Even if Oswald was the shooter, doesn’t mean there wasn’t a conspiracy.

Kennedy conspiracy theorists appear to have one less bullet in their arsenal. Hany Farid, a computer science professor and expert in digital forensics at Dartmouth College, spent two months evaluating a photograph of John F. Kennedy shooter Lee Harvey Oswald.

“You can’t really authenticate a photo in all honesty,” Farid said of the image, which shows Oswald holding a Marxist newspaper and a rifle. “But I can say pretty definitively that the things that people thought made the photo a fake, well, those people are wrong. And it doesn’t make them stupid. I was wrong too. But that photo is not the proof they think it is.”

It’s long been the contention of conspiracy theorists that photos of Oswald were doctored as part of an elaborate cover-up after the President’s Nov. 22, 1963, assassination.
He used a computer program Facegen, to build a virtual 3D model of Oswald’s head. Once that was completed, he added in the background features of the photo. Through a series of computations, he figured out where the camera had to be, the trajectory of the sun and where Oswald was in relation to the camera.
Farid said given the technology available 46 years ago, there is no way someone would have been able to get the internal and external elements of the photo just right in order to fabricate not only the one photo, but two others in the series.

  1. Uncle Patso says:

    This is a form of mental illness, and it’s much more advanced and widespread than I had thought. Go back on your meds, people! At least enough to quiet the voices…

  2. Danman says:

    There were 2 photos of Oswald in the backyard holding the rifle. The head of Oswald in both photos is exactly the same which isn’t that big of a deal since they were shot within seconds of each other. Except in one photo his head is tilted, BUT THE SHADOW UNDER HIS NOSE IS ALSO TILTED. Fake, end of discussion.
    Read more about it here:

    And it’s not that hard for the people orchestrating the coverup of JFK’s killing to find/hire an “expert” to dispel any notion of conspiracy.

  3. Winston says:

    An expert, scientific photo analysis of that photo was done for a TV documentary (History or Discovery Channel) _YEARS_ ago and it reached the same conclusion. The photo is authentic. So, why is this news?

  4. HTS says:

    Regardless of what your theory is of the JFK assassination, there was obviously a government cover-up of the facts… and that is VERY disturbing.


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