IS the guy in the Zoot suit Obama?
Found by Dodd Vickers.
By John C Dvorak Sunday November 1, 2009
IS the guy in the Zoot suit Obama?
Found by Dodd Vickers.
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It’s a shame that things like this aren’t made anymore. It might be corny but it’s true.
And the Obama crack clearly shows that many are incapable of appreciating these values anymore. Rather childish actually, that crack.
Wow. Good find, John!
“Working together to produce an ever greater abundance of material and spiritual values for all. That is the secret of American prosperity.”
Um, it seems that is what the Dems want less of. Less materialism and less spiritual values. Less consumerism, less abundance, less prosperity, less wealth. Less of everything. Less of everything to the betterment of everyone. How does that make sense?
I find it very prophetic that the cartoon showed the big hand of government tossing the owner of “Joe Bob Manufacturing” factory out onto the street and renaming as “State Factory #29”.
In this scenario, I guess Obama is the snake oil salesman.
They seem to have left out the bit where Joe Doakes runs for congress and ships all the factory jobs off to China.
Well once you get past all the cornyness of the skit, theirs allot of truth their.
Sad fact though, if anyone tried to make a skit like that today, and air it on a major network, those in power would do everything to stop it.
When you get right down to it, most voters have already signed the contract.
that was the best argument against intellectual property ever made…
didn’t talk about how Joe Doakes and his tire & oil compadres used government to dismantle public transportation & create highways using public money to further their industry.
Funny for the first half I was sure the ISM was capitalism.
North America has become more like a communist block than a capitalist one over the years we all work harder for the betterment of the very few that are in charge and I am not talking about governments the vast majority of a companies earnings goes into the pockets of the smallest group at the top (not even the shareholders that are bankrolling these endeavours get much, dividend are few and far between) the corporate executive class is the new ruling class.
I agree republicanism, bush-ism and the relentless out-sourcing of manufacturing have destroyed much of our freedoms, jobs and prosperity.
All the Bush types po-pooed Ross Perot’s 1992 U.S. presidential campaign colorful phrase for the negative effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he opposed.
At the time Washington Post reported most economists are unhappy with the rare scapegoating of Nafta by some politicians.
Sad, but; I guess we deserve what we voted for.
“everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine” WOW….
art imitates life?
#2, I find it very prophetic that the cartoon showed the big hand of government tossing the owner of “Joe Bob Manufacturing” factory out onto the street and renaming as “State Factory #29″.
Me, too. How many CEOs and upper management types have “resigned” or been replaced since the takeover?
I don’t know if Perot would have made a good president. At the end of the day, it’s the executive branch vs. the legislative branch and they don’t always see eye to eye.
I would rather have had Perot in a position where he could have done more good. Chairman of the Federal Reserve, perhaps.
I think the “IS the guy in the Zoot suit Obama?”
Is crap…………………
Bush was selling and drinking it…
Hey I was just referring to his charming and broad smile!
Entertaining, but hardly accurate. Nothing is quite so black and white–economics and politics least of all.
I nominate tooki for the completely missing the point category!
that “everyone working together” almost never happens. The only exception that comes to mind is the mobilization for WW2. Lasted 4-5 years and took a “real” existential threat.
I think the clip is more harmful than helpful. “Give up your individual wants for mass conformity the goal of which will be decided by others.” is more like it, but so garbled and self-contradictory, its hard to say, or contra==anything can be said and thought about it.
No one else noticed that in the classroom at 1:03, the flag was hung incorrectly? >:(
When was the last time the country had to deal with a labor strike? Other than teachers, who still goes out on strike?
Not the coal miners, not the steel workers, not the textile workers, not the railroad workers, not the auto workers.
The entertainment writers went on strike recently, but who else has the balls to even talk about a strike?
BTW loved the John Q. Public reference.
(Is JCD playing John Q. Public?)
Joe creates and markets his idea without being terrorized by patent trolls …
Capital raised from the savings of Americans … not Chinese or venture capitalists …
Hiring unemployed Americans and training them, instead of manufacturing offshore …
Focus on education rather than on staffing the “service” industries with bottom floor wages …
Supporting unions rather than busting them …
Pointing out how when someone pits one of us against another through class warfare, race hatred, religious intolerance, is trying to destroy us (America) …
Working *together* to produce greater material and spiritual benefit = the secret to American prosperity …
Sounds like the progressive agenda to me.
