What gets me the most here, is not Coulter’s ham fisted attempt to link communists, liberals and murderers, its the little laugh they both have, as if it’s difficult to keep a straight face during this ridiculous fraud of a conversation. If this is typical of the political discourse happening in the US, there is no hope.

  1. Glass Half Full says:

    Good god that woman is stupid.

    Or if she’s honestly not stupid, just the most awfully cynical bold face lying person I’ve known of in adult life. I GET IT that she wants her favorite political party to win. Everyone invested in both ‘sides’ plays dirty tricks, but she’s just out of her tiny mind.

  2. gal416 says:

    I guess it is true that conservatives never did anything.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, TML,

    Thank you. Same here.

  4. Floyd says:

    One classic instance of a conservative assassin: John Wilkes Booth, killing Lincoln because, (quoting Wikipedia) he was “a Confederate sympathizer vehement in his denunciation of the Lincoln Administration and outraged by the South’s defeat in the American Civil War.” That’s about as mad dog conservative as they get.

    Coulter (whether he or she) should STFU.

  5. deowll says:

    I doubt that Booth was a progressive.

    What all of these people seem to have in common was rage. What they were angry about seems to vary a great deal.

    What they all lacked was respect for human life. While some Progressives, based on their stated views, do suffer from this problem so do some moderates and conservatives.

    Take care and God bless.

  6. Tom McMahon says:

    Do all Liberals spew this sort of hate, or is it just Liberal bloggers, commenters, and assassins?

  7. GlowingApple says:

    #37, I agree, seems that most people here are more fond of attacking Coulter personally rather than addressing the actual debate.

    As the saying goes, “Strong minds talk about ideas; weak minds talk about people.” If you disagree with her views, debate THEM. A few of you got this right and made some very good points, but calling her a man and attacking her personally only shows you have no real argument.

  8. jay says:

    this lady should never have an outlet to her bullshit.

  9. Heh Shimona says:

    Ann Coulter, Robin Williams and Dana Carvey. Three men whose given names sound surprisingly feminine. All three are great comedians.


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