Maybe he’s reading too much into Ballmer’s lack of enthusiasm. Maybe’s Steve’s mellowing. Maybe he was bummed out about having to lay off more people. Maybe he was coming down with swine flu. Or maybe “Window 7 has done quite well” isn’t “quite well” enough.

Shy and retiring Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer seems to be having trouble finding something nice to say about Windows 7’s launch.

Analysts seem to think Windows 7 has done quite well, but the man who knows all the figures seems to be keeping uncharacteristically quiet.

When hacks at ComputerWorld asked Ballmer how Windows 7 was doing, he said “er… its fantastic… er, in Japan.”

“It is helping to spur PC sales… um… in Japan. We’ve had a great response… in Japan. The first ten days were bigger than the first ten days of XP or Vista or any other Windows launch that we have done… in Japan.”

True he was talking to a Japanese news conference, but it is rare that the great man is that specific. If it was really doing well in Japan and everywhere else we would expect him to start waving his arms, flinging chairs and shouting, “I rule the world, baby!”

  1. hornet52 says:

    Steve Ballmar tells the Japanese his products is doing well in Japan, Wow….that must mean he doesn’t think it’d doing well anywhere else….er…yeah…or maybe this is a dumb story.

    Read the comments on the original post.

  2. Improbus says:

    It is hard to get excited about an OS that is just extremely adequate not ground breaking.

  3. Rufus says:

    I tried Win 7 briefly on a new laptop (that was defective). Not impressed at all. I didn’t like Vista and I don’t like 7.

    Better to hope that the ReactOS project continues to make progress with their free clone of Windows NT, because Microsoft’s doing crap work.

  4. Its only a couple of days
    Talk about living in a cloistered corporate world of Microsoft clones and Bill “yes men” ( and women)
    Still I never put the two together in context of the layoffs yesterday and Windows 7
    Then again maybe Linux still keeps Mr. Balmer of Microsoft “up at night”

  5. mr Magoo says:

    Bought Vista Ultimate. It promised to be good with all the “Ultimate Extras” Microsoft did not bother with, once they got Vista going.. I tried Win 7 as Beta on another machine. it was fair. I will stick to Vista for now, because I do not feel like handing Microsoft another 200-300 to keep them filthy rich.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Perhaps he feels he got a little too enthusiastic with Vista and wants to downplay 7’s “successful” release.

    Just loaded it yesterday on a test machine, installed easy, runs great. The organization of tools is FAR better than anything previous, but I haven’t done anything useful with it yet.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    >> Improbus said, on November 6th, 2009 at 5:18 am
    >> It is hard to get excited about an OS that is just extremely adequate not ground breaking.

    Well said!

    I, myself, never get excited about an OS. It’s like getting excited about the engine in my car. I want it to have the power I need and to run flawlessly… but I don’t want to pop the hood and — for goodness sake — never have to re-install it or buy a new one.

    My “dream OS” is one that I don’t even know exists.

  8. diode0512 says:

    I am not going to give Microsoft money for a fix for Windows Vista. Ballmer will have to wait until I get another computer before I will be using Windows 7.

  9. Shenzhov says:

    I just spent a god awful week on a brand new Windows 7 laptop. A pretty high end machine too. I tried to like it, I really did. I found that doing most things under windows 7 took more steps and was always in your face about one thing or another. I was always tired after being on the computer. After a week I simply returned the machine.

    I know computing is subjective, but I see nothing exciting or new in Win 7. It simply seems dated and over hyped. The whole masturbate your window to make it minimize is probably the dumbest feature I’ve ever seen.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Mr. Baggins,

    The organization of tools is FAR better than anything previous, but I haven’t done anything useful with it yet.

    Say what??? Are you going Republican?


  11. AdamGott says:

    Ballmer always comes off as kind of awkward to me… did anyone hear him on Engadget last week? Weird….

