Pretty funny. More news on this dire controversy here.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    This is a new low, even for liberals.

    This is a show for kids, for cryin’ out loud…

  2. Phil says:

    Who honestly cares. If people haven’t realized that Sesame Street and all of PBS (our national treasure in case you didn’t know) is run by the Liberal left then they are just as blind as those who think Fox News is not run by those exact same people.

    Just another distraction.

  3. Improbus says:

    I can’t wait so see Oscar the Grouch on the Bill O’luffa show.

  4. Zybch says:

    #1 You gotta admit though, the ‘trashy news show’ label is ENTIRELY accurate.

  5. Derek says:

    Good lord… Words cannot describe how pathetically inane this stunt is. It’s a freaking kids show! I don’t think either party understands the meaning of standards, ethics, or morals. I honestly believe either side would jump at the chance to implant us all.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    And this was wrong how, … ?

  7. pcsmith says:

    The royals and the paparazzi? I didn’t think Fox News covered the UK.

    Since there is only one Fox, which Fox are they referring to?

    Fox, the Simpsons?
    Fox News?
    Fox, sports?
    Maybe Fox has a channel outside the USA.

    [Fox does in fact have a cable network in Australia called Foxtel – ed.]

  8. Chris Mac says:

    #1 I’m sure you meant Democrats

  9. Hastur says:

    Happy birthday Sesame Street! 40 years old today according to the Google doodle.

  10. LotsaLuck says:

    Barack Hussein Obama, Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm.

  11. Jokes on hoo says:

    Remembering kiddie school years, mockery was a regular occurrence, done to the substitute teacher and to the ugly duckling in class, and the gays.

    Let’s look at the results:

    The mockees all went on to complete their bachelors or doctorates degrees and are living well, one secured patent, another helped draft legislation that protects gays from such further harassment.

    The mockors mostly didn’t accomplish such feats, mostly flipping burgers, or working as a janitor, some are in and out of prison, most went on to be democratic politicians and can be seen entertaining the public on your local news channel with their antics 24/7.

  12. grouch420 says:

    #5 This is wrong because it is public television they should not mention a brand name.

  13. RedYoshi says:

    Umm, listen closely. The muppet on the phone says “Pox News” not Fox. I understand what is meant, but it’s not actually said now is it?

  14. Dallas says:

    This tells me Fox programming can be repurposed to amuse toddlers or in fact toddlers ARE their lowest common denominator market.

    I think the latter.

  15. LDA says:

    #9 LotsaLuck

    He said that all must lend a hand, to make this country strong again Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Sesame Street target audience: pre-schoolers.

    So just how many of them would ever notice this, and have a clue what it meant? I’m going out on a limb to say it’s remarkably close to zero. Also note that most of their skits are satire. Oscar and “trashy” news? Naturally he’d say that, the entire world is trashy to Oscar.

    This is nothing, but the right-wing nutballs need to be persecuted, and this makes a handy story. No doubt it will soon become part of the lore they use to demonstrate how public money is used to denigrate a political position. Boy, it was sooooo effective it only took two years for anyone to find it. …rolling my eyes…

  17. Mac Guy says:

    #15 – Sorry, Olo, but this is an obvious reference to Fox News, and subliminally suggesting this association between “Pox News” being trashy is an all-time low for liberals.

    Yes, liberals. Not democrats, but liberals.

  18. stopher2475 says:

    #9 & #14
    I understand your anger because school kids never sang a song for Bush.
    Oh wait. They did.

    “Our country’s stood beside us
    People have sent us aid.
    Katrina could not stop us, our hopes will never fade.
    Congress, Bush and FEMA
    People across our land
    Together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand-in-hand!”

    Sounds like something you’d hear in North Korea. New Orleans kids singing for Bush and FEMA is like a rape victim having to thank their rapist.

  19. soundwash says:

    #11 came closest

    seems to me they trashed Royalty & CNN even more by “mistaking” the “GNN reporter” for paparazzi. (the “GNN” logo on the mic is easily mistaken for CNN)

    The Power of Suggestion (the vid title) is a wonderful (and very powerful) thing.

    What most of you #@!$#@ fail to understand is that PBS, CNN and FOX are programming your kids for brand loyalty AND [flawed] conflict resolution (via spite in this case) -when they are barely out of the cradle. (and their brains perfect balls of jello just waiting to be “set”—by your TV programming)

    They will own your kids mind by the time they are 7. -and blame any shortcomings in their “flawed programming” on “your bad parenting”

    THAT is what you should be bickering about.

