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Put decent , clean, fast trains in service and people will ride.
ECP: Agreed.
# 3 Eric
Unfortunately once the plane became common, long haul passenger train travel was doomed. It was never as profitable as freight anyway, so the railroads were happy to dump it off on the government.
Don’t forget the post office took all the mail contracts away from the RR’s and gave them to the Airlines to help prop them up. The Zepher was getting 1-2 mil a year for the post office. when that was gone it became unprofitable over night.
This should have been shot from the front, and perhaps framed without the lamppost. Not as good as your usual, John.
#5 I disagree about a frontal shot. As it is now, there is implied motion away from the person’s point of view which wouldn’t be there in a frontal view. If you use the rule of thirds, it might have been a bit better by moving the train a little bit closer to the bottom of the picture. Otherwise, I like the picture.
In my opinion, having a high speed train between Tampa and Orlando would be a big plus for tourism. People could stay in Tampa for the beaches and just be an hour away from Disney World without having to fight the nightmare of I-4.
The real place to photograph this train is somewhere along it’s route, lot’s of beautiful views of the pacific northwest.
I’ve been on amtrak multiple times on long haul trips. One thing I notice is that despite the criminal lack of funding, the employees work very hard and are quite courteous. The food isn’t too bad and the experience is relaxing.
You can tell the employees are frustrated at Amtrak, but they do their work as best they can.
Information of that rail route ..
Amtrak – Routes – Northwest – Amtrak Cascades
Ok now everybody knows where Greg lives.
Nice pics #10. Especially the power pole and wires.
I often take Amtrak when I travel down south to San Diego to visit family. The only thing that grinds my gears is that there’s no line that connects Bakersfield to Los Angeles . . . so I am stuck having to take the bus for that stretch. I feel like a sardine in those things.
I live in Seattle and take Amtrak to Vancouver B.C. all the time. It’s one of the most scenic routes, along the water for most of the trip. A MUCH better way to cross the boarder than by car where you can end up with odd waits, especially back in to the U.S. from Canada.
Rail is the BEST way to travel!
#11 –yeah that EXIF info has been perplexing me, as i’ve never programmed the camera w/my name and the current box i use to surf the net
is an old office PC I inherited and is still regged to the heating company it came from.
#12, -thank you.
my g/f bitches about the wires screwing up the shots. -however, i rather like the effect of them in the shot myself.
fwiw: -i typically underexpose sunset/cloud shots by -1 to -1.3 f-stops in an attempt to force an increase in depth of field (and for deeper colours and effect) as manual mode on a canon 560 still favours higher shutter speeds over higher f-numbers, (and the other program modes are pretty much fried from taking lightening shots in the rain)
-i had a full blown EOS 620
system along with my original full compliment of screw mount and K-mount lenses for my pentax spotmatic and K1000 I grew up with..all which were stolen in 2002.. -a very sad day.
never replaced any of it. -though i’m seeing some awesome stuff showing up in pawn shops that may entice me..