John Bolton in his heyday

For most people, the use of nuclear weapons is probably not even a matter for debate. But there’s another opinion. Its current champion, in the media at least, is John Bolton, George W. Bush’s former ambassador to the UN.

I would guess that, for most people, the use of nuclear weapons is not even a matter for debate. Indeed, since the last actively deployed nuclear weapon showed its true colours 64 years ago, even the most belligerent of world leaders have yielded to a saner instinct and kept their fingers off the button, to few complaints.

But there’s another opinion. Its current champion, in the media at least, is John Bolton, George W. Bush’s one-time pick as Ambassador to the United Nations. In a conference ironically entitled “Ensuring Peace”, Bolton argued that the only sure way to stopping a nuclear first strike is – to initiate a nuclear first strike.

“So we’re at a very unhappy point — a very unhappy point — where unless Israel is prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iran’s program, Iran will have nuclear weapons in the very near future.”

I would expect something a bit more intelligent from a former UN ambassador. I’m not posting this to bash Republicans, but does this guy still have influence over GOP foreign policy? He’s clearly barking.

  1. MikeN says:

    #11, Rafsanjani has said that an Israeli counterattack would only take out a small part of the Islamic world. Combine that with a president who believes in bringing about the return of the Mahdi. So is Iran considers itself as the Islamic Republic, and that the entire Muslim world is its domain, then an attack on Israel that wipes out Iran proper as well as Israel, is a big win for Iran, just like Grant’s attacks on Lee.

  2. soundwash says:

    Counter point.

    For what some may call twisted logic, -One finger pointing forward has three fingers pointing back.

    Seems to me, the obvious solution (and problem) is that Israel should be wiped off the map. -Not Iran.

    It is Israel, not Iran that is escalating this nuclear saber rattling to what seems to be an almost certain flash point.

    They have been are the root of many headaches.

    Seems to me, the “logic” is that just because they bore the brunt of Hitler’s death camps, they can never ever be seen to no wrong and are justified in destroying anyone that looks at them the wrong way.

    To add to that insult..

    Nobody seems to care that they have **never** been held to task or “inspected” as to the safety and security protocols of the supposed 200+ nuclear tipped weapons that everyone knows they have but are happy to allow them to “deny”

    -they are effectively completely exempt from ALL nuclear arms talks and treaties.

    -all because you’ll be fingered as an anti-semite,


    They are manipulative bastards just like any other and deserve no special treatment. (not to mention that they have us by the balls, in so many ways)

    Anyone remember what they schemed with the Suez incident? (and USS liberty?)

    you think that is not exactly what they are up to now?

    Last minor point, Iran has no “central bank” nor is it in “debt” -banksters hate that fact..and will manipulate the globe at any level to get their grip around irans neck and her resources..

    They have been the problem since they got statehood handed to them.

    -enough said.


  3. Animby says:

    # 31 Glenn E. said,”I wonder what Carbon Credit the US will have to pay for setting off a nuke?”

    No carbon released by a nuke. Hey, the huge dust cloud following a few A-bombs ought to relieve us from the danger of global warming for a while! I see a Nobel Prize in Environment for whoever finally orders the strike … er … experiment.

  4. Rick Cain says:

    Why do Republicans eat a large bowl of crazy every morning?

  5. deowll says:

    Even if I wanted a really big bang I’d go for a gas bomb or six. The lack of radiation would be less likely to upset the neighbors.

  6. deowll says:

    Um for the “other” dolts that didn’t actually read what he said before they posted after reading it I noted he said, ““So we’re at a very unhappy point — a very unhappy point — where unless Israel is prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iran’s program, Iran will have nuclear weapons in the very near future.”

    That is noting that Israel has a major problem with bunch of insane neighbors that are going to have nukes and have expressed the desire to terminate the Jews and may decide to take drastic steps in order to go on living.

    True we might have taken steps to prevent such an issue at one time but that time seems to have passed. The world was waiting on use to do it and we didn’t do it so now it’s up to the Jews to take care of it or die.

    Nothing to worry about unless you are a Jew or need oil from the middle east.

    Of course the UN and Obama will express outrage after one side or the other launches a strike of some sort.

  7. Phydeau says:

    The Iranians are not insane, much as you wingnuts would like to believe it. You’re the ones who are insane, clamoring to use nukes. Batshit crazy.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    It just came to me how so many of the right wing nuts approach this as if it was a video game. They aren’t lives they are discussing, they are just animations showing up as electrons. If you lose, so what. Just start a new game.

    The problem is that it isn’t a game.

    Kids today, same juvenile immaturity.


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