
Just to be clear, he does believe in global warming, but thinks that the Cap and Trade legislation will destroy the US economy.

He added, “If the US passed a cap and trade and other countries did not, it wouldn’t work. It would ruin the US economy and it wouldn’t save the climate either. So this is a global issue, the global climate statistics are global in nature, global carbon emissions are global in nature, and we really have to have an international consensus of what to do. That is going to stretch our international diplomacy to its limit, there’s no doubt about that.”

  1. Hmeyers says:


    In summary, the US has one of the highest birthrates in the West (Israel surpasses the USA, Sweden is very close) because of the low population density which makes the USA trail in effective education level.

    And education level is factor #1 in birthrate.

    Game. Set. Match.

  2. HMeyers,

    Actually, I hate high population, not high population density. People should live stacked on top of each other. It’s more cost effective and less damaging on the land. We can’t support billions of humans no matter what we do. But, we can support a hell of a lot more by stacking people on top of each other.

    We also trail other countries in education because we have no national standards for education.

    Further, a lot of people even in NYC do not have the education level of the average European. So, not just density, but standards. And, a standard level of spending per child nationally wouldn’t be bad either. Are only children of wealthy families worthy of a proper education? Certainly only children in relatively well off areas are getting adequate spending on education. The results are obvious.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    #32, We also trail other countries in education because we have no national standards for education.

    Luckily, the federal gov doesn’t have the authority to do that as per the 10th Amendment.

    As more people are realizing, the fed gov is taking way to much liberty with OUR liberties.

    We are a Republic, not a democracy, not a technocracy, not bureau. The rules for governing this Republic are spelled out in the Constitution.

    If you are that concerned with public education standards, you should look at your state, not mine.

    Are only children of wealthy families worthy of a proper education? Certainly only children in relatively well off areas are getting adequate spending on education.

    Vouchers. Instead of creating another fed gov bureaucracy, just give parents a choice instead of mandate. When low performing public schools find their students disappearing, they will have to compete by actually producing something — like qualified graduates.

  4. Buzz says:

    Erm… What part of “If… Then…” did you intentionally misplace so you could write that headline?

  5. #34 – LL,

    C’mon, you can’t really be so much for strong government that you think that education should be completely privatized, can you? Who will decide the curriculum? Will you be looking forward to a future like that described in the movie Idiocracy where law degrees are given out at costco?

    Vouchers are the surest way to guarantee that public education will go out of business … to be replaced mostly by religious indoctrination. That won’t be good for anyone.

  6. #36 – Me (correction)

    Oops, I meant small government, not strong government.

  7. peter dublin says:

    Yes there are many reasons why cap and trade are wrong,
    whether or not you believe that emissions should be lowered

    Emission Trading (Cap and Trade)
    Basic Idea — Offsets — Tree Planting — Manufacture Shift — Fair Trade — Surreal Market — Allowances: Auctions + Hand-Outs — Allowance Trading — Companies: Business Stability + Cost — In Conclusion

    As it happens,
    if there is to be an emission policy,
    Electricity and Transport sectors alone (80% of emissions) are sufficient to meet emission reduction targets,
    with measures advantageous in themselves (including energy renewability, and that emissions contain much else, whatever about CO2),
    long term funded for reduced consumer price impact,
    without efficiency regulation, industrial carbon taxes or cap and trade schemes

  8. LibertyLover says:

    #36, Actually, I am. I would not send my kid to a school that wouldn’t prepare him for a successful future.

    And I don’t know any parents who would.

    How many do you know who would send their kid to a school that taught underwater basket weaving vs. electronics repair or chemistry or computer science?

    Vouchers are the surest way to guarantee that public education will go out of business

    Public education isn’t a business. If it was, we would be better off (assuming it wasn’t regulated to death).

    I keep hearing from you guys how a public health option would be no worse than the current private solution. How much worse could a private education solution be? Let’s try it out. If it doesn’t work, the public schools will thrive.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    All cap and trade will do is move pollution to poor neighborhoods. That’s the whole point anyway, rich people don’t want smokestacks visible from their private compounds.


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