What gets me the most here, is not Coulter’s ham fisted attempt to link communists, liberals and murderers, its the little laugh they both have, as if it’s difficult to keep a straight face during this ridiculous fraud of a conversation. If this is typical of the political discourse happening in the US, there is no hope.
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“If this is typical of the political discourse happening in the US, there is no hope.” /// Well, you are close. This is typical of right wing talk radio and tv. That’s about 20% of the USA and about 90% of the political right in the USA.
So crazy–its not even really “political” speech in any sane context. I blame religion and the lack of education and thinking skills it inspires.
If every person who ever said “if _____ then there’s no hope” gave me a dollar, I would be a trillionaire of which there are none currently. I would then take the interest from that money and unlike what Bill Gates would do, create a foundation to vaccinate against losing his money to taxes, I would wipe out world debt for the simple reason as so I wouldn’t have to listen to any more people whine about there being “no hope” so they could instantly move on and have some which was actually there all the time but none-the-less I would take credit for providing it.
I watched this and sometimes Coulter is right on target and others she is just plain extremists. One reason if you are a moderate conservative you cannot be Republican. Would not surprise me to see a Independent become more popular in the next election. The Right are going too far right and the Left is doing the same. Much to the dismay of many of us who are in the middle. Main reason government is doing so poorly. No compromise!
Well she’s a pundit and a hack in a short skirt. I think its her speel and appeal. Would anyone pay attention to her otherwise? She’s not serious enough to go on McLauglin Group, so…
Two brainless potty mouths, not just one.
But to be fair 98% of liberals are never as open-minded as they claim.
Liberals and conservatives are equally racist and stupid… by design.
In the “who’s further right” contest, the idiot Coulter appears to be a leader.
Ann Coulter is a better at writing than interviewing because interviewers seldom let her finish her points. George Bush was hated by so many people that I agree with her that Obama is probably not getting more threats that Bush was.
Similarly, she never says that being liberal makes you an assassin. She is stating that all presidential assassins were liberals (as Dvorak pointed out in the title). If that is true, why are we mad at her? If it is not, then the interviewer should attempt to show otherwise. The truth is the truth. People who are telling the truth should not be hated and judged. People who are afraid of the truth should be.
Well, by definition liberal means wanting change and conservative means keeping things the same. So, again by definition, only liberals would assassinate the current president thereby causing a change in the presidency.
Pretty straightforward.
Actually, thinking on it, she may be right, er correct, from the standpoint that in their day, society generally associated these assassins with an agenda of radical change to the status quo. What really binds them is that most were just plain nuts. Garfield was killed by a Republican, btw.
The problem srgothard is that its a logical fallacy meant to slander liberals.
All serial killers are humans…
Bobbo I was thinking the same thing =)
Actually I think you could call Booth a conservative. It depends if you see him as protecting the status quo of slavery, or the “revolutionary” Confederacy.
This is the danger of labels. Its really only useful if you want to manipulate people. The truth is never that simple.
And how is trying to impress Jodie Foster a liberal idea? What he wasn’t successful, so it doesn’t count?
#10–traxxxx==YOU LIE!!!!!
One can could only hope for an express above board reviewable death panel but the republican backers of “Kill the Sick” legislation currently being considered have filed their secret agenda under “Increased Competition Solutions” and Malpractice Reform.
We all know how many millions get killed when any kind of reform of the status quo gets passed.
#12–tcc==I thought of Hinkly. He was trying to impress a liberal hollywood actress. Thats got liberal all over it.
Try again.
Cue Alfred1 defending her.
Guiteau wasnt a liberal, was he? Either was Czolgosz afaik.
All I remember about Guiteau is that he was part of a free love society for a while. LIBERAL!! Don’t know Czolgosz and besides it doesn’t matter when one argues “by definition.”
Liberals==wanting change. Assassination==change for sure.
Therefore, all Assassins are Liberals. The logic is infallible. NOW we can cue Alfie. HEY ALFIIEEEEE!!! BTW, cute the way LL tries to shift the cult of stupidity over to Alfie. If I were Alfie, I’d be insulted.
I want to know why hasn’t someone punched that transvestite on that giraffe neck yet?
>> If this is typical of the political discourse happening in the US, there is no hope.
It’s typical _CONSERVATIVE_ discourse.
Yes, we liberals have nutcases on the wings of our movement but STUPID PARANOID CRAZIES are the conservative BASE.
The politically tone-deaf claim, “Dems. GOPs… they’re all the same” — but they are not.
#17 Bobbo
Czolgosz was apparently a Republican and wannabe Anarchist (go figure). Not really liberal credentials.
I also think it a bit glib to say liberal = change. By that definition, Ghengis Kahn and Robert Mugabe are liberals!
Look no further then #18 for proof of Coulters theory.
#20–honeyman==so you are saying that by definition to argue by definition is glib, and therefore my arguing by definition that liberal = change is glib?
by golly, I think you’ve got it.
All thats left then is to argue about definitions. Not a totally wasteful way to pass time, depending on how you define waste?
But anarchists==yes, I guess they would kill to stop things from changing and that opens the door to just what power to change a president has. America has never been big on anarchists. Silly group, too close to LIEBERTARIANS and other such silly isolationists.
I like Ann by the way until she gets off onto religion: “there is no proof for evolution.” I heard her say that once.
Anns purpose is to make wild comments as a method to sell her books. In doing so all she has added to the world is fuel for hate and divisiveness.
Personally I don’t think that is likable, desirable or helpful.
You could argue it’s ‘entertainment’ or even ‘comedy’. And it is amusing at a level – the same level as a bigoted joke.
So this is just business as usual.
Anyone who has ever watched Joy Behar before knows she was restraining herself during this interview. I believe she would have loved to throttle that scrawny giraffe neck into a pretzel as a favor to all those Coulter has slandered in the past.
its the little laugh they both have
Behar was laughing at Coulter. Coulter was laughing because of the vibrator up his butt.
An Ann Coulter story.
part II
Ann Coulter is a sick f*ck. But the more people associate her with the Republican party, the better.
#9 “Garfield was killed by a Republican, btw.”
Why would a Republican kill a cat?
#27, The same reason a democrat would — they refuse to do what you tell them to do.
Why does this woman get any air time?
She needs to be ignored and sidelined.
I find her an insulting exhibitionist.
What is it about her that fascinates
intelegent people ?
I wouldn’t f*ck her with your dick.
I think Ann Coulter was a man. It would explain a lot about of the nasty BS she spew.