Video given to WCCO-TV late Monday night shows a man with his hands on a squad car when an officer uses a Taser on his neck.

Attorney Albert Goins is suing the City of Minneapolis on behalf of his client, Rolando Ruiz. They’re asking for $75,000 and that the officer involved be reprimanded.

The video given to WCCO starts only seconds before the Taser is used on Ruiz, not what led up to the incident. But in that time, no struggle can be seen before the officer used his Taser on Ruiz. What is seen is Ruiz with his hands on the hood of the officer’s car. The dash camera of the squad car was rolling when the officer approached Ruiz with Taser in hand.

“Takes that Taser, puts it to the back of his neck and shocks him until he is incapacitated on the ground, slumped before the squad car,” said Albert Goins.

Just wanted to see if you guys are paying attention. We haven’t done one of these in a while.

  1. Faxon says:

    Yowee. Cool!

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    shocking! (ok, I’ll sfu)

  3. The0ne says:

    That was just cruel. Are these officers stupid about the camera in their vehicles or what? I mean the guy was screaming like hell, and he’s a big guy!

    On the good side, at least it’s not a grandma :/

  4. SparkyOne says:

    Leaked trailer. Just a bit of advertising to get you interested in the full length production, to be released later.

  5. Thinker says:

    I’m far more scared of Tasers than a gun. Looking at the way the cop used it, you might as well have given him a cattle prod.

    The consequenses of using it are far far less than a gun.

    Far more scared of Tasers. Right idea, but lets face it…they’re torture devices.

  6. Raff says:

    Hell… I’m a lot more scared of the cops than I am criminals.

  7. natefrog says:


    Agreed, wholeheartedly.

  8. cornholer says:


  9. wisd0m says:

    Video tape? He was given a video tape?

    This is the real outrage, VHS was involved.

    Also, the police seem to be overweight and lazy these days. In almost all cases, a tazer is not needed, just muscle and patience.

  10. Uncle Don says:

    I say we crucify the officer and …

  11. fATTY says:

    @Uncle Don: that is the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.

  12. peter_m says:

    Cops scare the hell out of me. I work in a local highschool and we have cops come regularly to make their presence known to the few bad seeds we have.

    Last week they showed up at the Halloween party and I gave them a tour of the activities that were going on that night. The impression that these two officers left on me was the following:

    Take an average guy endowed with small genitals or an inferiority complex, give him a weapon, a license to use it, a bullet proof vest and a car with blinking lights. Judgment not required!

  13. Improbus says:

    The difference between the police and criminals is that the police don’t fear the consequences of their actions because there generally are none. They are seldom fired and generally get off with some PAID administrative leave.

    So, the moral of this story is: Be polite, keep your mouth shut and hope for the best when interacting with the police.

  14. Personality says:

    That dude is too big. Cops didn’t want to get beat up.

  15. bill says:

    Oh wait! He was reaching for his gun but got the taser instead!
    This is happening a lot lately!

  16. Thinker says:

    #10 Good point. #14 Good point too. As we don’t see anything before this the video is nothing if not prejudical. Why am I feeling sorry for this guy, when I didn’t for the ‘Don’t tase me Bro!’ guy?

    If they have the film, why don’t they show the first bits??

    (All that said, Tasers still scare me, and I’m over 6 ft)

  17. Troublemaker says:

    The piece of shit pig seems to keep shocking the guy for an awful long time, far more than necessary.

    Why not post some funny stories instead, like ones where pigs are killed.

  18. ECD says:

    @#13 “So, the moral of this story is: Be polite, keep your mouth shut and hope for the best when interacting with the police.”

    WTF kind of moral is that? How about one of these pigs finally face criminal charges for their criminal actions? This officer should be _FIRED_, spend several months in prison, AND owe this person several hundred thousand dollars in damages.

    Then the moral would be: Cops, follow the law and common sense. Don’t beat, torture, and violate the civil rights of the citizens you’re supposed to protect.

    Conservative rednecks say they’re for less government–then let’s *have* less government. Including cutting all these onerous bullshit laws so we don’t need all these bad cops to enforce them.

    But, in reality, politicians are just shills that feed the corporate prisons so they can get their kickback then pat themselves on the back for being ‘tough on crime’ which always sounds good in a sound bite for their ignorant constituencies. Look at what Arizona is doing, it’s disgusting.

    Fight back you zombiefied, terrified, peons!

  19. Will says:

    The cop should be fired and prosecuted for assault and battery. Use this as an example of what happens to police that overstep their authority.

  20. Sirfelix says:

    150 years ago it was a whip or stick, now it’s a taser.
    Do I win a prize for the first race-card based post?

  21. Santa Maria says:

    Why sympathy for a crook? If you are stopped by the police – then you are more or less guilty of something. That’s why you got stopped. If you don’t want to get tasered; don’t get stopped by the police: i.e, Dont be a crook!

    Go cops!

  22. Nina and Pinta says:

    Don’t listen to our asshole sister ship. the cop should be fired and charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon.

  23. Chris Columbus says:

    I’ll sink both your asses…now STFU.

  24. brm says:


    I’ve been ordered out of the car like this for driving without a license. If I got tazered and died, would that be fair?

  25. qb says:

    Uncle Don FTW

  26. Jim says:

    I’d take a zap for 70 grand.

  27. Colin says:

    I thought the report said they had tussled before they came on camera. So, perhaps the use of a tazer was justified if the guy had just fought with him?

  28. Improbus says:

    @ #19-ECD

    You poke a stick at a bear and you are going to get mauled. That doesn’t make it right but that is the way it is. If you want to fight “the MAN” you go right ahead and see what that gets you. I will let my lawyers do the talking.

  29. Dan Mathews says:

    well,the City of Minneapolis does what every police Department does..They Hire from the human race…

  30. paul says:

    The moral of this story is there is little or no personality screening during police hiring. Police evolution is mingled with the rise of slave patrols , google it.

    “In 1785 the first modern police force arose out of slave patrols in
    Charleston, South Carolina called the Charleston Guard and Watch. This
    department had a distinct chain of command, uniforms, sole responsibility
    for policing, salary, authorized use of force, and a focus on preventing
    “crime.” According to one member, the unit’s main responsibility was
    “keeping down the niggers,”48 which it did with terrifying precision; “crime”
    and “black” were synonymous. Over time, similar departments emerged in
    other cities.”


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