Cocoa Krispies to the rescue!

Kellogg, the nation’s largest cereal maker, is being called to task by critics who object to the swine flu-conscious claim now bannered in bold lettering on the front of Cocoa Krispies cereal boxes: “Now helps support your child’s IMMUNITY.”

Kellogg says the critics are wrong. Development of the line started more than a year ago, and it was rolled out in May 2009. “It was not created to capitalize on the current H1N1 flu situation,” spokeswoman Susanne Norwitz says. “Kellogg developed this product in response to consumers expressing a need for more positive nutrition.”

Interesting Fact #1 : Cocoa Krispies are called Coco Pops in Australia. Not surprisingly, they are still not particularly good for you.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, TML,

    Smart going. Tequila is usually only 40% alcohol and viruses need a 75% alcohol potion to be killed. So doubling your tequila dose should about do it.

    But the cigarettes. Do you really know who was sucking on them in the factory? Do you want to take that chance?

  2. mim says:

    It’s not just Cocoa Krispies. It’s Rice Krispies too.

  3. John_Sutton says:

    Same here, I have whey protein supplements for my children to boost their immune system.


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