In a tight vote, the House passed its sweeping health bill late Saturday, marking the biggest victory yet for Democrats in their drive to create near-universal health insurance.

The bill passed by a 220-215 margin. It came after House leaders made a surprise last-minute concession that blocks abortion from the new government insurance plan in order to win over wavering Democrats.

Its passage moves Congress closer to the biggest expansion of the social safety net since the Medicare insurance program for the elderly was created in 1965. The measure spends $1.01 trillion over a decade to provide health insurance to an additional 36 million Americans and creates a new public insurance plan to compete with private insurers by 2013. It requires most Americans to carry insurance, creates a new exchange where they can shop for it and gives the lowest earners tax credits to help them pay for it.


11:08 PM ET — The final bill has been passed: 220-215, with 1 yea GOP and 39 nay Dem votes.

11:00 PM ET — Finally, they are voting on the bill. 215 votes already, all Dems. 36 nay votes; 41 necessary to kill the bill. 7 Dem votes left.

10:58 PM ET — TORT reform is rejected: 247-187, with 3 GOP yea and 12 Dem nay votes.

10:39 PM ET — Lawmakers are discussing TORT reform. Now voting on it – 15 minutes. It is pretty clear that the GOP will loose this one.

10:36 PM ET — GOP Substitute Bill is rejected: 258-176, with one nay GOP vote.

10:21 PM ET — Now 5 more minutes (expect 10 or more) to vote on the GOP substitute bill.

10:18 PM ET— The Stupak ammendment has been passed: 240-194 with 64 aye Dem votes. Funny to see that many lawmakers voted after the time expired.

09:57 PM ET — Lawmakers now have 15 minutes to vote on the Stupak ammendment, which bans abortion coverage in the public exchange.

09:26 PM ET — OK, the general debate is getting to an end. Now Boehner is closing and Pelosi or Waxman should follow. It seems Dems are confident that bill will pass. Probably not before midnight, though.

09:02 PM ET — As John and Adam always say, it is tough watching CSPAN — I’m tired of hearing “I yield 60 seconds to the distinguished member from Iowa”.

08:55 PM ET — Sources tell Politico that Dems have the vote: “House Democrats believe they’ve secured the 218 votes they need to approve the bill, several party insiders said.”


  • General debate (until around 9:30 PM ET)
  • Debate on the Stupak anti-abortion amendment
  • Debate on the Republican health care substitute
  • Votes on the Stupak amendment and the GOP substitute
  • Debate on the “motion to recommit,” a procedural move used by the minority party
  • Vote on the motion to recommit
  • Vote on the full bill (at around 12 PM ET)

Dems bill – HR 3962 (

  • seeks to expand coverage to 36 million Americans
  • creation of government-run insurance plan
  • requires all Americans to have health insurance
  • prohibition on denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions (fine of up to U$250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years)
  • establish a new health insurance exchange (where people will buy health insurance from)
  • surtax on households with an income above U$350,000
  • gross cost is U$1.055 trillion over 10 years

GOP bill – substitute to HR 3962 (PDF)

  • seeks to expand coverage to 3 million Americans (less than population’s growth during the first 10 years)
  • won’t create a government-run insurance plan
  • reduce deficits by U$68 billion

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  1. Dr Dodd says:

    ObamaCare is just a Trojan Horse which will allow government to control every aspect of public and private life.

    The first clue to this designed oppression is if you don’t buy insurance you are threatened with jail.

    I submit a more accurate direction is if you are part of a certain group and don’t buy insurance you will go to jail or more likely fined into poverty.

    The writing is on the wall, Obama’s Number One goal is “Wealth Redistribution” not health care. Once that travesty is achieved then it’s game, set and match.

    Everyone equally miserable – what a world.

  2. TJ says:

    No one will be forced to by insurance, stop listening to Glenn Beck and Fox news. Your choice will be to either get adequate coverage or pay a 2.5% tax on your salary for the burden you place on everyone else.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    #65-TJ-No one will be forced to by insurance…

    You have been watching too much ObamaNews.

    Your own words condemn your statement.
    “Your choice will be to either get adequate coverage or pay a 2.5% tax on your salary”

    I happen to disagree with your figures because it will be much worse, but for the sake of this discussion – this is being forced to buy insurance.

    You did leave out the choice – or go to jail.

  4. TJ says:

    #66 Dr. Dodd
    You are mischaracterizing this, I didn’t leave out any choices. The choice is buy insurance if you can afford it or pay more taxes. If you don’t pay your taxes you go to jail, this isn’t new.
    If you want a choice how’s this:
    Pay taxes or leave the country.

