1. Improbus says:

    Whoa buddy … stoned does not equal insane and for the second time on this thread … pot meet kettle.

  2. Phydeau says:

    #60 Even if that one wasn’t true (and Rush is good at the “hey I was only joking” kind of thing) the point still stands. I mean, look at Rush — he’s big and brave behind his call screener and his cutoff switch, but every time he’s ventured out to debate anyone reasonably intelligent, he’s had his ass handed to him. That makes him a bully and a coward. And look at how he whined and cried when the people trying to buy the Rams dumped him. Boo hoo hoo, poor little Rush.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #60, pretendtodebate,

    I have read a few versions of that interchange and that is the first time I have ever heard such a stooopid rational.

    Here are a few more Limbaugh gems from the ’90s.

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    The Onion rulz

  5. Bobo the Pumkinhead says:

    Too bad it wasn’t Al Gore the ultimate Bore. If the world needs one less hypocrite I nominate that air head. How he got to be arm candy at Kleiner Perkins is beyond me. I take it Perkins needed a date to a Frisco party and Al was up for it.

  6. Aaron m Lloyd says:

    Surprisingly political from the Onion.
    Also kind of douchey of them.

  7. qb says:

    Theone wins the POD (Post of the Day)

  8. gal416 says:

    You’re one! No, you”re one! I am not, you’re one! You’re crazy, you’re one! Takes one to know one!


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