Spin away, trolls!!
“Hey I was just referring to his charming and broad smile!”
Well, he was clean and articulate.
“preaches disunity pit one of us against the other through class warfare race hatred or religious intolerance”
that sounds more like Fox/Rush/Palin than Obama to me
face it the country would be in pretty much the same place with John McCain as the decider but the rest of the world would still hate us and MSNBC’s ratings would rise with FOX’s falling.
Of course this was propaganda even then. A slam against the made-up ISM of that era, communism.
There never has been and there never will be a communist ruled nation.
To apply it to our time is even more foolish than it was in 48.
I don’t think people seem to realise that in the USA you wake up in the morning at the correct time due to a Government agency that sets what the time REALLY is. You take a shower (hopefully) in water treated by a Government agency. You then eat a breakfast with food approved by a Government agency. You then get into your vehicles or public transport made of machines approved by a Government agency. You then ride down by roads built under specifications of a Government agency. You work in some job that must abide by standards of hourage, wage & safety by Government agencies. Even if you are the boss of that job. You then go home on that same Government agency approved road in that Government agency approved vehicle to a dinner of Government agency approved food and watch some Government agency approved transmission of information or entertainment. And most likely go to sleep on a BED that went through approval for standards of fire safety as mandated by a Government agency.
Now how many here still want government out of your roads, water, food, building codes, phones, TVs, internet and safety? Or is that WHAT you pay for in your taxes?
Well if you want NO government interference, then you had better learn how to make all your clothes and items and grow all your own food and secure your own home and water. Cos the cops and fire departments are Government agencies too.
The left is not the solution.
The right is not the solution.
Moderation is all things is the solution.
Wake up people. Dreaming is for the sleepy.
I thought U.S. propaganda was more subtle than this. Whatever you think of our system, you must admit that the term for this sort of salesmanship of the system is the very definition of propaganda.
/ˌprɒpəˈgændə/ [prop-uh-gan-duh]
1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.
4. Roman Catholic Church.
a. a committee of cardinals, established in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV, having supervision over foreign missions and the training of priests for these missions.
b. a school (College of Propaganda) established by Pope Urban VIII for the education of priests for foreign missions.
5. Archaic. an organization or movement for the spreading of propaganda.
I’m surprised only Cursor_ commented on that issue.
I thought U.S. propaganda was more subtle than this. Whatever you think of our system, you must admit that the term for this sort of salesmanship of the system is the very definition of propaganda.
/ˌprɒpəˈgændə/ [prop-uh-gan-duh]
1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.
4. Roman Catholic Church.
a. a committee of cardinals, established in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV, having supervision over foreign missions and the training of priests for these missions.
b. a school (College of Propaganda) established by Pope Urban VIII for the education of priests for foreign missions.
5. Archaic. an organization or movement for the spreading of propaganda.
I’m surprised only Cursor_ commented on that issue.
That little man in the vid telling off three cops on the steps of his home is a pretty dead freedom as well. There are many here who would argue that cops can do pretty much F*cking anything they like to whoever they want for whatever reason they decide on.
Wow!!! That cartoon was a real load!!!
John C. will soon be out of the closet, the racist b*atard.
1948 was a very different time for the world. The US had the only manufacturing capabilities in the world. World War II gave us that. No longer did Germany, Japan, France, the UK and China have manufacturing capabilities.
Compare that to now…we have almost none. Can we say the same thing now that we are the brink of 3rd world status?
One thing was true then and isn’t now. We weren’t fighting each other. We were all on the same team.
#33 OK Dvorak may be a lot of things but explain WHY you think he’s a “racist”. Where’s your proof or are you playing the race card like a troll?
Too often the intellectually lazy love to use that label because they’re incapable of arguing a point reasonably.
So he equates Obama to a slick peddler of tonic to cure all of your ills. OH NOES. Obama’s a slick politican…yah that’s racist. What a dumbass you are.
Bring proof or STFU.
#34 Pedro.
Please instruct the class, good Sir, to which nation(s) became a classless, stateless society based on a small centralised government that gave up its power to common ownership?
We will all be waiting for the answer.