Warning, coarse language.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Boy she’s fugly. So is Susan.

  2. Mike says:

    “that’s refreshing”

    How is that refreshing to hear someone say something like that about someone else? Let alone even the slightest bit original or funny.

  3. The0ne says:

    No need for the warning really…this is the osborne family 😮

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    A truly sad comment from a very sad person on a terrible radio show. Something the wing nuts can really enjoy.

  5. jescott418 says:

    I am all for a good laugh. But this show is disturbing and inmature humor. I can only imagine the type of self centered low IQ idiots that listen to these jokers. Not a lick of positives for society.

  6. wre says:

    Stern, these guys are NOT! But these guys do some of the best edgy comedy on the radio. Funny is funny and brutal, raw humor is not everyone’s cup of tea. But, calling this immature is short sighted coming from people who don’t appreciate biting commentary. It’s locker room humor, and it’s funny!

  7. amodedoma says:

    Are these people stoned? I mean they look stoned, they act stoned. How can I get a job like that? I like getting stoned and I’d love to work stoned, and laugh like a stoner while talking on the radio. Boy, that sounds like a great gig. I wonder what kind of audience these guys get.

  8. dcphill says:

    Those people are F…n cruel. Shame!!

  9. JimR says:

    I thought I had seen ugly before, but Sharon Osbourne is ugly to the depths of her God blessing core.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Sharon Osbourne was such a sexy babe (article) before the plastic surgeons took over her life and she had to whore out Ozzy to pay for it all…

  11. JB says:

    A “slapped arse” that can sing a whole lot more tunefully than your whining scraping tone, Shazza, you dopey cow…. yours on the other hand reminds me of a bulldog licking piss off a nettle… or a bag of angry frogs, take your pick.

  12. DavidtheDuke says:

    Sharon looks/looked almost just as “bad” as Susan. I didn’t watch the video to know it’s a waste of existence.

  13. deowll says:

    #4 Sorry dude but this is just funny to those get get a thrill by putting others down left, middle, or right.

    I don’t think it’s funny at all.

  14. chris says:

    Both are unattractive, but at least one is talented.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Oh Ms. Osbourne can talk. Look at Ozzie (if you can stand to). What a double standard. Very little surprise that someone as shallow and vacuous as Susan Osbourne, works in a industry full of shallow and vacuous performers and executives. It’s all about marketing pretty people. They don’t give a damn about talent or ability. That comes a distant second or third. The music industry has manufactured popular singers and groups out of pretty young boys and girls. Regardless of them never having written a single song of their own, or having any uncoached stage experience.

    The idea of obscure singers, bands or groups, working their way up from the small stage to larger ones, is pretty much dead. It’s all “American Idol”, “America’s Got Talent” or nothing. The music industry owns the hopefuls, from before they’re even an unknown commodity. So they can’t choose who they’ll sign with. Or even what they’ll sign away. They’ve turned the talent search, into a commercial product all their own. Boyle was just put on to try and convince us that anyone could succeed. Even if they weren’t attractive. But I’m sure the voting system was rigged to eliminate her eventually.

    But anyway. Susan Osbourne is a hypocrite.

  16. BigBoyBC says:

    #16 Sharon Osbourne not Susan… I still agree with you otherwise…

  17. Jani says:

    Anyone read the long Susan Boyle interview in todays DailyMail?
    Beautiful article with beautiful pictures of Susan.
    She’s such a lady.
    Osbourne is trash not even worth discussing and she hung herself.

  18. Jani says:

    One more thing.
    I think Sharon was ripped off when she paid for all the plastic surgery.
    Does anyone else think she looks like a man in drag?
    A younger man in drag, but a man none the less.

  19. Rose of England says:

    Sharon Osbourne’s daughter is one of the ugliest people I have ever seen. I think her mother is trying to make her look better by criticising someone else, but it failed! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Susan’s many many fans think she is beautiful inside and outside.

  20. sargasso says:

    Actually, they have a lot in common. Both are very ordinary, attention seeking, relentlessly self absorbed, promo-sexuals.

  21. JD says:

    To me, Susan Boyle looks a lot like Jeremy Clarkson (the host of Top Gear) would if he wore a dress.

    I don’t know who Sharon Osbourne is, not sure why I would care what she thinks.


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