It is quite interesting that it’s NYDailyNews who’s reporting both stories:

School nurses mistakenly gave the swine flu vaccine to two students who didn’t sign up for it – including a Brooklyn girl with epilepsy who wound up in the hospital.

Officials at Public School 335 in Crown Heights called an ambulance to take Nikiyah to SUNY Downstate Medical Center when she fell ill following the arm jab.

Officials admitted on Friday that a third student was mistakenly given the swine flu vaccine – an error the school nurses union blamed on the city.

Three children have received the H1N1 vaccine without parental permission – including a kid at Public School 8 on Staten Island – since the in-school program began.

  1. jescott418 says:

    With so many dying every year from regular flu strains. I am very surprised at how we have created this frenzy about the H1N1.
    Not that we should take it as any less important then other flu strains. But why as the media spread so much fear about this as if it was the plague? I guess the media has nothing else to take about and besides I guess their news ratings are slipping.

  2. Rufus says:

    In a police state, every petty official becomes a merciless tyrant. Control becomes an end in itself.

  3. rahlquist says:

    They “accidentally” vaccinate my kid, her arm wont be the only thing getting shot….

  4. Shadow Bone says:

    Some school nurses are being told to tell people that complain they are the first to complain.This was not an accident. They actually think the vaccines are safe.

  5. srgothard says:

    Public schools are like public medical insurance. They are supposed to be about one thing everyone wants (education, medical care), but they turn out to be ways for the government to control us. Teach my kids at school, and if you can’t, send them home. They’re my kids, not the state’s! The parents know better than teachers, unless the parents are criminally abusing their children. Then the foster parents against know better than the teachers.

  6. Oxides says:

    #3 Death threats?
    You would really kill some underpaid public healthworker for something probably caused by a paperwork accident?

  7. Personality says:

    So now 5 years down the line, when the kid falls off a bike and breaks an arm, the parents can sue(sue again)! It was that damn h1n1 shot that mad ’em fall.

  8. iFasciststate says:

    And they want government to handle sick care? OMG you must be joking, they can’t even handle health care, that is when people are healthy, while they inject them with a witch doctor’s brew of mercury, viruses, bovine puss, and chemicals as some kind of ‘protection’.

    It’s fascism. Poor kids.

  9. dvdchris says:

    Other than having a nurse to handle injuries, government schools should have nothing to do with providing health care. They are a school.
    Where do they get the idea that their authority exceeds teaching?

  10. TJ says:

    Why does everyone keep talking about government medical care? I don’t really understand why you’re all so confused. The current debate is about a publicly funded medical INSURANCE and whether or not everyone should be covered automatically or required to carry INSURANCE. Those who have a stake in maintaining the status quo are conflating health care with health insurance in an effort to intentionally confuse the debate.

    If you want to know why this was blown up so big there are 3 reasons.

    1) Money. This virus is nearly 100% communicable because there is no known natural human immunity. The cost of having everyone in the country stay home from work could be devastating.

    2) Public safety. Because it’s so contagious many more people who are at risk, children and those with pre-existing medical conditions, could be exposed and die. This means that although the virus is not more dangerous to the average person than the seasonal flu, more people will die from it because more people will get it. Do you really think that it’s not worth vaccinating people if it will save lives? Would you still think this was a waste of money if you were going through chemo-therapy or had a child on dialysis?

    Private corporations were responsible for delivering the vaccines and they failed to deliver on time.

  11. chuck says:

    #3, #6 – no, no he’d shoot his kid. or maybe just cut off her arm.

  12. The0ne says:

    This whole flu thing is so f-up, sigh. Granted we have more dead cases than usual which should be alarming but the media has gotten way overboard with it.

    1. Vaccines are not readily available in certain areas/cities or what have you while Gauntanamo has it?

    2. You can get vaccines w/wo mercury in them. Small amount but come on, it can accumulate with mercury you already have.

    3. The “good” test costing hundreds of dollars if you want it done. The normal test isn’t accurate. WTF is this sht?

    4. Doctors wasn’t told all information regarding the swine flu til recently. Yea, good work here government/media/etc.

    5. Many Doctors still have no clue how to diagnose the flu because it is hard to tell from the regular flu and illnesses. Many of the diagnosis are really after a few days and one could already be near death! (blue lips, got well and got sick again, etc)

    Anyhow, I’m against it only because of limited testing. From my limited years doing medical research in my younger years, testing is a MUST not matter how confident you are about the base chemicals. There is a reason why the medical industry has such strict regulations/policies/rules/QA, and those reasons are very justified!

    This frenzy has got to stop. I’m surprise the public has risen up and started rioting.

  13. Improbus says:

    The only thing the government knows how to sell is fear of one sort or another. Terrorism is sort of played out so they are need something new like the flu.

    OMG! We are all going to die!


