#144 No Agenda For Sunday November 1st 2009

Hemorrhagic Flu Outbreak!

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Chat Log From This Week’s Show

  1. Dallas says:

    I once had a lot of respect for Blair. He was articulate and made Bush sound like a total bozo (although Bozo would make Bush sound like a bozo).

    Somewhere along the way, Blair whacked out on me. I wonder what happened? I used to enjoy watching him take on the British Parliament on CSPAN and wondered what Bush would say under the same circumstances.

  2. soundwash says:


    On the Hemorrhagic thought..(haven’t listed to the cast yet) (will you please put a DL link on DU..)

    I have tracked several Hemorrhagic outbreaks in the congo and in south america (around/near paraguay, i think) since early june on the disaster map..) 6 popped up to date, always with 12 to 23 infected..

    (remember: solar minimum is when the highest mutations of all life occur on the planet)

    “A mysterious haemorrhagic disease suspected to be Ebola has killed at least 23 people and infected dozens more ”


  3. fhb says:

    Don’t look over here……nothin to see here.

  4. nolimit662 says:

    I am a total believer in this whole pandemic thing being created by someone as a biological weapon. Therefore my whole family is staying very clear of this supposed vaccine!! I am advocating everyone I come into contact with to also avoid this at all costs, as it may cost you your life. So far, almost everyone I talk to agrees with me!! GET THE WORD OUT!! This may become a scary time to be alive on this planet very very soon.

  5. mr. show says:

    The baby Taylor guitar has been out for years. They actually make great sounding guitars. It’s a shame they have to sign Taylor Swift as an endorser but if it gets more people interested in becoming musicians then so be it (kind of like those lame Twilight books are getting kids to read BOOKS [granted it ain’t Shakespeare but at least it’s a book and they might discover real literature when they mature]).

    And now back to real news… 🙂

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Now they want everyone (who isn’t Al Gore) to become vegans to save the planet from G.W. Why don’t they just come right out and say what they really want? To eliminate the US middle class entirely, to supposedly save the world. That way, there will just be the near starving lower class, and well fed upper class, living like kings (and eating meat). Well if they all turn into King Henry VIIIs, we’ll outlive them all.

  7. Dangerous Leftie says:

    Don’t know anything about metallurgy either, eh? Or structural engineering.

  8. B.Dog says:

    Yo Crackpot, don’t try the laser trick. The cops won’t like to have to explain to you that lasers are often mounted on guns for aiming purposes.


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