truck(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Mark Derail says:

    The bullet holes are a nice touch.

  2. Alf says:

    Not an uncommon sight in Iowa.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    If I still had a barn, I’d take that truck, fix it up, paint it primer gray, and brag about the paint job it was GONNA have.

    Kinda looks like the old truck from the CARS movie.

  4. sargasso says:

    50’s steel was “virgin”, from Bessemers with very little recycled steel content. American iron ore, with a pinch of WWII aircraft carrier and a tea spoon of battleship.

  5. Faxon says:

    53 Ford, right gang?

  6. Hawkeye says:

    Probably still worth more than my house.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    From the looks of the front tires it’s been in that spot a while.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    A few thousand in touch ups and someone could have a sweet, unique ride.

  9. chuck says:

    Beats my 1993 Ford Taurus.

  10. This truck was actually civic “art” outside of a burg in North Carolina.

  11. hhopper says:

    It’s sitting right where it died. Someone should give it a decent burial.

  12. John E. Quantum says:

    Found On Road, Dead

    The bullets probably glanced off the hood before they went through the windshield. You could build a Toyota out of the steel in one of the fenders.

  13. pfkad says:

    #5, Faxon: ’51 F-3, I think.

  14. honeyman says:

    Needs some skeletal yokels riding in the back toting shotguns.

  15. SparkyOne says:

    Screw the truck I need work.

  16. hhd6847 says:

    Classified by C. W. McCall
    I ‘as thumbin’ through the want ads
    In the Shelby County Tribune
    When this classified advertisement caught my eye
    It said take immediate delivery
    On this ’57 Chevrolet
    Half ton pickup truck
    We’ll sell or swap for a hide-a-bed an’ thirty five bucks
    Call one four O, ring two and ask for Bob

    Well I called Bob up on the telephone
    He says “Hello this is Bob Speakin'”
    I says is this here the Bob got the pickup truck for sale
    He says “Yeah” I says where are ya
    He says “fourteen east on county twelve
    Turn right on the one lane gravel road,
    You can park in the yard, beware of the dog
    Wipe yer feet off, knock three times’n bring yer billfold

    Well I tooled on east on county twelve
    Turned right on the one lane gravel road
    And I parked in the yard and a German Sheppard come out’n grabbed onto my leg
    Then I knocked three times’n wiped my feet
    The dog let go an’ the screen door opened
    And Bob come out’n says “whadaya want”
    I says I come to see yer truck
    He says “follow me…come on Frank”…Dogs name is Frank

    Well we all went passed the chicken house
    Through the hog pen and down to the tractor shed
    And then wound up in back of the barn in afield of cow pies
    And settin’ right there in a pool of grease was a half ton Chevy pickup truck
    With a nineteen sixty license plate
    A bumper sticker that says vote for Dick
    And a Brillo box full of rusty parts
    And Bob says “Whadaya think?”

    Well I kicked the tire and then got in the seat
    And set on a petrified apple core
    And found a bunch of field mice livin’ in the glove compartment
    He says “her shaft is bent and the rear end leaks
    You can fix ‘er quick with an oily rag
    Use a nail to start her, I lost the key
    Don’t pay no mind to that whirin’ sound
    She’ll use a little oil, but outside of that she’s a cherry

    I says what’ll it take
    He says “whadaya got”
    I says twenty eight dollars and fifteen cents
    He says “you got a deal, sign here
    I’ll go get the title an’ a can full of gas
    I put the nail in the slot and fired her up
    And she coughed and belched up a bunch of smoke
    And I backed her right through the hog pen into the yard

    Well Frank jumped in and bit my leg
    And I beat him off with a crowbar
    He jumped on out an’ the door fell off
    And the left front tire went flat
    I jacked it up and patched the tube
    And Frank tore a piece of my shirt off
    Then Bob come out an’ called him off
    Says “you better get on outta here

    I went left on the one lane gravel road
    Went fourteen west on county twelve
    Took two full quarts of forty weight oil just to get her to the Conoco station
    And I pulled up to the regular pump
    And then Harold Sykes an’ his kid come out
    Said “I’ve seen better stuff in a junkyard
    And where’d you ever get that truck
    I said that’s a long story Harold

    I’as thumbin’ through the want ads
    In the Shelby County Tribune
    When this classified advertisement caught my eye
    It said take immediate delivery
    On this ’57 Chevrolet
    Half ton pickup truck
    We’ll sell or swap for a hide-a-bed an’ thirty five bucks
    Call one four O, ring two and ask for Bob…

  17. david bocek says:

    forget the bullet holes…the headlights are immaculate

  18. RTaylor says:

    Damn that brings back memories of my Uncle, long gone for 20 years.

  19. Brian says:

    It’s Mater! from Cars!

  20. country_hak says:

    hhd6847… poet

  21. Toxic Asshead says:

    Where do you find such realistic looking rust colored paint?

  22. Gijoe says:

    Note on Window Stated: “Went for help, be right back”..

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, Asshole

    The Rustbelt. It is one of the more common colors, first introduced during the Reagan years.

  24. Alf says:

    51 Ford, 1.5 Ton
    Chrome on hood gives it away.
    According to friend.

  25. Rich says:


  26. Pinkerton says:

    For sale – Ford stake bed truck. Ran when parked.


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