That’s how they’re going to shut it down:

The Pentagon will offer the H1N1 vaccination to detainees at the U.S. facility at Guantanamo Bay, officials there said Friday.

The Pentagon made the decision based on U.S. government assessments that people held in detention facilities are at high risk for the pandemic, said Maj. Diana R. Haynie, a spokeswoman for Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay, which is in charge of holding the suspected terrorists.

The vaccination is mandatory for all uniformed personnel, she said. The vaccinations will be voluntary for the detainees, who will be briefed on the virus and the vaccine prior to deciding whether to receive the latter.

Some of the detainees have already voluntarily taken the seasonal flu shot, Haynie said.

  1. chuck says:

    Yes, 2 shots to the back of the head!
    Gitmo closes before Christmas!

  2. oyvey says:

    So THEY get a choice and we don’t? This is priceless.

  3. Animby says:

    How would they become infected?

  4. chuck says:

    Just a thought: if all the uniformed personnel have taken the shot (and therefore will not get H1N1) – why should the detainees require any form of immunization? How are they going to catch H1N1 if no one has it?

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Continuing to prove filmmaker Moore’s point, that they detainees still get better health care options than the rest of the nation. Assuming that one considers access to the vaccine a “good thing”. I’m not sure I do.

    As in the past “vaccination is mandatory for all uniformed personnel”. And I wonder if bad reactions to it are being totally ignored and kept off the record, as with the earlier Swine Flu vaccine? I know for a FACT, they ignored my reaction to it. I received ZERO medical attention and administrative concern, for my evening of hell. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one to go thru that. But no records were kept, and no reports make about military personnel reacting badly to it. Not until the general public started to show problems, was the vaccine program halted. That was weeks after the entire military had been dosed.


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