1. Hmeyers says:

    I refer to him as Glen Beck-stickles.

  2. longtimereader says:

    Yeah, I’m done too….this site was good when JCD was actually posting most of the article himself, but now it’s just Guilherme Cherman’s hatefilled wet dreams over and over.

    Buhbye, John.

  3. The0ne says:

    People are so sensitive to their own irrational reasoning. On on hand you have a moron that calls our president very bad things on cable and they are ok with that. Yet when someone expresses that it’s a shame that he wasn’t the person in the accident they get all worked up and leave ditch Dvorak.

    Quite frankly, I find that fcking hilarious and ironic. Praise a guy for calling our leader names and such and bitch when someone said he’s wasn’t part of something…just Wow.

    People, get your act together. Either way, we’re rid of those people now…yay.

  4. Angry says:

    #37 Don’t worry, TheNone is used to choking on bodily fluids. Just kidding Theone.

  5. Pietro says:

    Tax and burn Liberals cannot stand the truth nor those who speak it! Long Live Beck!!!!

  6. Jason says:

    The Onion is generally quite funny, but just like Digg, Colbert, etc…, it is also showing just how far left it sits politically by doing the piece that it did. Their actions have either already or now guarantee that my patronage is withdrawn permanently.

    As for Dvorak, he himself is a “stick in the hornets net” kinda guy and really, I do not mind that cause he usually comes back to explain himself. What is pissing me off here is that Dvorak is, as far as I can tell, a centrist but yet he lets this blog rip to the left/far left an awful lot. Perhaps it is link baiting, perhaps just a bad choice of bloggers.

    Either way, it is getting progressively distasteful.

  7. Dallas says:

    Glenn Beck is getting creepier all the time. I’m thinking he’s trying too hard to amuse his fans.

    He needs to go back to clown school to see how clowns keep the acts interesting.

  8. JAL says:

    #25 et al. We can only hope that Beck is blessed with that which he and his supporters wish for the President. The prospect of that is damning enough. Tough love golden rule.

  9. Wishing someone dead because you disagree with them? Yeah, there’s real tolerance there.

    Sheesh, what passes for liberal humor nowadays…

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Scott Roberts,

    Well, at least liberals have a sense of humor. Conservative humor is executing an innocent person in Texas and then saying, “Oh well, he had his appeal so it’s his own fault”.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    The quality of this blog has deteriorated over the past little while.

    We were asked to pony up some money to help run the place. It appears many people did. In return we get this crap.

    While there have been people banned for continuously making inane, long posts completely off subject (generally abusing the blog), we continue to have Alphie post his crap. It is one thing to have someone post some semi literate opinion, it is another to have the deranged crap we get from him.

    Do I want to ban Alphie? No, just allow him to return to his editor function and quit trolling for hits.

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I read it elsewhere and see it clearly here…many on the right have no humor-bone. David #32 nailed it.

    Beck spouts the most offensive and idiotic crap every day, yet when he’s the target of a similar thing it’s over the top? You morons see the difference, right? One is FOX NEWS–FAIR AND BALANCED and the other is The Onion. Do you see the difference?

    Probably not.

    I loved the clips of Beck in this piece.

  13. qb says:

    I’ve love the Onion ever since “Holy Sh#& Man Walk on F*@&ing Moon”.

    I’m not sure which is funnier, the Onion, or the righteous indignation.

  14. Phydeau says:

    #49 You hit the nail on the head. The wingnuts are bullying crybabies. They dish it out, but they sure can’t take it. They say all kinds of vicious, cruel things, and when they’re called on it, say “ha ha can’t you take a joke?” Remember Rush calling Chelsea Clinton the White House Dog?

    But when their poor little feelings get hurt, they cry and whine and pout. Whatta bunch of babies.

  15. ldenglish says:

    I am out of here as well. This blog has become a liberal,atheist biased rag with little news value. Too bad, it started out well before the politicos took over.

  16. Phydeau says:

    Yep, there goes another one. šŸ™‚

  17. Improbus says:

    Somehow I don’t think the actual population of posting wingnuts will decrease. Pity. Of course we will always have Alfred1. He is like a bad penny that way.

  18. Faxon says:

    The most tasteless thing I have seen this year.
    And the liberals who are so full of themselves should take a hard look at their hypocrisy. It’s all about ‘rich diversity’, and ‘tolerance’, isn’t it? As long as you AGREE with them.

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    If all the Beck fans leave, the average IQ here increases dramatically.

  20. DA says:

    It’s tragic that the victim in that car accident wasn’t Obama.

  21. Improbus says:


    Pot meet kettle.

  22. gooddebate says:

    Wow, the left doesn’t see what’s coming do they? Either the left will successfully collapse the system or a revival will occur where left and right don’t matter. If there’s a collapse then we’ll all be like the penguins from the movie Madagascar who finally make it to Antarctica. “This Sucks.” (what sense of humor?).

