at the pristine bullet from all angles and then look at the bullet fragments found in the floor of the limo, and the bullet fragments that came out of Connely’s wrist and also realize that there were additional bullet fragments left in Connely’s chest, math, bullet weights, and observation tell you the pristine bullet was a a pre-fired plant.The governments single bullet theory vaporizes.

    In the Warren Commission, Conelly completely and categorical denies the governments story on how when the bullet was recovered.He scoffs at any possibility he was hit by the same bullet as Kennedy, the Zapruder Film bares this out.The bullet that entered Connelly went in under his right arm, out under his right nipple across his body and into his left wrist and entered his left leg. The trajectory threw Kennedy was right to left ,from that knob on your spine, down two inches over two and then out threw the throat. So Connelly would have had to be sitting at least a foot to the left center line of Kennedy. Not to the right of Kenndy not in front of Kennedy but he could not because of the way the jump seat was configured.The Zapruder film shows exactly where he was sitting.

    Oswald was shooting right to left, 7 stories up, and 130 yards back at least 30 yards over to the right.The first wound threw Kennedy isn’t remotely close too fitting that.While we don’t know exactly where he was in the limo when he got hit it is very unlikely he went from completely bent over and twisted to completely straight up and erect with his hands at his throat in a flash.

    Just the fact that a Commission was held instead of a full blown murder investigation was in fact a way to control what was very clearly a conspiracy to kill the President.

    Oswald was interrogated for hours by the Dallas Police, The FBI, and The Secret Service and in the history of major murder investigations, NO One filed a full written report on what was said? Throw in all the other discovered facts, fingerprints, cablegrams… outright lies, the fact Kenndy’s brain is missing. You do not loose the brain of a dead President.

    The limo was sent away in secret to be completely refurbished not sealed for forensic examination. The same secret service agents that were supposed to guard the President were put on the lead in the investigation? Conspiracy Theory? Conspiracy Theory? The House Committee on Assassinations didn’t think so.

    Now, listening to LBJs phone conversations just after the assassination or seeing what he does do you really come away with the idea that Oswald was a Russian agent, a defector, a traitor, nope, just a lone gunman. LBJ calmly reads into the record what he needs to, to try and lamely cover his own ass.This is not a President that may be faced with War.

    Hoover could only know Oswald defected, in one day he can not possibly make the call that he is sure the Russians are not involved.Marina Oswald is the daughter of a KGB agent he should least suspect that from whats in the State records..Yet Hoover like he is reading from a script is recorded calmly assuring the President that he thinks its a lone gunman.Not a word that Oswald defected from the US to Russia, not one word when Oswald’s file must be sitting on his desk.

    Oswald goes to shoot the President and then leaves his handgun back at the boarding house? Why? Why does Tibet stop him? Why does Tibet allow Oswald to get the drop on him?The President has been shot by a rifleman in the area.I make a stop my gun is in my hand.None of the things that lead to Oswald’s arrest at the movie theater have been proven out with facts.No APBs, no recorded radio announcements no TV shows, no police logs nothing that suggests that they were on to Oswald all loose happen stance and then, Oswald is killed in custody.As soon as that happen alarm bells should have been going off all over Washington, investigations frozen, Senate sub committee formed and any idea that the sitting President left in charge of what would happen next be dismissed as Dallas was his hometown.

    Finally the FBI fired thousands of rounds trying to get a pristine bullet threw everything from frozen chickens to human cadavers never got one.

  18. jccalhoun says:

    The conspiracy theories don’t make sense. Why go to the lengths to set up one person when they could just go further and set up two or three people? If there were multiple shooters then just have multiple people arrested, then Jack Ruby shoots all of them or the vehicle transporting all of them gets hit and explodes or any of a number of other things that would make a lot more sense than having multiple shooters and only setting up one person so that people are suspicious…

  19. Marina Oswald took the backyard photos. She told the Warren Commission and has never recanted her statement. After Oswald was in police custody, Marina and Marguerite Oswald went through Lee’s personal posessions and found a print of one of the photos. They burned it in an ashtray and flushed the ashes. Obviously, the photo was authentic and highly incriminating, otherwise they wouldn’t have destroyed it.

