Cocoa Krispies to the rescue!

Kellogg, the nation’s largest cereal maker, is being called to task by critics who object to the swine flu-conscious claim now bannered in bold lettering on the front of Cocoa Krispies cereal boxes: “Now helps support your child’s IMMUNITY.”

Kellogg says the critics are wrong. Development of the line started more than a year ago, and it was rolled out in May 2009. “It was not created to capitalize on the current H1N1 flu situation,” spokeswoman Susanne Norwitz says. “Kellogg developed this product in response to consumers expressing a need for more positive nutrition.”

Interesting Fact #1 : Cocoa Krispies are called Coco Pops in Australia. Not surprisingly, they are still not particularly good for you.

  1. SeanM says:

    It could be worse, they could have just put “eat this cereal or you will die” on the box.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Interesting Fact #1 : Cocoa Krispies are called Cocoa Pops in Australia. Not surprisingly, they are still not particularly good for you.”

    What? Next thing your gonna tell me is that my morning cigarette and shot of tequila is bad for me.

  3. Hmeyers says:

    I can’t believe a cereal company has done this in the modern age.

  4. Petros says:

    Australian name is actually ‘Coco Pops.’ Important to get these things right…

    [Right you are. Haven’t eaten that crap since I was a kid – ed. ]

  5. sargasso says:

    Just like a chocolate milkshake, only crunchy.

  6. Improbus says:

    I have pretty much given up eating preprocessed food made out of sugar (high fructose corn syrup). I have either an oatmeal or egg based breakfast. Eat REAL food people.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, TML,

    It can be if you don’t wash the glass first or sterilize your cigarette with hand sanitizer.

  8. bill says:

    “Kellogg developed this product in response to consumers expressing a need for more positive nutrition.”

    Which part is the nutritious part? The sugar? The chocolate? The empty carbs?

    Oh, the 25% stuff!

  9. amodedoma says:

    Oatmeal, milk, honey. That’ll keep your defenses in optimum conditions. Then just in case you notice the sniffles or a sore throat quick take eccinacea and propolis, your defenses will boost enough to take it out before it can take hold. The first 24 hours are decisive, if you notice symptoms beginning or come into close contact with someone visibly infected take measures.

  10. Troublemaker says:

    Yeah, sugar is great for people with compromised immune systems.

  11. chuck says:

    You can use a hammer to protect yourself from swine flu.

    If you see someone with swine flu (or you think they might have swine flu) – hit them in the head with a hammer before they can infect you.

    Repeat as necessary. Don’t forget to scream “Gaaaaaaaaaaah! Swine flu!!” while hitting them.

  12. Troublemaker says:

    amodedoma said, on November 3rd, 2009 at 2:17 pm

    Oatmeal, milk, honey. That’ll keep your defenses in optimum conditions. Then just in case you notice the sniffles or a sore throat quick take eccinacea and propolis, your defenses will boost enough to take it out before it can take hold. The first 24 hours are decisive, if you notice symptoms beginning or come into close contact with someone visibly infected take measures.

    I have issues with chronic fatigue and have found that the best supplements for my condition are DHEA, Magnesium, Non-Denatured Whey Protein (to boost Glutathione levels) and Digestive Enzymes.

    The worst things to eat are Sugar and Vegetable oils.

  13. JimD says:

    And helps boys MASTURBATE LESS !!! (Let’s not forget Kellog’s history!)

  14. Animby says:

    Just because a food is generally bad for you, does not mean it cannot contain some good properties. The advertising does not look deceptive to me, just incomplete. Oatmeal? Bah. Gimme Cap’n Crunch any day!

  15. lemonademaker says:

    insert drop:

    “It’s The No Agenda Swine Flue Minute”

  16. Improbus says:


    Enjoy your diabetes when you get it.

  17. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I eat the shit out of Raisin Bran but raisins really give me gas and even the occasional shart.

  18. deowll says:

    Eating most breakfast cereals amounts to eating a cup of sugar. The box would be better for you. Dirt would be better for you.

  19. Hmeyers says:

    What would they do to Ronald McDonald if he put “Now helps support your immunity!” on a Happy Meal box?

  20. Buffet says:

    Only homos eat gay stuff like that anyway.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13 Guyver,

    So an interview with a Libertarian, wing nut wacko physician who isn’t licensed to practice is a valid reference?

    The host has been censured TWICE by the FDA for making untrue claims about his “potions”.

    Yup, really great stuff there. They would both fit right in selling religion on the Bible Channel.

  22. amodedoma says:

    The real problem with this crap is some mothers will get flashed by the word IMMUNITY and the fears they’ve been harboring about H1N1 will compel them to buy. It may not be illegal but it certainly is misleading to suggest that Cocoa Krispies can help keep your child safe from infection. Not only that, it really pisses me off when someone tries to use my fears to get me to do something. I’d like to grab Snap, Crackle, and Pop by their tiny little necks and give them a little fear to deal with.

  23. Toxic Asshead says:

    The 4 basic food groups are meat, cheese, chocolate and beer. It’s got one of them….

  24. Greanities says:

    There is some truth to their claim as the vitamins and minerals do support immunity, but the massive dose of sugar is an immune suppressive!

    amodedoma, I don’t see how oatmeal, milk, and honey carries with it immunity as theire isn’t even any vitamin c in that.

    One great thing for colds and sore throat is a natural syrup made of honey, squeeze lemon, and crushed garlic. Take a tablespoon of that when you have a cough and see what happens.

  25. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #7 FuseBox – I was thinking that the tequila was killing all the pig germs. Since this pandemic I have been going through two bottles a day instead of my usual one. I use the cigs to keep people away from me. It’s been working pretty good so far. I haven’t gotten h1n1 yet.

    #24 Toxicana – Is it beer or meat? I can’t decide.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #25 Mr. GreanJeans – Chase that with a shot of tequila and a cigarette and you’ve got something there.

  27. amodedoma says:

    #25 I’m no nutritionist but I know when something works when I observe it. My dad used to eat cooked oats, milk, and honey everyday pretty much since his childhood. I never saw him drink OJ or eat much citrus at all, but this guy never, ever caught, a flu or a cold – and had colon regularity you could set your watch to. Hardworking middle class single parent of 3 kids there was no shortage of stress, even when the factories closed in the 70’s and he had to swallow his pride and go on welfare. Never even the sniffles. Harsh winters in PA back then, all day out in the mountains hunting deer in the freezing rain, etc … you get the idea… The only constant in his diet was this peculiar breakfast. Some might say they don’t make ’em like they used to, I say horsefeathers. We just don’t live like we used to.

  28. soundwash says:

    I see, so when Cheerios makes claims “good for your heart” It’s an insane enough claim to make the FDA step in and issue a labeling warning

    But when you make claims that obviously look to subliminally raise your “immunity” awareness and by extension, make you think of vaccines, it’s only worthy of note by “critics”



  29. soundwash says:


    i wonder if kellogs has any investments in “flu related” health care..



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