In Russia, thousands of Muslims are flocking to see a baby who has verses from the Koran mysteriously appearing on his body: I’d like to be very clear here: this is not pareidolia, our ability to see patterns in random objects. The verses are clearly there, and not just random. As one pilgrim said, “It’s proof that Allah exists, that he is all-mighty…” However — and perhaps this is just me here — it seems far more likely that instead of an actual miracle, someone is maybe, y’know, writing the verses on the baby. The mother says the baby is cranky when the words appear, which (if she’s being truthful) you might expect if someone is scraping or otherwise irritating the baby’s skin to make the words appear. I’ll note that the words fade with time, too, just as expected if this is a fraud.

At least they didn’t stuff him in a helium balloon and cut him loose.

  1. Dallas says:

    I have a tattoo of the sun on my arm. If anyone wants to worship it, I’ll pass a basket.

  2. ChuckM says:

    instand tanning cream

  3. JimR says:

    Child abusers.

  4. Chriswsm says:

    Squiggles always look like whatever you want them to look like

  5. StoopidFlanders says:

    Who needs a multi-billion dollar intelligence service to hunt down terrorists when we can drag them out of their holes with nothing but a sharpie.

  6. Chuck says:

    Hey, I’m all for equal opportunity. If Jesus and Mary can appear in potato chips, wood grain on doors, cheetos, and dog’s anuses, it’s high time Allah got in on the action, too. Think of all the dollars from they’ve been missing out on.

  7. honeyman says:

    #6 Chuck

    Indeed. Gotta admit its more convincing than a grilled cheese Madonna.

  8. Say it aint so says:

    Apparently the icon of the Muslim religion is a child abuser. Allah needs parenting and anger management classes along with a drug test in order to fit in to todays modern society. Allah has issues.

  9. Improbus says:

    if its a fraud?

    Oh please, of course its a fraud. Just like every other piece of religious mumbo jumbo.

  10. Milo says:


    Islam’s prophet was a child abuser so this is consistent.

  11. Mark T. says:

    Finalist for the “Worst Parent of the Year” award.

  12. Micromike says:

    Where is the BULLSHIT Meter when we need it!

    Fraud! Child Abuse! Ignorance! Shame!

  13. chuck says:

    its blasphemous, so the child must be killed, right?

  14. Zybch says:

    Give me 2 minutes with a kid and a lit cigarette and I’ll show you some amazing marks as well.

  15. Animby says:

    Chuck (#13) I don’t think they have to kill the kid until an actual image of Mohammad appears on his thigh. Otherwise, the kid’s thigh is just a bit of regenerating, untanned parchment and the family can write anything they wish on it. Uh, except the truth.

  16. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:


    BTW, I’d like to apologize to anyone who was on the Delta flight from Pittsburgh to Atlanta this afternoon. I was sitting in first class with the worst case of the farts. I was furiously fanning under my habit with a pine freshener but it just smelled like someone shit a Christmas tree.

  17. JimR says:

    Mmmmm… pine scented poo.

  18. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #18 – On an airplane, I call it – turdbulence.

  19. Animby says:

    pine scented poo?

    Bears in the woods, anyone?

    Don’t worry, SisMary. I think of it as a gift of stimulant for any poor sot that has to use the seat cushion as a flotation device. And, though of uncertain attribution, I hear it makes for a pretty good shark repellent, too.

  20. Hooner says:

    Good objective journalism! Neither confirms nor denies this is hoax. What the hell does it take for journalists not to endorse any ridiculous scam as long as it provides them with viewers/readers?

  21. Dr Dodd says:

    I once had some words magically appear on my arm after leaning on a newspaper…

    I knew it was a miracle because no where did the wizardly words blame George Bush.

  22. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #17, Sister Mary,

    And after I landed I took the plane straight to maintenance to have the ventilation system checked. The mechanics couldn’t believe the corrosion since the last inspection just last week. They were wondering what hazardous materials snuck onto the plane.

    Sister, I don’t know if you are proud or humble, but damn woman !!! I don’t get hazard pay for that shit.

  23. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #23 – Ralph, I swear I didn’t eat anything that smelled that bad! I think it’s those fucking communion wafers.

  24. Buzz says:


  25. skinsin says:

    No age minimum in Russia tattoo parlors.

  26. verycheeky says:

    a VERY weak religion.. heck, if you convert to Christianity your family comes to kill you.. all in the name of AI-Ilah the pagan moon god.. you want notes on islam? here is THE BEST –

  27. zorkor says:

    Wow, I always knew Islam is the truth, and here is another proof. Suck that you haters! hehehehe :p

  28. This imbecile ‘Merkin who burned pages from the Holy Qu’ran at the WTC is such a jerkoff. I hope Muslims know that he does not characterize Americans, but I understand that their sensibilities will be exceedingly hurt by his actions.


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