Click pic to learn all about it
With support for “18 buttons, an analog joystick, and support for as many as 52 key commands,” it’s for people who think the new Apple Magic Mouse has gone a tad too far the other way. Designed for use with the free Open Office suite, the three extra fingers needed to operate it are, well, extra.
Reminds me of my old CAD Digitizer until it went windows.
This basically sums up what’s wrong with open source software.
#2 – brm
Thank goodness we got our crack lords of Redmond.
My Logitech mouse has 11 buttons on it and I have them all programmed… very handy.
This thing looks like either a joke, or just the toy to aggravate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, not very ergonomic at all.
#2, My thoughts exactly.
I love Open Office. I use Open Office Aqua every day on my iMac. However, is this mouse serious? Is this a joke?
Yes it’s serious
I just took a look at the Apple’s Magic Mouse. It’s the logical advancement to compliment touch screens, unlike the overloaded joke pictured above.
Ah, jeez! It’s wired!
I’ll wait for a BlueTooth version. And for the extra three fingers I’ll need transplanted onto my hand to be covered by National Health Insurance…
It’s been done.
Its a very old concept actually. The man who invented the mouse was a big proponent of having essentially two controllers, one a mouse and another a multibutton interface.
I guess they merged it into one.
I actually like the idea of this mouse.. For 3D and all the silly command keys I could program into this.. Seems like a dream…
That looks so pc clunky.
I dont want to find that in my junk pile a couple years from now.
Thats all the world needs more garbage.
I have Ubuntu 9.1, Vista-x64, OSX Leopard
My fav apps are winamp, movie maker, Kino (Linux Video editor), garage band, VLC (Except when it skips playing shoutcast video).
The world needs this like…
Most users are akin to the person who buys a DVD player or formerly VHS tape machine
All they want to do is play movies not any of the advanced features
Is there a left-handed version? I’m not going to be able to work that joystick very well with my pinky.
Nevermind, I’m not actually serious—this thing looks stupid.
#15: It looks symmetrical, so with a software switch to swap sides, it should work for lefties.
Magic Mouse works just fine. Bought one to try – ain’t going back to previous.
People who make “ideological” decisions about functionality, about multi-touch for example, would be hilarious – if they weren’t such fools.
Sure, it’s easy to increase the buttons on a three, even 5 button mouse, but can they get a more usable number than the 100+ keys on a standard keyboard? I only use half, if that many.
I totally want this. 3d software and games are meant for this. Troglodytes need not apply 😛
Why not just stick a laser on the bottom of your keyboard and eliminate one gizmo on your desk?
Why not replace the mouse with some kind of wireless glove or something. If they can put transponders in car keys (and they can). Why not do the same in some less bulky that computer mice? Maybe a pen or wand.
This pic has got to be a fake. Because the gear shift level is missing.
as I used to play WoW I would agree a mouse like this would be great with all the keys/buttons for macros up the wazoo…
but it would be killer for people like me with CTS.
I’ll stick with my trackball.
ha ha ha… clicked the pic to goto the OpenOffice site and read the press release!
I knew it would be perfect for gamers:
“20 default profiles for popular games and applications, including 3.1, Adobe Photoshop, the Gnu Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), World of Warcraft, and the Call of Duty series.”