    I’ve seen blogs deteriorate like this before and it’s a hard question whether to continue to invest or not. John even predicted that these things would happen, just read his article on the whole idea of online communities and how many of the original online communities collapsed. I think it’s better just to let people expose themselves with their words. Which is probably why no one is arguing with what GB is saying since he keeps just playing it in their own words.

  23. gooddebate says:

    BTW, #51, Sorry but you seem to be repeating myth and that must be challenged. Show me where Rush says that. Here’s a head start, first the myth:

    “MORE REALITY: Columnist Molly Ivins reported (Arizona Republic 10/17/93) this incident from Limbaugh’s TV show–“Here is a Limbaugh joke: Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?” And he puts up a picture of Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea Clinton is 13 years old.”

    Then the actual events:

    On his TV show in 1992, a few days after the Presidential election, Rush Limbaugh was reviewing In/Out lists (a popular fad at the time):

    In todayā€™s New York Daily News right hereā€¦ itā€™s the obligatory in-out list. Every time thereā€™s a massive change somewhere, people are in, people are out. Iā€™m now out. It says about me on here, Rush Limbaugh, loud-mouthed conservative and Bush favorite. Heā€™s out.

    Rush commented that most of the other things on the daysā€™ list were not funny, but that ā€œone of them in particularā€ was. Rush quoted from the David Hinckley article

    “ā€œIn: A cute kid in the White House. Out: Cute dog in the White House.ā€

    Couldā€“ could we see the cute kid? Letā€™s take a look atā€“ see who is the cute kid in the White House.

    A picture of the ā€œcute dogā€ (Millie) appeared on the screen instead of the ā€œcute kidā€ (Chelsea).

    Rush immediately said

    No, no, no. Thatā€™s not the kid.

    Then a picture of Chelsea Clinton came on the screen and Rush said

    Thatā€™sā€“ thatā€™s the kid.

    Rush apologized several times and told a story about how he had learned early in his career the importance of not making fun of someoneā€™s appearance. He then apologized again and said

    Iā€™mā€“ I hope you will forgive me. Iā€™m fatigued. Iā€™m tiredā€¦””

    I could repeat the apologies and blah blah blah, but the bottom line is you’re trying to give the impression that Rush goes around blatantly making distasteful jokes about the helpless and it’s not true. But hey you had to reach back to an incident from over 16 years ago, that’s pretty good.

  24. qb says:

    #60 I truly hope that you have some hobbies. Fly fishing or something.

  25. gooddebate says:

    #61 You’re right, that’s about 7 minutes of my life I won’t get back. What was I thinking. I promise next time to USE GOOGLE MORE EFFICIENTLY! Next time…

  26. lordfoul says:

    Funny funny stuff. I take more offense when I’m fed a line of political ideology couched in a morality play with a squinty pig eyed straight face. ;-}

  27. The0ne says:

    Yea, see you guys got the idea of it now. Your black hating, racist, ahole licking, gay fcking, liberal shtting, isn’t as bad as wishing I was dead. Not one bit.

    Be happy, it’s not like you don’t wish you were “ahead” for whatever reason. Trust me, not a single one of you is a saint and will never be. Here’s a few example of ill-wisihing just in case you actually DON’T understand what I’m trying to say here hahhaha

    1. Getting ahead…in anything

    2. Wishing someone fall behind so you can be ahead. Relates to just about anything your simple brain can come up with.

    3. Wish you had more money to buy more stuff not realizing you’re supporting illegal child labor/pay who makes it for you šŸ™‚

    4. Wishing your love ones (friends, family, others) were dead or gone because you can’t handle them anyone. Fck-up thinking imo but seems to be the “norm” here with most Americans hahahah

    5. Yelling at the TV because you hated/dislike something. Yea, this isn’t bad at all. Even with kids watching you act like a douche-bag it’s not šŸ™‚ Oh, and the little league events, gotta love that too!

    6. Passing by a person that needs help (homeless, accident, nursing home, hospital, etc.) because you’re an ass that wouldn’t give a crap about anything or anything you don’t actually care about….and yet defend someone who’s on TV bitching that our president hates American. Yeah, quite nice indeed.

    So you see, it’s all good however you want to make yourself “feel” better. One thing before you do leave Dvorak though.

    Where ever you go, you’re still going to be the black hating, racist, ahole licking, gay fcking, liberal shtting…douche-bag that you are. Have a great day! šŸ˜€


  28. Angry says:

    #64 Durp durp durp durp WHARRGARBL!

  29. Improbus says:


    Are you stoned? … can I have some? šŸ™‚

  30. The0ne says:

    Perfectly sane but having a blast with this thread. Amazing how self-righteous some people are, in their own view. Let me guess, you’re one too right? šŸ™‚

    Sorry, gotta laugh some more…this is too good to pass up.



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