Kidney donors may face huge medical bills because having one kidney may constitute a pre-existing condition under which coverage is denied, officials confirm.

A Texas hospital official said organ donors are told, but only orally, that having one kidney may be a pre-existing condition affecting insurance.

Philip Knisely, 53, of Austin, Texas, who donated a kidney to a co-worker a year ago, has received more than $18,000 in related medical bills, and said he was not informed that if he ever lost his employment-related insurance, insurers might consider his having a single kidney an uninsurable pre-existing condition, the American-Stateman reported Sunday.

Best health care in the world!

  1. tcc3 says:

    This may be the only time that question is even partially applicable.

    If you want to save your wife by donating your kidney, why should you be penalized?

    Answer: The system is not setup for your benefit. The insurance co would see you dead to save a nickel.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #125, Why do you hate America when you still make use of your mother’s basement?

  3. LibertyLover says:

    #128, It’s not a healthcare question. It’s a character question.

    #129, tsk, tsk. Trying to change the subject again.

    Why would you sacrifice others to save your wife?

    I’ve answered that question for you, at your “polite” request.

    Now return the favor.


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