In the late 19th and early 20th century, enigmatic photographer T. Enami (1859-1929) captured a number of 3D stereoviews depicting life in Meiji-period Japan.

Found by Kevin Berg

  1. joaoPT says:


  2. jack says:

    That’s a cool illusion. Can someone do this by using a basic digital camera?

  3. lemonademaker says:


    “there’s an app for that”?

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Nice… that will trigger some epileptics…

  5. Uncle Don says:

    You can do this with all 3d images, like from ViewMasters?

  6. Faxon says:

    very nice

  7. soundwash says:

    Outstanding pic.

    Remember people..

    -Everything you see is an illusion.

    -Believe none of what you see, and half of hear.

    Everything that “needed” to be invented, was already invented centuries ago.

    Everything we see is a mirror image of the truth.

    You can change what you *choose to see* at the drop of a hat.

    Turn off your TV.


  8. soundwash says:


    Believe none of what you see, *and half of what you hear.


  9. denacron says:

    #2 “That’s a cool illusion. Can someone do this by using a basic digital camera?”

    With a still photo yes. with moving objects you need a second camera that takes a simultaneous shot.

    To use just one camera, take a picture then move your camera that is mounted on a tripod and move it left or right a VERY small distance. The very small distance between our eyes gives us “stereo” vision.

    The stereo pictures were meant for 3d viewing so two simultaneous images were taken with side by side cameras. The lower picture is of three ladies looking at these type images. Its possible to view the 3d aspect by bringing the picture close enough to your eyes and then crossing them until they merge. What is done here is that the images are added to a simple GIF format. Any stereo pictures could be scanned cropped and separated then made into a looping gif very easily.

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    These are animated GIFs made with only two images. Google “animated gif editor” to find some.

  11. civengine says:

    3d imaging is taking off. Kodak or Fuji just announced a 3d camera.

    It has been done for years. Always required 2 cameras, even these stereo pics actually use two cameras a couple inches apart.

  12. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    “Alwasys required two LENSES” and I have and operate a stereo camera with a single body. The lenses are 2.5 inches apart. Place them farther apart and you get the “super stereo” effect that works quite well depending on subject matter.

    I’ve been waiting for theaters to go totally 3D just to be different from TV. Looks like TV might get there first????

  13. sargasso says:

    There were stereoview cameras, with two lenses, separate shutters, which exposed onto a single plate.

  14. RBG says:

    “Always required two VIEWS”

    And I have a 20-yr old gizmo kicking around somewhere that screws onto an ordinary 35mm camera, using two separated views that then bounce the two images via mirrors onto the left & right side of one 35mm frame.

    Also seen the effect at top of page processed on video within a tracking shot. Also very cool.


  15. I was born in Okinawa and these are terrific. Great find! I agree with some of the other posters that it would be neat to see more use of 3D technology. This reminds me of how fascinating my View Master was as a kid.

  16. Jon Pelland says:

    There’s an app for the iPhone called “3D Camera” that lets you make these too. This is their info page:


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