  5. Mr Anderson says:

    All this big help from the government is making me sick.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #68, Is that how you justify it? Because it’s called a “tax” it is therefore not a forced purchase of insurance?

    What if a small business owner decided he wasn’t going to provide insurance for his people anymore nor pay the insurance fee to the government? Would the government come in, shut down his business by putting him in jail, and put all his people out of work? Would they and their families then be able to get “free” health care from the government because they no longer had jobs?

    You people have no clue what you are doing here. This is going to do nothing but increase the cost of insurance more than it is now. And you are going to be paying for it because I will not take a cut in profits to compensate — I’m going to raise my rates which then get passed on to you. Groceries are going to cost more because the grocer has a higher bill. Unemployment will remain high because companies won’t want the extra burden of hiring people due to the added overhead.

    If the Senate passes this shit, it will be the end of the US economy. There is no way to avoid it.

    So much for “taxes on those making less than $250,000 will not go up.”

  7. Dr Dodd says:

    #68-TJ-You are mischaracterizing this…

    The greatest mischaracterizing going on here is calling this health care reform. The thieves and whores in Washington are using the power of government to gain absolute power and control.

    History is full of examples proving that there will always be people who thirst for power no matter what age or century we live.

    We are witnessing just another in the long line of schemes those who have tasted power use to satisfy this lust.

    It’s a shame they don’t teach history in schools anymore.

  8. jescott418 says:

    You are forced into paying into Social Security through FICA payments. I think that this will affect many low wage earners in their pocketbooks. Yes, they be provided insurance but many younger people choose not to get insurance because they need the money.
    I am on the side that health insurance is a option and not a right or a mandate as the Democrat’s have worded it.

  9. MikeN says:

    >I do not understand why the Republicans supported the Stupak amendment. A smart minority party would have voted present.

    Because this not the last step, but an intermediate one. The Republicans expect that this amendment will be taken out in conference, and then the same Democrats will then vote no.

    Throw in coverage for illegal immigrants, and the Republican plan is to have Democrats fight themselves.

  10. MikeN says:

    >It came after House leaders made a surprise last-minute concession that blocks abortion from the new government insurance plan in order to win over wavering Democrats.

    Why are you repeating this misinformation? Pres Obama assured us that there was no coverage for abortion in the plan. Why are you repeating these slanderous accusations that Obama lies?

  11. TJ says:

    #70 LibertyLover

    Since you posted the same comment in two threads, I’m reposting my response as well,

    #32 LibertyLover
    I’m not justifying anything. You will not be forced to buy insurance, because you won’t have insurance if opt out and pay the tax.

    For someone who makes 60K the additional tax would be about $1,500 dollars a year. Not a small amount of money but considerably less than an insurance policy which would cost from 3K to 10K for the same individual.

    Some small businesses are exempt, but even if they weren’t, it would be no different than it is today with social security and medicare etc. If you choose not to pay your taxes you can lose your business and face jail time. Most of the time you only have to pay what you owe plus fines.

    I am concerned about insurance prices going up, but mostly because of the damage done by lobyists to the public option.

    One of the biggest reasons insurance is so expensive is because the insured are paying for the uninsured. Hospitals pass these cost of treating uninsured patients to insured ones. The idea is that if everyone is insured the average cost of medical treatment will decrease.

    I am a small business owner, I have 7 employees and I provide health insurance, it currently costs us 90k a year to cover our employees. I provide insurance because I believe that healthy employees are productive ones. People who can’t afford preventative medicine or take care of their families health concerns cannot work effectively. People who are in-firmed cannot work, if they are bankrupted from medical treatment costs they can’t buy products, which is what or economy is based on.

    originally here.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #70, Loser,

    #68, Is that how you justify it? Because it’s called a “tax” it is therefore not a forced purchase of insurance?

    Nope. Simply because you don’t get insurance for that 2.5%. If you actually read the bill instead of relying on Beck or Limbaugh to explain it you would know.

    It is a tax that will help cover the government insurance to the poor and indigent. You could avoid the tax by deducting your own insurance premiums. Or not.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Goracle, and all the other wing nuts that made the same comment.

    Please give me one example of something the government forces you to purchase by specifically legislating that you shall purchase….

    Social Security and Medicare. In case you haven’t noticed, no one is trying to repeal either. Just ask your mother or grandmother if she appreciates Medicare.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    $75, I don’t recall you having fulfilled the requirements to allow you to talk to me yet.

    Have I missed it somewhere?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:


    Since your post is just a copy and paste of another, let me copy my reply.

    #32, Loser,

    “What if a small business owner decided he wasn’t going to provide insurance for his people anymore nor pay the insurance fee to the government?”

