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#30 Fido – You are right of course. But it’s more fun to poke them with a stick and watch ’em swarm around.
When guns are outlawed, only people with guns are outlaws. ha
Guns are art.
#31 Eh… especially now after Obama got elected, the wingnuts are mad enough for me, no extra provocation necessary. đ
Would be funnier if it had some bullet holes in it.
>guns are more likely to harm the owners than any bad guys.
You are more likely to die in the hospital than outside of one. So clearly you should not go the hospital.
I hear that having a parachute makes one more likely to die. Perhaps I’ll just skip the parachute when I go skydiving.
It’s more likely that the signs are put up to control legal liability by the facility. If some lunatic goes in and shoots up the place, at least they can fall back on “we told people they weren’t allowed to bring guns in!”
As many have said, it’s probably pointless but in our litigious society, sometimes pointless things get done.
#36 MikeN, why do you even bother? We all know the story. Just man up and admit that it’s risky, but you’re willing to accept the risk.
“Itâs more likely that the signs are put up to control legal liability by the facility. ”
If their CCW laws are anything like Ohio’s., they took care of that. Ohio’s was writen that they’re not liable if they have it posted or not. This was done to cover both sides. Anti-gun say they would sue if someone used a gun and didn’t have the sign. Pro-gun said they would sue if you did have a sign and I then could defend myself.
In Ohio it’s is trespassing for ignoring the sign except were prohibited by law (ex. Fed builds, school, ect.) then it’s a felony. Like most said I just shop elsewhere but haven’t seen a lot of them. Wonder if that office building in FL. had one.
#18: not Photoshopped. I remember seeing that sign at the entrance to the Minneapolis art museum, a little over a year ago.
#29, spinny,
what that sign really says is â there are no armed citizens in here, please feel free to use it as a free-fire zoneâ
What the sign really says is “We have armed and trained security guards to deal with any situation. You additional assistance is not required”.
Guns in cold dead hands should be illegal, especially in art museums.
#41 Clearly you weren’t paying attention if you though you saw armed and trained security guards, most security guards would just piss their pants when the shooting started.
I can’t believe all the people here who are so afraid of guns. Amazing.
From the Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog:
the numbers represent a 5 percent injury rate and less than 1 percent fatality rate for armed citizens. Because these incidents are MORE likely to be reported, the real rates are likely even lower.
I’ll take a 1% chance of dying from my own weapon.
Among the surveyed incidents, a defender’s gun was taken away and used against him or her only seven times. Criminals’ guns were used against them nearly 200 times!
In confrontational shootings, studies show police hit their targets between 13 percent and 25 percent of the time.
Of the incidents analyzed in this study, civilians hit their targets 84 percent of the time.
This comparison does not account for the number of shots fired, only hits or misses. Nevertheless, it gives us a statistical basis to refute claims that only police should have firearms or that civilian shooters are largely ineffective in emergencies.
Wouldn’t you find it a crying shame that so many people could have been saved if only they had the means to defend themselves?
Hope that counts for trigger-happy pigs as well! No one is safe as long as they’re on the loose.
Seems pretty reasonable to me since most museums in Europe I went to this year banned water.
How about a quietly idling chainsaw?
We were bored and updated the men’s room here at the church.
This sign is annoying, but a few years ago traveling to Cleveland and seeing the same sign at every Ohio rest stop was disturbing.
I have since read that ODOT was required to remove them.
Get a sense of humor and come back đ Or rather, watch Married with children with Al building Buck the dog house and get yourself a funny bone.
The only problem with those signs is that people intent on doing harm won’t obey them.
The sign is obviously there to protect the image of the Virgin Mary/Jesus/ETC on the wall above it. Wouldn’t want anyone trying to shoot it off the wall.
What do you mean, only in america? Actually I would have thought that outside of america guns would be banned, but in America the 2nd amendment would prevent that.
IMHO ESR has it right:
“…refusal to bear arms is a form of moral cowardice masquerading as virtue”
Armed and Dangerous
That’s great…no guns. I’ll fend off the bad guys with a fine Rembrandt or maybe a Klee…his art is pointy and more likely to hurt!
Only in America… as well as some comments of this post ! Funny or scary ?
If you don’t think its a bit funny. im scared.
Seems to me if owning/bearing guns is a privately head constitutional right that should “trump” mere property owner’s right to “disarm.” It would be on par with property owners being able to say “no gays” or interracial couples holding hands while viewing the art.
But such laws exist and are enforced. Shows the crack in the liberty bell.
“I carry legally where I can. ”
That’s just so sad to live in fear every day. Nice place you got there.
Or maybe you’re just a western cowboy wannabe longing for the old days.
Either way.