1. LibertyLover says:

    Guilherme Cherman, you liberal asshole!

  2. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #1, I’m actually quite conservative (on fiscal values at least).

  3. msbpodcast says:

    I take you’re not a fan of the cute, pudgy, little, “short bus riding” degenerate, farm animal molesting troll.

    Maybe we could take up a collection to send him to the ISS.

    He can buy a space suit when he gets there…

  4. Friendly_ear4u says:

    This is the last straw. I am deleting Dvorak Uncensored from my bookmarks. This is just totally tasteless crap.

  5. Beltane says:

    Replace Glenn Beck with Barack Obama and the left would be soooo pissed. It just shows who the intolerant people are.

  6. Animby says:

    What Beltane said.

  7. Troublemaker says:

    Tasteless but funny…

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – Friendly_ear4u

    Tschüß! We’ll miss you.

  9. Rufus says:

    That bastard Glen Beck is like the Road Runner, constantly missing falling pianos and bear traps.

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #2, I know.

    I was being facetious.

  11. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #4 – GTFO – AMF!

  12. Friendly_ear4u says:

    #5 True, but Dvorak is a tech writer – this site has continuously demeaned the right – from left leaning McCain all the way to Ann Coulter. They have made anyone who remotely disagrees with the extreme’s of the current president out to be idiots. Enough already. I don’t need to be insulted and ridiculed just because I want to hear John’s curmudgeonly take on tech. I love Mr Dvorak’s way of seeing things – but this site rarely reflects his views politically anymore – instead it has become the Huffington Post.

    Having heard enough of Beck to see through this ridicule, i now have to respond to the idiocy of the wish for his demise:

    Dialog and decency have ended – and #1 should not insult everyone in the community of liberals by adding that classification to Guilherme Cherman. Few Liberals would post the crap under “Humor”

    Asshole may even be too good a term – as we all have one of those.

  13. Tom Woolf says:

    Beltane – you imbecile….

    Replace TD (That Douchebag) Beck with President Obama, and EVERYBODY should be up in arms… You don’t joke about the death of a sitting, or even ex-, president.

    If you had said “Micheal Moore” instead of our President, you might have had a chance of making some sort of point.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – Friendly_ear4u

    Haven’t you left yet? As for Guilherme Cherman… on the political scale, he’s slightly to the right of Adolf Hitler… but then again, that’s probably way too far to the left for you, right?

  15. Derek says:

    This site has gone way downhill. I used to read it almost everyday. Now it is either overboard liberal crap, or something pulled right off of DIGG.com’s homepage. I am done as well.

  16. Papa Z says:

    Dvorak was barely worth reading even when he stuck to tech news. Now it’s just a bunch of liberal crap. Good luck with your pitiful blog John. You have one less reader and counting.

  17. clem says:

    #13 – It never stopped the left from putting all sorts of hate towards GWB during his term in office and in fact I never thought I would see the day when such hatred was exhibited towards a president. So many boundaries did people cross it’s a disgrace. Wasn’t there several movies (I can think of one at least) that put a scenario about an assassination of GWB? Were you to criticize these people for doing these things you now chastise Beltane for doing??

    Btw I agree with you 100%, it should never happen – regardless of what party they are in.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    Ahh… the death card. It looks like the damaging information Glenn Beck is reporting about the Obama administration is on target.


  19. The0ne says:

    Don’t tease me like this >.>! What a cruel joke. Only report when Glenn Beck is actually dead dammit. That’ll even out for today’s cruel cruel joke.

  20. DanLikesBeer says:

    I have to say, I will continue listening (and producing) No Agenda, but your moderators here are out of control. I’m deleting this feed.

  21. Vincent says:

    I hope, pray, and wish Glenn Beck becomes terminally ill.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    I am amazed at Glenn Beck.

    How many of us even heard of the guy a year or two ago?

    And now, death threats!

    He has come a long way.

  23. JustinPA says:

    All these people complaining about the poor taste of the piece best not every watch, listen, or read another Onion piece ever again. This barely touches the surface of how low they will go and I love it.

  24. Angry Brazilian says:

    What is this unfunny crap. Beck is a blowhard but this is a bit much.

    It would be almost as tasteless as joking about Guilherme Cherman’s sordid past in the Favela.

  25. Angry Brazilian says:

    #25 you first pal!

  26. Tech_1 says:

    LOL: Beck is nothing but a new world order shill playing both sides of the fence.

    2 bad it wasn’t him.. lol.

  27. Glidedon says:

    -1 more

  28. David says:

    Actually, I’m a fan of Glenn Beck and I found this to be quite humorous. If I had to guess, I would say your reaction to this is more about your sense of humor than your politics.

  29. deowll says:

    The great advantage of free speech is it allows people to express their true views. This allows people to more accurately judge the quality of their character.


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