Yesterday version 1.6 of the Thesis Theme for Wordpress launched. It is in my opinion the best theme out there, and it is used by the biggest bloggers such as Scoble, Copyblogger, Matt Cutts and Danny Sullivan.

It is really easy to create your own personalized design with Thesis, plus it’s got killer SEO built it.

The stuff that’s new in version 1.6 is that now you can change colors throughout the theme without messing up with code, and the navigation menus within Thesis are better.

The Thesis Theme is going for U$87, and if you buy it using our link, all the affiliate proceeds goes to the No Agenda Armory.

  1. Zybch says:

    Theres no such thing as “killer SEO”, just “bullcrap ways to try and trick google into listing your worthless junk”.

  2. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #1, yes there is – it’s writing good code.

  3. Zybch says:

    Writing code thats clean and efficiant is NOT what SEO is about. SEO is about manipulating in order to get hits that the content doesn’t really deserve.

  4. StoopidFlanders says:

    Sorry dude, this is a weak submission. I can’t find any way to tie this to my hatred of liberals.

    [You’ve had a hard days trolling, SF. Maybe you should go lie down 🙂 – ed.]

  5. Badcam says:

    Wot? No SquareSpace Luv?

  6. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #3, you are incorrect.

    #5, Squarespace is a great platform, but this is for people who are using WordPress.

  7. Nick the Rat says:

    This looks like a waste of 90$ to me.
    SEO = keywords in titles and the number of times your page is linked to i thought… mainly.
    Everything else this theme does can be done through plugins and css editing… all for free!

    Squarespace is cool, but wordpress has a larger library, it was around longer and its free.


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