    They would send a letter informing him his taxes were overdue.

    “Would the government come in, shut down his business by putting him in jail, and put all his people out of work?”

    Who knows. That is a Justice Department decision. The business could be seized by the government if the owner still refused to pay the taxes. If the owner still refused to pay his taxes he could be fined and or JAILED.

    Would the government put the people out of work? No. The tax evader would be the one doing that. The business would most likely be sold for unpaid taxes and since a going concern is worth more, the Government would most likely appoint an interim administrator.

    Blaming the government for the owner’s crimes is foolish. Typical greedy, selfish, inconsiderate tactics of Liebertarians though. Blame others for their refusal to pay their share of the public obligation.

    “Would they and their families then be able to get “free” health care from the government because they no longer had jobs?”

    Unemployed generally qualify for Medicaid.

    You people have no clue what you are doing here.

    No, once again you demonstrate your ignorance. We the people want health care reform.

    “I will not take a cut in profits to compensate — I’m going to raise my rates which then get passed on to you.”

    None of the current health care bills apply to Sim City or any other Fantasy World. In the real world, posers don’t count.

    “If the Senate passes this shit, it will be the end of the US economy. There is no way to avoid it.”

    The exact same complaint heard when Social Security, all of Roosevelt’s aid packages, Civil Rights legislation, Medicare, Clinton’s 1995 budget, Nixon’s resignation, and the invasion of Iraq happened. We are still here.

    You give yourself away as a poser simply because you are always saying it can’t be done instead of suggesting how it can be done. The difference between running your own business and still living off of your mother. Posers cry generalities while doers discuss specifics.

  16. TJ says:

    #78 LibertyLover

    “$75, I don’t recall you having fulfilled the requirements to allow you to talk to me yet.

    Have I missed it somewhere?”

    Wow, I’d say you just lost the argument, anyone else agree? What are you a child?

  17. qb says:


    He gets like that when he’s pwned. Small business will be the test of this. Innovation and leadership comes from the small business sector. If it makes it easier to run a business like yours, then it worked. If it makes it worse, then it failed.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    “…biggest victory yet for Democrats…”

    Really? Only 219 democrats out of 258 is not a major victory, it’s a petty passage.

    If the Senate passes their version, and if it gets out of the conference committee, how many of the 219 will still vote, “Aye”.

    Save the “victory” talk until then…

  19. Loupe Garou says:

    # 79

    Well said Comrade.

  20. LibertyLover says:

    #79, Why you would sacrifice others to save your wife?

  21. LibertyLover says:

    #80, Hard to lose an argument when I’m not in an argument with him. Until he answers the question, he is just typing to the wind.

    But, I do have a question for you —

    If someone else’s small business would be worse off with the new law but yours would be better off, would you support it?

  22. LibertyLover says:

    #81, Actually, if you’ll notice, I haven’t responded to anything Poison Twin has drooled toward me since he backed out of his deal to answer why he would sacrifice others to save his wife, if I would answer it first.

    The man’s a liar.

  23. Thomas says:

    To those liberals out there, why are we taxing everyone at 2.5%? Why doesn’t this tax only apply to the “rich”? Why are you not pushing to have the rich pay for everyone’s health care? By the liberal’s logic, if I do not want to pay for health care insurance, some rich bastard somewhere else should pay an extra 2.5% right?

    As LibertyLover said, so much for not raising taxes on people making less than $250K a year.

  24. Loupe Garou says:

    #89 “Read the Bill”

    Thanks for the lecture. Very satisfied with yourself aren’t you? Every topic needs a pompous ass pontificating on it and you certainly seem to qualify.

    BTW, there is no need for me to read the bill that is what our glorious leaders in congress are for. I am sure they have nothing but our best interest in mind.

  25. Animby says:

    It’s a pointless debate, anyway, since the Senate has already declared the House bill DOA. One such report is here:

  26. Larry says:

    Given your interest, you might want to check out the piece on the healthcare debate : Bigger Than Healthcare

  27. Glenn E. says:

    I just heard that it passed the US House with only two votes to spare. Now either that news source was wrong, can’t count, or your source is wrong. I really don’t care. But it shows that you can trust the damn press to get even the simplest details right.

  28. Hmeyers says:

    The best way to have universal coverage is to FORCE POOR UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE to buy health insurance!

    And that’s what this plan is.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #84, Loser,

    #79, Why you would sacrifice others to save your wife?

    Have you stopped masturbating in public yet?

  30. LibertyLover says:

    #96, Sigh. Trying to change the subject again, I see.

    Why you would sacrifice others to save your wife?


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