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Little Bo Peep would make the cut at the Halloween parade at Riverside Drive Elementary School here on Friday, but the staff she used to menace her sheep would probably have to go.
In a school district in Illinois, students are being encouraged to dress up as historical characters or delicious food items rather than vampires or zombies.
A memo about costume appropriateness sent home recently by Riverside Drive’s principal made the following points:
-They should not depict gangs or horror characters, or be scary.
-Masks are allowed only during the parade.
-Costumes may not demean any race, religion, nationality, handicapped condition or gender.
-No fake fingernails.
-No weapons, even fake ones.
“This is about staying true to our vision and values, and developmentally appropriate practice, not about being politically correct,” Ms. Farrington said, citing her own memo on the topic some years ago. “We’re about honoring and promoting diversity, not feeding children images of stereotypes.”
No vampires (anti-people with Porphyria), ghosts (scary & makes fun of the dead), witches (anti-Wiccan) and on and on. Is a Glenn Beck crying mask too scary?
And then there are the extremists who either just hate Halloween or think Halloween candy was prayed over by witches.
Speaking of costumes, Elisabeth Hasselbeck will only be wearing clothes that won’t get her pregnant.
So you go as my sheep.
I’ll go as Big Bo Peep.
You’ll have a fleece;
I’ll be a gangsta with a cod-piece.
Is dressing up as Bin Laden is out of the question?
I suppose wearing a Pelosi mask might make the cut. Or is that too scary?
Dressing up as historical figures will probably violate the racism guidelines. I’m Sequouia.
I don’t think little kids should be allowed to dress up as mass murderers with guns, knives, masks, any of that stuff. And I don’t think little girls should be able to dress up as “sexy” anything. Call me old-fashioned.
#5 Dressing up as historical figures will probably violate the racism guidelines. I’m Sequouia.
I think dressing up as a huge tree would be OK… 😉
#3 So Pedro, did you approve of the Madonna concert? Seems the loonies got their panties in a wad on that.
For the last 3+ years my kids haven’t been allowed to go to school in costume at all. They are having halloween parties today, but no costumes.
Instead of celebrating Halloween, my friends and I celebrate Reformation Day.
I guess my historical figure costume would be demeaning to Catholics because I would dress like Martin Luther and carry a hammer, nails, and 95 thesises. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be required to purchase indulgences to be forgiven for sins.”
Is a hammer considered a weapon or would that be the 95 thesises because the pen is mightier than the sword.
Has anyone else noticed that a certain ethnic group never bothers to wear a costume or mask when they trick or treat? What’s up with that?
Perhaps the kids should throw a wrench at the monkey and come to school dressed as zombies on days other than Halloween.
I think the point should be: WHY would a kid want to go to a school function for Halloween? When I was younger we were scared by the older kids (who would also steal our candy) and would spend the entire night trying to get back at them (great fun). We also enjoyed the “trick” part of the day, which now seems to have been forgotten.
Of course, our parents didn’t follow us around while we trick-or-treated either, so maybe a school function is preferable.
#13 Some people say kids already do that! (ba-dum bump) Thankyew thanyew I’ll be here all week, try the veal and don’t forget to tip your waitress.
#9 pedro FTW
So, could the kiddies dress up like this guy on the left?
I wonder if a kid has ever tried to do a Hugh Hefner costume.
I did receive a memo similar to that from my child’s school as well, in fact it also seems like they ask us to make sure of the same exact thing. My daughter was a little mad, she want to go as a scary character this year, so we had to compromise and she ended up being a Gothic vampire, but didn’t do the makeup or the teeth thing until after school. With the costume before all the makeup and extra’s she kind of looked like a princess from the mid evil times – So it worked out perfectly, but then again, come on, let the kids have a little fun it’s Halloween – We never heard that kind of crap when we were young—-I think people are starting to try and put their hands and beliefs into to many things today —-Back off!!