    (Which judging by current trends, means (of course) you will be introduced to the hell hole known as CPS in short order…whisking both you and your kid off to the “proper” authorities for re-education..yada yada..)

    The whole “Fox is the ebil bad guy” debate is pointless. -your just executing your programming

    The name (and idea) of Fox is programmed into your subconscious from the days of yor when royalty “released the hounds” for the fox hunt.

    So today Fox news retains it’s namesake role as “the hunted” and “you all” and the media have assumed the role of the dogs.


    except the fact that they got you to “love your programming”

    Wake Up

    Turn off your TV, -your all being played like a fiddle.


  20. LDA says:

    #17 stopher2475

    You confuse humour with anger.

    A consistent (non-hypocritical) observer would disagree with both (or neither). That is disgraceful (thanks for bringing it to my attention).

    What do you think of the Obama the Great Leader versions?

    P.S. Maybe you have come to the party late and do not know that some people are consistent in their approach to the fake left / right (puppet) farce. Maybe you will be more discerning next time.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    MacGuy, and my point is: so what? It’s satire. That’s what Oscar is. A grouchy, messy, whiny monster who hates everything. Go through all his appearances over the last 38 years and you’ll find hundreds of similar topical references. Oscar’s job is to hate everything. That what he is.

    This is a new low for the goofs who think this means anything. The right is enjoying its persecution complex far, far too much these last few months.

    (IMO the funny part is that Caroll Spinney is right, which is probably why you guys are freaking out.)

  22. The0ne says:

    Even I have to agree with most people here. I grew up with Sesame Street and this bit is entirely not appropriate. Leave our kids alone dumbass adults!!!!

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Mr. Baggins,

    Quite true sir. Your post did remind me of how the right wing nuts like to toss crap around and then whine like little babies if some comes back to them.

    The best example is our very own big fucking asshole whiner Alphie. Regardless of the amount of slander and lies he tosses out there, he cried because someone said something nasty about him. Typical right wing nut method.

    Rush Limbaugh wanted drug addicts sent to jail for long terms of hard time until it was discovered he had his own stash and habit.

    Bill O’Rielly sends his camera crews out to stalk and then ambush people. Then cries the blues when a cameraman captures him.

    Chris Wallace constantly interrupts his guests when they make a point contrary to his (and FOX) position. Then he wails like a wounded woose when Bill Clinton called him on it.

    The list continues but I think that should get the message across.

  24. gal416 says:

    What popular children’s show have conservatives come up with? Although when i was a kid I thought Industry on Parade was fascinating.

  25. gal416 says:

    #25 Angel H. Wong
    After I posted my comment I realized i had forgotten Veggie Tales. I think it is a very good children’s show and have watched it with my grandchildren. Although I can’t tell their political swing by watching it. I am a born again evangelical Christian and I am not conservative nor am I liberal. My only affiliation is Christ.

  26. riggscm says:

    The conservatives have done a great job of playing the martyr every time that anyone says the slightest criticism of them, or one of their media outlets.
    Look people, are you really going to get so bent out of shape about a TV show for KIDS! Are you afraid that some how the liberals have invented some sort of mind control device that keeps children from growing up and forming their own opinions? Do you really think that children, the people that actually watch Sesame Street, know what Fox News is, or for that matter CNN? They might know they are TV stations but I seriously doubt that a skit that these kids see will some how effect their voting behavior in future.
    If those of you that have taken the time to attack PBS, Sesame Street, and free thought in general, spent time with your kids, watched TV with them, and were a active influence in their development toward adulthood – I would say that you have nothing to worry about.
    For those of you that choose to let TV raise your children… please invest in contraception for your child, and setup a trust fund to pay off all the mental issues they will be dealing with over the course of their lives.

    Remember garbage in, garbage out. Remember that when you are watching Glen Beck, or Bill Maher. Both are meant to amuse and provoke and entertain.

    Finally, if Sesame Street gets you more involved in your child’s life, then “yay sesame street”. If you are still pissed, then I dare you to watch the Disney Channel with your kids… tons of sexual situations, suggestive themes, racial stereotypes, ageism, sexism and on and on.

  27. Mac Guy says:

    #21 – Okay, so explain “satire” to a 3-year old. Good luck with that.

    Even the Ombudsman for Sesame Street criticized the producers for letting this air.


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