Walmart Shopping List
1. Socks
2. Paper towels
3. Batteries
4. Casket
5. Toothpaste
Although I intend to be cremated, at the low price Walmart’s charging, were I looking for an interesting coffee table…
There are other models available, too.
Not content to put the mom and pop stores out of business, the Bentonville, Ark., behemoth now wants to bury funeral homes. This is not some kind of zany Halloween marketing hoax — at least that we know of. Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, is now selling … discount coffins. In the “For the Home” (?) area on the Wal-Mart website, feast your eyes on its entire line of inexpensive caskets and even urns, for all of your bereavement needs.
The prices of the Wal-Mart caskets are to die for. All but one of the coffins sells for under $2,000. The deluxe Sienna Bronze model sells for a still bargain-basement — in casket terms — price of $2,899. One of the least expensive model is the still lovely Lady de Guadalupe Steel Casket (see above) at $895. Another design sports a carving of “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci.
It won’t catch on until Wal-Mart starts selling NASCAR coffins.
I told my local funeral home director that they could put the remains in a body bag and bury it at my marker. I wasn’t planning on showing up for the funeral ceremony and if others wanted to put on a show it was up to them.
Dig it- as an employee I would get a 10% discount! I’m not sure how to feel about that…
What I find really disturbing is the financing: up to a year to pay for it; even a “Buy now and pay nothing for up to 6 months”.
I think getting the money up front might be more important; our economy is in enough trouble. All we need is to run up more loans that can’t be repaid, due to the payer BEING DEAD AND ALL!
One assumes there is a LayAway plan.
They are dirt cheap though.
One has a review posted. The Internet really IS everywhere!
We should stop joking, this is a grave issue.
They have funeral Urns too; I believe by Rubbermaid.
Do they come assembled?
They are going to do headstones next, like t-shirts with slogans: “I don’t have a dying problem! I die, I fall down – no problem!”