  12. billabong3453 says:

    M$ has lost the hand held battle to Apple and Google this is the end for a giant in the tech industry.JD is right M$ better get into the hardware business or they are toast.Ballmer may be clueless but he knows what is happening and it is depressing him.It was BIG versus Cool and cool won.It will be another 20 years before M$ dies but Linux-Google and Apple will be the dominant OS’s in the years to come.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Fusion…it’s all in Control Panel. Virtually everything regularly needed. Open CP, then click any group heading…categories on the left and 75 or so tools right there. Then, other stuff is ‘hit Win key type name enter’.

    Vista confused the heck out of me, but this seems a lot easier.

    I wouldn’t be messing with this at all, but for a need to develop some conversion training.

    IMHO Vista=WinME.

  14. ECA says:

    some interesting thoughts..
    1. those that get NEW windows will get it with a NEW computer.
    2. MOST people that NEED a new computer from the last 5-7 years, will be about 10%.
    3. FEW people will upgrade on purpose. Only when their computer DIES, will they start looking.
    4. BUSINESS, which is about 1/2(50%) of the market, does not see a reason to upgrade or update, IF THERE computers are working.
    5. there is no real increase in productivity from getting a NEW windows.. You will need MORE hardware just to run it(windows) then previous versions, and FEW business’s need MAJOR graphics.
    6. most of the improvements?? are what??
    DirectX REQUIRES specific CARDS, that run DX11, other wise??
    Ram required is DOUBLE what XP needed to have a smooth running windows.
    Multi core?? and MS still doesnt know how to get the other cores working FULLY?
    MOST of it is in HARDWARE. There isnt much improvement over software, except that it requires MORE RAM. WHICH is a failing.

  15. AdmFubar says:

    onto year 5 of using linux and i dont miss windows a bit..
    oh wait, i miss endless rebooting, viruses, malware, popups, and having my system comprimised one way or another..


  16. ECA says:

    And how does Linux like Multi cores?

  17. bill says:

    Snow Leopard.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Fubar…I’m onto year seven of XP, and I’ve never had those problems either.

  19. Rabble Rouser says:

    As J.C.D. said in an article:
    “…the buzz will wane rapidly as people realize that there is no new paradigm here, just more cheap vodka that will inevitably be followed by the same old Microsoft hangover. ”

    Me, I FINALLY bought a MAC, and am loving it!

  20. Animby says:

    As an aside: does anyone else think Steve looks like Peter Boyle in Young Frankenstein? Especially in the photo above…

  21. deowll says:

    To much software is not user friendly in some ways. I want to control my files and they don’t want to let me.

    My software isn’t going to run faster if I upgrade to a new OS. I don’t have many issues with Vista, XP, or Ubuntu.

    I don’t have many issues with 7 but since I’m pretty much going to get nothing that matters to me for the cost I wouldn’t pay much for an upgrade.

    On the other hand if I needed a new computer I wouldn’t hesitate to buy one with 7 on it.

    If you disagree, do what you want.

  22. peter_m says:

    Maybe his doctors finally adjusted his medication…

  23. Glenn E. says:

    My first PC was a 2nd hand model, I got from a relative. It came with both Win98 and XP discs. So I tried `98 first and hated it. Then I loaded XP onto the harddrive, and what a difference! I’ve also tinkered with a Win-ME machine, and loathed that OS’s shortcomings. Only Win-XP convinced me that PCs had finally been done right.

    But I’m wondering if Vista or Win-7 are really that much better than XP, as XP was to Win-98? And I seriously doubt it. They might look snazzier. But if the files system is handling everything exactly the same as XP did. Then I can’t see how tweeking some applications and giving the window panes a new look, is suppose to make everyone throw away their old XP PC for a Vista or Win-7 machine.

    Besides, most of the improvements they’ll see are due to newer PC hardware. If users could get the proper drivers. The new hardware would work just as well for XP (if not faster), as for the Win-7. So it’s likely that Win-7 will sell mainly because users won’t have a choice about using it, with their new PCs. At some point, the only way you’ll be able to get XP, is if you’re a Fortune 500 company.

  24. Rick Cain says:

    I went back to XP.

    Nuff said.


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