Army soldiers shot and killed 12 people and wounded 31 in a rampage at Fort Hood on Thursday, officials said.

A military briefing at 4 p.m. said three soldiers fired shots at the Soldiers Readiness Processing Center, a complex of several buildings.

Most of those killed were also soldiers, according to the briefing by Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the post commander. One shooter was killed and the other two were in custody, he said.

Cone said that local police responded relatively quickly and killed one of the shooters. He said he believed that one Fort Hood civilian police officer was among the dead. Fort Hood has contract and military police, he said.

ABC News identified the dead assailant as Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan of Virginia.

Cone did not speculate about a motive, but the Army released a statement saying it did not believe the shootings were an act of political terrorism.

“Its difficult enough when we lose these brave Americans in battles overseas. It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an Army base on American soil,” President Barack Obama said at a Tribal Nations conference at the Department of the Interior.

RTFA. Lots of first person tales of what happened. Not a lot of info, clarity, yet.

UPDATE: The CO at Fort Hood is holding a press conference, right now, 7:15 MST. The sole shooter in this event is not dead. He was shot multiple times and survived and is in stable condition in hospital, in custody.

3 soldiers held for questioning have all been released. AFAIK, a single shooter incident.

MORE UPDATE: My hero is Kimberly Munley, a civilian cop who responded within 3 minutes from nearby with her partner. She took down the shooter while being shot herself by Hasan.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    This is hard to believe.

  2. Faxon says:

    Gee. A Muslim did it. I am shocked. The religion of peace and all…..And if the two bastards in custody are not Muslims, I will kiss a fag.

  3. sargasso says: report.

  4. StoopidFlanders says:

    I wonder if the shooter was a muslim ???

    Huh, seems the mainstream media actually let that juicy tidbit out right up front. Oh well, I’m sure some journalist will get fired for that slip up.

  5. Dr Dodd says:

    By the time the leftist media gets done with this story, Mr Muslim will be supplied with appropriate justification and made the victim.

    Next, you’ll have to wonder how many detractors will be accused of a hate crime or racist for calling a Muslim of mass murderer.

    Are these interesting times or what?

  6. bill says:

    “Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the suspected shooter in the massacre at Fort Hood, was a psychiatrist at Darnall Army Medical Center on the base, according to records uncovered by ABC News.”

    Hmmmmm “Nidal Malik Hasan” what kind of name is that?

    “CNN reports that a cousin of Major Hasan said that he took “flak” for being of Middle Eastern origin.”

    Isn’t it time to leave and then blow these fuc***s to hell?

    Oh, everyone hates us!!! Well the feeling is mutual!

  7. honeyman says:

    #5 Dr Dodd

    I dont normally subscribe to this leftist media meme, but your predictive skills are amazing.

  8. jescott418 says:

    I heard their was more then one involved? Was this a terrorist action or solders who snapped from too many rotations of combat? I guess we will find our soon.

  9. soundwash says:

    Of course the first name released fingered a muslim as the shooter.. it’s key to the war on terror. gotta make sure we all still hate “the right” ethnicity.

    Personally, i think these AWOL soldier incidents we’ve heard about in the last 6 years or so are a result of the “unconstitutionality” written into many new laws passed in recent defense bills since just before 9/11 and after.

    -and in many cases, these are Patriots trying to stop the insanity (or being stopped) via direct action, no matter what the cost.

    Ask any career military folk you know well who “left” the military between ’78 to ’84ish (or esp out to the 90’s) -they will tell you the military they signed up for and the military they left, were two grossly different and thus, highly conflicted animals.

    Minor notes to ponder..

    “friendly fire” military press releases never, ever tell the truth.

    2. The broad majority of Training accidents, aren’t. They are the [rogues] of the military’s way of removing “problems” from the ranks.

    Though I imagine the increase electromagnetic anomalies of late will result in large increase in (at least) airborne accidents in the months ahead.


  10. StoopidFlanders says:

    White liberal guilt causes mush-headed crybabies to elect a self-confessed muslim to president in a sad attempt to appease islamofacists.

    …and this is what we get in return;
    killed 12 people and wounded 31

  11. Dr Dodd says:


    Thanks for the link. This time they didn’t even wait for the bodies of the real victims to reach room temperature.

    More proof that a politically correct media is worse than having no media at all.

  12. SN says:

    I think the real story is that the FBI had him under observation for the past 6 months because of anti-American statements he posted but yet they did nothing to relieve him from duty?

  13. Dr Dodd says:

    #12-SN-…they did nothing to relieve him from duty.

    That’s the way government treats all protected species. If Mr Muslim would have been a Christian white male Leavenworth would already have one extra resident and 12 people would still be alive.

  14. brm says:

    Pretty good shot for an army psychologist.

  15. Li says:

    When the army -psychologists- are going nuts and fragging whole graduation ceremonies, I’d say the Army has some really large unresolved mental health problems to deal with.

    And don’t forget John Russell, who fragged a bunch of people in a mental health clinic in Iraq a few months back. If we have to kill all of the Muslims because of this nutball, does that mean we should kill all of the Christians too because of John? Give me a fucking break.

  16. StoopidFlanders says:

    15. Baloney. The only reason you can remember that guy’s name, is because of how phenomenally rare it is for a non-muslim to do that. Pop quiz: What’s the name of the shooter in this story? Can you even recall (no cheating, by looking above)? No, because muslims are using violence on non-muslims every single day, and due to the media’s failure to report them all (under some polital correctness clause, I’m sure), you’ve become numb to it. So sad on so many levels. Once again: This was a muslim attack on America.

