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What is wrong with that? Minnesota has a concealed handgun law. You can carry a concealed weapon, but if a place of business doesn’t want guns, they can post a sign much like this.
I am sure that any armed criminal terrorist seeking to enter will be deterred by this strongly worded statement.
Anyone who would obey this sign is not a problem.
Academic administrators are paranoid of bogeymen because they cannot think for themselves. Their paranoia causes them to shit on innocent people er… It’s politically correct profiling.
Watch the film “U Indoctrinate”, it accurately shows the menacing-sheep mentality that pervades academia.
That would scare the shit out of any crazed nut that planned on attacking this place.
Who is going to stop the guy that walks in with a gun ?
“Please refrain from shooting up the place.”
“Anyone who would obey this sign is not a problem.”
By themselves, no. Add an armed robber, and then you’ve got the gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Very bad for the artwork (and bystanders).
As a citizen of Minnesota as well as a carry permit holder I can say those signs are funny.
Thankfully here in Minnesota there are very specific instructions describing what a facility must do to “ban” firearms. A compliant sign must be posted at EVERY entrance. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts does not have a sign at every entrance and therefore legally do not comply with the law. If an employee informs you directly (i.e. you carry in there and they see your gun) that is considered notice though.
For violating one of those signs (or employee notice) you are legally obligated to leave. If you refuse to leave your first offense ends up being a fine of no more than $25.00 and you do not forfeit your permit or gun.
What those signs really mean to say is “There is a much less likely chance of a law abiding citizen carry a gun in here. If you are planning to rob this place or commit another criminal act you are more than welcome to try. Do note there is no guarantee there is nobody legally carrying in here though.”
Overall I really like the carry laws in my state.
Part of the conceal/carry law in Minnesota is that if you don’t want people bringing in guns, you have to post a sign with those exact words. Absence of a sign is considered permission. Here is an explanation of this requirement. Note that the size and typeface is spelled out pretty explicitly.
“The Institute bans crimes on these premises.”
As stated earlier, having a gun is not a crime, unless the business has it posted.
You really wouldn’t have to look that hard to find a better “Pic of the Day”.
An unnecessary sign.
Republicans don’t visit Art institutions.
at least no one is attacking them 🙂
you’d have to be a pretty scared individual to need a weapon on yourself in public.
Spoken by someone who doesn’t have to walk home from work at night.
Ever get mugged? It sucks.
Duh, have anyone seen how full of drama artists can be? It’s not to protect the artists from the people but to protect the people from the artists.
14. The criminals were forced by society to mug you. You see, their welfare checks were not large enough to cover their drug habit, because you did not elect democrats whom would have given them a bigger handout. So please understand that it is all your fault and that the mugger is the victim here. Shame on you for having amassed more wealth than the criminal. We need to be exactly the same, so the criminal is entitled to take money from your wallet. The idea of using a weapon to defend yourself and keep the mugger from acquiring what is owed to him is just silly.
Looks photoshop-ed to me. Extremely white background and extremely clear and neat text 🙂
#14, brm,
Spoken like a typical Hummer owner that just saw his precious little beauty repossessed.
It must suck to be you.
#13 Shhhh EW, that’s their dirty little secret they’d rather people not know. Carrying a gun makes them feel more like a man.
#8 Exactly
#’s 11, 18, 19 idiots
I remember a Chris Rock joke, “Don’t go to parties with metal detectors, sure you feel safe inside, but everyone outside knows you don’t have a gun now.”
“Spoken like a typical Hummer owner that just saw his precious little beauty repossessed.”
lol, wut?
I’m a student, and I’m saving up some money to make repairs to my fully-paid-with-cash car.
I fully obey the signs that are posted like that at any business. I just don’t go inside.
I agree, most countries use better grammar for signs written in their native language.
#25 – It’s just a matter of time before you snap and go postal on everyone. Or maybe that nagging itch of what it would be like to shoot someone takes over. Or, maybe you just need to test it out to make sure it’s still working. Guns don’t kill people. People with guns kill people.
# 27
That was either sarcasm and we all know that does not work in print or the stupidest thing ever said in history. A new record for sure.
what that sign really says is ” there are no armed citizens in here, please feel free to use it as a free-fire zone”
It’s useless to try to reason with gun nuts. We’ve all seen the statistics, gun nuts and non-gun nuts alike, that guns are more likely to be turned on the gun owners themselves. Whether it be accidental, suicide, or just shooting their teenage son sneaking in after a late night thinking he’s an intruder, guns are more likely to harm the owners than any bad guys.
And each one of those people who suffered those tragedies said, just like our gun nuts here are saying now, “That will never happen to me.”
*Shrug* What can you do? It’s worth the risk to them, just like someone who smokes around their children. It increases the risk to them and their children, but it’s a free country.
And frankly, from talking to a few myself, I think carrying a gun gives them such a woody that they’d be extra careful not to do anything to screw up and lose their carry permits. I’d have to see a lot of incidents of legal carriers shooting people to make it worthwhile to ban it, and I haven’t seen that yet.
Yes obviously more than 1.5 million people have their guns turned against them. Because 1.5 million is the number of guns use in self defense according to this study by the National Institute of Justice (which was funded by the U.S. Department of Justice):
So want to present your neutral (actually the U.S. DoJ is more against guns then for them) source evidence showing your point?