  14. some news guy says:

    So I’m in the media, albeit a small town paper. I’m apparently spreading panic and lies if I report that 70% of a particular class was out on a given day with flu symptoms? Jeebus, people.

    @#1 – sure, tons of people die each year due to the ‘normal’ flu. But it seems fairly obvious that this isn’t taking the normal course. It is hitting much earlier and symptoms appear much faster than the normal flu on average. According to the MDH presentation I attended, the whole idea of vaccinations, quarantines and isolating those who are sick is not to completely stop the flu but to slow the spread so medical facilities can keep up.

  15. Red Hats says:

    What a con job this swine flu business
    I have more chance of a drunken schmendrick hitting me on the road than swine flu
    A judgment call on if you need an injection not a wholesale for everyone and everybody event
    I wish I could talk girls one millionth so well

  16. Dr Dodd says:

    #15-some news guy-I’m in the media…I’m apparently spreading panic and lies..

    In the public’s defense, you should know that people no longer trust what the media reports.

    Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?

  17. The0ne says:

    I don’t think we’re saying all media/news. Just the main crappy ones (Fox, CNBC, CNN, etc.). This is a serious issue in some parts. If you’ve seen The Daily Show bit about the % numbers spewed out from these networks it is pretty sad and obvious that they are fear-mongering the public. You have cases starting from less than 10 count to I believe CNN, one of them, stating into the millions. Now that is BS reporting.

    Hell, here in San Diego a whole elementary school closed because the majority of the kids didn’t show up on Monday for class. Swine flu, probably not but sure is hell scary. Oddly enough I haven’t head/read anything about that lately 😮

  18. JimR says:

    Most of you have it back-asswards. It’s the health community (starting with WHO) that’s encouraging the media and your government to spread news that everyone should be immunized from H1N1. So the “ball” is dropped into the lap of our respective governments who in turn try and appease the retarded masses… “We want it now!” “We don’t want it at all!” “We’re all going to die from H1N1.” “It’s a government conspiracy to kill us all”

    No wonder the government is so f*cked up. It accurately reflects the sum intelligence of all of us. Bottom line… we are ALL, as a group, to blame…. but we can justifiably plead group insanity.

    When large groups of average public schmoes (here in Canada) showed up to get the shot… there wasn’t nearly enough to go around. Those who weren’t in
    the high risk group showed up to prove what selfish assholes people can be, while pregnant mothers standing in line for hours, went without.

    I guess the well conditioned government thought they could get away with promising enough for everyone, gambling that the normally apathetic public wouldn’t bother to show up. SURPRISE!!!

    NOW our minister of health is saying that in December and January there will be enough vaccine… you know… when the flu season is over… just be a patient.

    As for the blame game on who is at fault in this story…

    1) the nurse called for a student, doesn’t say a specific or general request

    2) Nikiyah’s teacher misunderstood something not explained in the article that led her to send Nikiyah’s for the shot.

    3) The Nurse didn’t check the list for Nikiyah’s name.

    Yep, definitely the fault of the news.

  19. JimR says:

    Red Hats, (sorry just picking an easy target… nothing personal)

    Would you wear a seat belt, if it weren’t legislated?
    Would you buckle your baby into a safety seat?
    Do you ever find a list of dangerous ingredients useful?
    There are thousands more of the same type of government (everyone) interventions that protect you and those you are responsible for.

    The chances of being a victim by not using those things is small, just as compared to dying from H1N1. The reason that everyone has to follow those rules is just common sense and for anyone who has to deal with, or is negatively affected by your negligence, if you chose not to be intelligent about such things.

    Risk comparisons are irrelevant when overall safety is so easily achieved.

  20. spsffan says:

    Geez! We’ve known about vaccines and how they work and the millions of lives they have saved over the past what? 100 years. Get a clue or go back to bloodletting and spells for medicine and let the rest of us make use of modern science.

    And we still have ignorant Fox News fed know-it-alls telling people lies.

    If I had children in school, I’d sue any school that didn’t insist that every child be vaccinated for endangering my child. While most people, including children just have a normal bout with the flu if they get it, this virus is killing children at a much, much higher rate than regular flu.

  21. Mr Diesel says:

    Take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D once a week and stop worrying about either flu and it’s a shitload safer than anything the doc is going to stick in your arm or up your nose.

  22. hhopper says:

    The H1N1 vaccine is produced in the identical manner as the normal flu shot… a bunch of hoopla about nothing.

  23. Aaron_W says:

    #21 why would it matter if other kids weren’t vaccinated since yours is? Or do you just want a quick lawsuit?

  24. ho booooo says:

    YOu want to know why the media is hyping it up…look up the name..

    THOMAS GLOCER…he is the director of Reuters and Dirctor of MERCK…

    any more questions..

  25. Sam says: king of misleading titles. Nobody cares about 3 kids accidentally getting a vaccine, but make it sound like a government conspiracy and the readers are hooked.

  26. deowll says:

    You expected everything to go perfectly? Seriously?


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