#145 No Agenda For Thursday November 5th 2009

The WOCU Show

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No Agenda 145
Big Pharma
Swine Flu
Real News
Media Assassinations
Christina Gitmo Train Ride
Big Ass Datacenter with Machine gun turrents
Climate Change
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  1. paul says:

    Hi there thanks for the entertaining podcast.
    I noticed a bug when viewing the feed from http://noagenda.podshow.com/feed

    it seems to contain wrongly escaped ” and newline codes in the CDATA fields
    / is used instead of the proper \

  2. soundwash says:

    all these great show note links and STILL you cannot put a direct friggen link to the MP3 file??

    Waht happenened, you trying to drive traffic to the site??

    i haven’t listened the last show either..

    every other podcast feed links direct to the mp3…wtf happened? you used to have a simple link..

    explain yourself or i stop listening and stop recommending the show, no matter how good it is

    -one man boycott.


  3. Bing says:

    PLEASE make it OBVIOUS where the link is for the MP3 file. I hate embedded Flash and I had to search all over the place for the download link. I easily found MEVIO which is all in light blue, annoying, hardly readable, no link, I went to all those “cool sites” that are crap no mp3. GEEZ coming from GEEKS you would think putting up an mp3 link would be old hat.

    finally I found it HERE

  4. Pips says:

    Dvorak, 1873? Might want to check your facts. Here’s a hint: redistricting

  5. soundwash says:

    #3 Bing -outstanding find!

    -now, how do i use this link to locate all the other shows?

    backing up each section of the link results in “Directory level requests are not allowed” errors.. 🙁



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