    Oswald also wrote an inscripion in Russian on the back of a print of the photo and sent it to George De Morenschildt.

  20. LHO says:

    #15. Look at the picture of E Howard Hunt and a picture of one of the three “tramps” arrested that day in Dallas.


    If someone admits to being involved in the murder, AND you can place him at the scene. The evidence is pretty damning..wouldn’t you think? Or are you even capable of thought.

    By the way..one of the “tramps” is the father of actor Woody Harrelson. Who just recently died while serving a life sentence for murdering a Federal Judge in Texas. These were not tramps.

  21. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Did Oswald shoot with his left hand or right hand? A Marine Corps sniper wrote that based on the location of the Texas School Book Depository window it would have been better if the sniper shot left-handed. Even If he was right-handed he still may have shot with his left.

  22. Thomas says:

    Nonsense. The evidence points to a single shooter. There are rumors that Oswald was aided by Castro but that still points to a single shooter.

    I suspect it is a case of weaponry and tactics outpacing security for a brief moment in time.

    You mean like this guy:

    This guy fired seven shots in 6.8 seconds with the same rifle.

  23. Thomas says:

    Got cut off. This is the rest of the thread discussing that YouTube video:

  24. Thomas says:


    During the investigation by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (1976–1978), the lead attorneys for the Committee, Robert Blakey and Gary Cornwell, were allowed to use WC-139 at an FBI firing range. The attorneys wanted to see how fast the bolt action could be operated. Blakey was able to fire two rounds in 1.5 seconds and Cornwell fired two rounds in 1.2 seconds. This was an experiment to test a possible theory that Oswald in his excitement may have pointed and fired, as opposed to aimed and fired. Some critics of the Warren Commission had claimed it was impossible to fire a Carcano rifle in less than 2.3 seconds. Both the CBS and HSCA tests proved conclusively this claim is not accurate.

  25. Tech_1 says:

    Thomas: Stop being such a plant: Gigs up fella.

  26. Animby says:

    I love this conspiracy. Some of you are obviously consumed with it.

    I have only two words to add in rebuttal of the OP: Hany Farid

  27. Thomas says:

    We certainly wouldn’t want facts to get in the way of a good conspiracy.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    Oswald only got employment at the Book Depository, because a Quaker woman living in Texas, help him and Russian wife get settled and the job. So to believe this was some kind of conspiracy, you’d have to believe that the Quakers are in on it too. Now really, Quakers?!!

    Also JFK chose the car he rode in, to be more visible to the crowds. When he could have ridden in something more bulletproof.

    The only real hint of any conspiracy was how little security was put in place around the plaza where the shooting occurred. And that the parade route was announced in advance. Oswald probably was wound up and sent after Kennedy, by underworld forces. But those who were responsible for protecting the president from nutjobs like Oswald, seem to have been leaving too many opportunities open. Almost as if they were hoping something would happen, to get Kennedy out of office. Perhaps to extend the Vietnam war, as many believed JFK was opposed to it.

    Back then, the FBI knew of at least one defense contractor using a stolen diary of reputed Kennedy mistress Judith Exner, to possibly influence his approval of a DOD contract. Blackmail? Make you wonder what other entities were counting on Kennedy’s cooperation or his demise?

  29. Glenn E. says:

    I’ve seen all kinds of wacky theories of things like an umbrella gun, used by a bystander at street level. And the blurry image of someone maybe shooting from a fence on the Grassy Noll. One supposed expert even worked out how someone might have fired a rifle from down inside a street storm drain, as the car drove by. I very much doubt such ideas. Why would any pro risk getting seen or caught, in a crowded place?


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