  17. zorkor says:

    I think the shooter was thinking “What the hell, they are already sending me to Iraq to kill women and Children, why not kill these American soldiers here”. Better than killing innocent civilians, I think he chose the right path. Serves you war mongers right. LOL

  18. jaywontdart says:

    I just KNEW the shooters ethnicity would be brought up.

    Please, ease up on Muslims already. Why does America always need to pick out an “evil race” to beat up on? Africans, Mexicans, Russians, French, Muslims….

    “People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?…It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice….Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out.” Rodney King

  19. Wightout says:

    #17 You are a moron if you think that. The guy sided up voluntarily and if he is still in the Army today he signed/resigned up for it in a time of war.

    Here is a scary thought… if you join an army you may go to war. If he didn’t like the terms of the war he would be forced to attend as a member of the military then he could have gotten out.

    The Army is by no means the problem. They are a tool used by the people in charge of them. They are told what to do and do what they can to execute the mission assigned. How is it that killing these people is a right path? Politicians are the people who use the Army.

    Zorker your lack of insight is offensive as is the entertainment you seem to have with the decision made by these individuals.

    In case you have not noticed we have done what we could to limit the collateral damage our “war mongering” causes. We dont intentionally inhumanly kill people. We adhere to strict rules of engagement that restrict our ability to efficiently complete a mission so as to remain as humane as possible. How is it that you feel it is the soldiers who are at home that were the right ones to die here?

    #9 WTF are you talking about with the stopping of the insanity? Are you crazy? Life in the Army nowadays is a cake walk to what it used to be. The opportunities to better your self are damn near limitless in the military. From schooling and finance to medical and mental well being.

    The broad majority of training accidents aren’t? You have obviously not been around many military personnel. I can tell you first hand that soldiers are among the most “accident” prone people in the world. They do a lot of the same tasks over and over and over and over. Many are simply entertaining themselves by spicing up the day. It tends to lead to mishaps.

    These are people. Many with families no different that anyone else. Your writing makes it sound like everyone of our troops are the most violent and vicious people on the planet. Your conspiracy theories are comical at best.

  20. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Apparently he was a sand knee grow, regardless of his religious whackism.

  21. StoopidFlanders says:

    18. Sure. We can all get along in your magical fantasy wonderland …as soon as the medieval throwbacks pedophile worshippers decide to not fly planes into buildings, not blow up innocent people, and not go on shooting sprees. Sadly, this is too much to ask from the muslims.

  22. brm says:


    “Why does America always need to pick out an “evil race” to beat up on?”

    You’re kidding, right? Like we’re the only country in the entire world that does this.

    Give me a break.

  23. TwoToTheHead says:

    Perfectly timed- got all the healthcare protests that are happening in advance of the vote on Saturday right off the news.

    What a coincidence.

  24. deowll says:

    He was a nut. He may well have been a religious nut. He may have decided to play holy warrior.

    What bugs me is that this has way to many bodies down before he went down for a military base.

    The base looks to have about as prepared for a problem as a nunnery.

  25. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #25 said, “The base looks to have about as prepared for a problem as a nunnery.”

    Bullshit! We are locked and loaded. If someone comes in here and fucks up, there will be lead flying. We practice at our range in the basement too! It’s not like we are sitting around all day looking at porn and ripping rosary beads out of our ass. Well, some do.

  26. Jopa says:

    You need to be a true scum in order to intentionally open fire and kill 12 people that did nothing to you. However, I do not believe that civilians can truly understand the magnitude of betrayal this scumbag has just performed. An officer, literally executing his fellow soldiers for religious reasons is the mother of all sins and betrayals. It is beyond belief…

    If this was done for religious reasons (a muslim that doesn’t want to serve in Iraq because he is a muslim), then this is a new low even for Islam. Backstabbing galore…

    I weep for the good men murdered.

  27. Jopa says:

    To the Admins:

    The user Zorkor is calling for the murder of US army personnel. This is a federal crime. If this user has an American IP address, you should report him to the FBI.

    I quote: “…I think he chose the right path. Serves you war mongers right…”

  28. bobbo, words have a context says:

    What I like is the guy was a PSYCHIATRIST giving care to those suffering from having just killed/be killed by a bunch of Muslims.

    Seems to me the ARMY continues to be as f*cked up as they have always been. Incompetent from bottom to top, regardless of how starched their fatigues are. Idiots all.

    Sister Mary–god bless you.

  29. Anthony says:

    Seriously half of you guys need to get a grip with your lives. This is messed up. You respond to the internal killing of soldiers by another soldier by reverting to racism.


    Seriously. I am not saying that America is bad. Or that Americans are bad. But I am saying that to revert to the pathetic statements above to avoid accepting the truth that and American killed Americans.

    This discussion shames the memories of those who have died.

    Don’t forget, those soldiers were willing to die for their country and the lives of people in other countries (who just happen to be muslims).

    In other words.

    You racist c##ts shut the f##k up!

  30. bobbo, addicted to tv says:

    “Just happen to be Muslim.” /// Hah, hah. Yea, like that should not even be on the list to check?

    Third Column distraction/political correctness at work. Should all Muslims be suspected?==No. Should anyone who issues threats on a website be checked out?==Yes indeedie.

    Should a Muslim who declares he doesn’t want to go to foreign shores to kill other Muslims be CLOSELY scrutinized???==If you don’t, you are crazy.


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