White House officials announced Friday that they had counted exactly how many jobs were created or saved by recent stimulus spending: 640,329.

So how many were saved and how many created? They don’t know. They said they also can’t tell the difference between private sector jobs and government jobs.

And they said that they had found and corrected significant errors in the data submitted in 57,000 separate reports to the federal government by Recovery Act funding recipients.

The only number that we can actually count: about 6 million jobs lost since September 08.

  1. Hmeyers says:

    They have a statistic like the average American owes $39.000 due to the federal debt.

    A better statistic would be federal debt/employed people = $13,000,000,000,000 divided by 162,000,000 employed = $80,247 debt per employed worker.

    How’s it feel having a tax debt of $80,247 hanging over your head as a worker?

  2. Hmeyers says:

    And paying for the federal government to be hyper-inefficient with an average salary of $79,000 per federal worker.

    If federal employees didn’t make so much, if there weren’t so damn many of them (1.8 million) and receive so little results for such a high price we could easily pay for national healthcare and laugh to the bank.

    National healthcare is a benign goal, like vaccination, but the federal government is like a gravity well that sucks in a trillion dollars and blows it without having a damn thing to show for it.

  3. ECA says:

    I need to add something here..
    There are SEASONS in business..
    Farming has its seasons. JUST ended with harvest so we DUMP allot of people.
    Business HAS its seasons. ITS CALLED XMAS..from September to Jan/feb you ADD extra people. AFTER that they are FIRED/lay’d off.
    So, you REALLy cant get an estimate except between Feb-march. After March, Planting season, then a LULL til about MAY, and then another LOW point, until september, Harvest and XMAS season.

  4. jescott418 says:

    What about the part time people fired, ineligible for unemployment? How about people who’s benefits have run out. What about self employed who lost jobs and business who would be uncounted in unemployment figures. This is why those so called jobs saved and/or created mean so little. Its like using a sponge to clean up a flood.

  5. JimR says:

    It’s time for a nation-wide general strike.

    As of now, I’m on strike.

  6. SparkyOne says:

    I had a shovel ready job all lined-up, but the neighbor’s cat crapped in his yard instead of mine today.

    They can’t tell you where the flu vaccine went and they can’t tell you what bank got how much and they can’t tell you where the trillions of dollars went and they can’t tell you long term effects of homeless generation being raised today and they can’t tell you what the real impact of crap and trade will be and they can’t tell you why human papilloma virus or males is a good thing and they can’t tell you about requiring health insurance, face it, if this administration speaks, it is in error or a calculated lie.

  7. JimR says:

    A general strike is the only thing that will make them listen.

    Everybody… on three… 1…. 2….. 3….

  8. StoopidFlanders says:

    What is this strike nonsense? If you really wanted to show the government how fed up you are, then stop paying taxes.

  9. Grandpa says:

    Hell, they don’t even know how many illegals are taking those jobs.

    Why would they know job data when Bush & Co. were fixing the numbers for years.

    Do you know they(Republicans) reclassified people who cook hamburgers in restaurants as manufacturing to hide the manufacturing job losses from us. Why would any patriotic American hide job loss data from American citizens? No matter what their hidden agenda is, they are traitors that violated their oath of office. They support trade laws that hurt US!

  10. TooManyPuppies says:

    Speaking against Dear Leader? Consider yourself reported and on Dear Leader’s re-education list!

  11. LibertyLover says:

    They said they also can’t tell the difference between private sector jobs and government jobs.

    WHAT?!?! What a load of BS.

    And they want responsibility for my appendix?

    What a load of BS.

  12. Ranger007 says:

    #10 Grandpa said “Do you know they(Republicans) reclassified people who cook hamburgers in restaurants as manufacturing to hide the manufacturing job losses from us”

    I didn’t like the Republicans either but………hello!!!!! The Democrats control it all now.

    Welcome to the change.

  13. Bob says:

    #10, damn Bush, he should be voted out of office. I mean if the democrats were in charge, we would all be running around with supermodels, spraying rainbows out of our collective asses. But no, since Bush is in charge….

    Wait, Bush isn’t in charge any more? But congress is controlled by republicans right? No?

    Damn. And I really wanted my supermodel.

  14. Animby says:

    Gramps #10 – Time for a visit to the nice people at the Soylent Green center…

  15. StoopidFlanders says:

    15. Right. Just after a visit with the nice people on the government health care death panel. After all, grandpa’s nutrients could be used to feed an illegal immigrant minority that Obama deems more worthy of those precious resources.

  16. deowll says:

    “The only number that we can actually count: about 6 million jobs lost since September 08.”

    I think we are rapidly approaching the point that we can’t cover what we’ve spent without a great depression which means all entitlements and social safety nets just got scraped.

    Any effort to hang on to them after that point will only make the landing harder and yeah I expect to go splat.

    Anyone for a trillion dollar bill? No point in making a coin with that kind of inflation. It would last to long.

  17. ECA says:

    They can TAX us from Birth to death, and beyond if you want to count it.
    They can SPEND those monies on things that shouldnt be counted.
    We get PAID and might as will give them the MONEY, as we wont have much AFTER its been counted.
    SAVINGs they say will help us in the future. But whats left to be counted.
    30% here, 10% there, another 3%, 1%, 2%, and keep counting.
    They’ve got all our money and could make us all rich, IF we could get a chance to Count it.
    Counting 1- 1million on paper would take you 3 years and counting 1- 1billion will take you 3000 more, so get acount’en.
    they GOT your money without asking, a penny here, and Quarter there AND ALL YOU had WAS A dollar to start with.


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