Found by QB.

  1. Thinker says:

    OMH! Thats a one man symphony. Tre cool!


  2. honeyman says:

    Pretty cool. I’ll never mock the accordion again.

  3. Poppa Boner says:

    I don’t see this guy getting laid anytime soon.

  4. ijsbrand says:

    I don’t see this guy getting laid anytime soon.

    I see you don’t know what difference it makes to have a good finger technique.

  5. sargasso says:

    #4. yes, why should only drummers get laid.

  6. right says:

    That was fantastic.

  7. Bill says:


    This is a great example of what can happen when you DON’T give your kid an XBOX!
    An awesome example of what humans are capable of.

  8. lemonademaker says:


    ya think he gets the Prom Queen?

  9. qb says:

    People doing off beat things insanely well just make my day.

  10. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I definitely march to the beat of a different accordion player.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Now, that’s shredding! \m/

  12. Dennisen says:


    isn’t that an opening for a piano roll just to the right of the keyboard?


  13. charliehorse43 says:


  14. Thinker says:

    #3 You’re kidding right?? 🙂 This kid played the symphony very very well and with passion… You may not be going after the same girls, but his performance is at least as good as a letter perfect Stairway to Heaven if not more. 🙂

    I’ll never mock the accordian again either. 🙂

  15. I don’t consider that device an “accordion” by any measure.

  16. Bud says:

    That was excellent. Was that a special type of accordion? I noticed that the key board(?) was all buttons. I thought they had keys like a piano?

  17. nunyac says:

    More info @

    What a performance. By the way, could it be that John took accordian lessons as a child -??

  18. bobbo, any study of the accordion will show says:

    I was at an after dinner show at a big hotel in Honolulu and the attraction was a single accordion player. He played a few selections and then asked for suggestions. As the room was quiet, I yelled out “In a godda da Vida” and the guy played a version in line with this guy==sounded like 4-5 people and really allowed the guy to show his chops.

    Makes me wonder what an electronically enhanced accordion could do though. Something great.

  19. pcsmith says:

    Joan from Madmen plays the accordion. She quite the squeezebox.

  20. Bastian says:

    Awesome! Maybe I could book him for my wedding!

  21. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    You know he has groupies. But he stays with his “Main Squeeze”.

  22. Mr Diesel says:

    Until you have sat in a room with a world class accordion player and listened to them play don’t make fun of them.

    My ex-neighbors husband could play it like I never knew they could be played one night after I had dinner at their house.


  23. Dulay Loplimoglu says:

    UMM… Everyone here knows that was an “air accordian” performance, right? I’m not sure what’s funnier, the vid or that folks in a forum like this are, um, I don’t know what to say. LOL. :-0

    • TiKi says:

      HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!! Good eye sir!!
      Funky accordion too…All buttons.
      Me thinks he’s pushing our buttons.

  24. Dallas says:

    Fantastic. I’m surprised how good that was!

  25. deowll says:

    Not cajun, not polka but very very good.


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